He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1802 Conquer, the main force of the king of heaven!

"Flame Roar."


The high-intensity firepower output lasted for several minutes, even the platypus and the flame monkey couldn't stand it, and they stood at the two ends of the arena, panting continuously.

However, the situation is completely evenly matched, which proves that the Flame Monkey, which is in a state of fierce fire at this moment, is no longer lost to the main force of a heavenly king!

Daye was also exhausted by the battle that had not been won for a long time, and finally lost his patience, and finally shouted:

"Hmph! Let's decide the winner at once! The platypus, use the overheating trick!!"

The platypus stepped on the ground with both feet, and raised the barrels of both arms at the same time, aiming straight at the target.

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, two beams of golden flame shock waves blasted out of the cannon barrel. The color was like the sun's rays, and it seemed that even steel could completely melt.

The two beams of flames were spirally entangled together, and their power suddenly increased by a notch!

overheat! !

Facing the terrifying overheating move, Xiaozhi also shrank his pupils and held his breath.

If you continue to fight, the flame monkey may have to withdraw from the raging state.

The flames gushing above his head began to shake, as if they were about to go out at any moment.

Is it a full blow? It's just right!

"Flame Monkey, don't lose to it, use Flame Charge!!"

Xiaozhi also roared loudly.

"Cracking Roar!!"

The flame monkey beat his chest several times as if venting, and then waved one hand forward.

Boom Chi Chi!

In an instant, a burst of violent flames appeared all over his body with a wave of his hand, enveloping himself.

After turning into a ball of red fire, the flame monkey stomped on the ground and rushed out!

Even in the middle of the journey, the flame seemed to burn to the extreme, turning into a faint blue!

With the blessing of the fierce fire feature, the scale of the flames exploded even more during the sprint, forming a huge blue fireball with terrifying momentum, and the surrounding air seemed to be completely burned.

Flash Charge! !

Two big fire-attribute moves collided head-on in the center of the arena!

There was a stalemate at first, and then the flames on the flaming monkey's body began to churn and spout, tearing apart the golden flames in front of it, and constantly sprinting forward.

"Flame Roar!!"

The platypus is constantly increasing the output of its arm firepower.

The terrible overheating temperature made the muzzle of the platypus's gun seem to be unbearable, and its arm turned dark red, vibrating continuously as if overclocked, and it seemed to explode at any time.

In the end, under the vigorous leap of the flame monkey, Flame Charge finally rushed to the front of the platypus, and slammed into it brazenly!

Boom boom boom! !

In an instant, an unprecedented violent flame explosion erupted at the collision point, and huge flames and thick smoke rose from the spot.

The energy wave that was set off forced Xiaoguang and the others to take a few steps back.

On the other hand, Daye and Xiaozhi, who were at both ends of the arena, put one hand on their foreheads, while watching closely the explosion smoke that was entwined with red and blue flame light clusters.

In the end, the energy explosion was completely swallowed by the blue flame.


Among them, a low growl of the flame monkey could be heard, and the whole body turned into a ball of blue light, which suddenly penetrated from the body of the platypus.

When the smoke and dust settled down, the flame monkey and the platypus were standing back to back, and the arena became silent.

Both of them had firm eyes, and their bodies were burning with substantive flames.


At this time, a burst of electric arc suddenly appeared all over the flame monkey's body. This was the anti-injury damage of Flame Charge.


But at the next moment, the platypus suddenly let out a muffled groan.

As soon as it closed its eyes, its huge figure fell down with a bang.

But the flame monkey's half-fallen body, with one hand supporting the ground, slowly stood up again.

"The winner has been decided, the platypus has lost its ability to fight, so this match is won by the flame monkey!!"

Seeing this, Xiao Gang finally breathed a sigh of relief, and issued a high-pitched verdict.

Unexpectedly, he actually won!

You must know that Flame Monkey has joined the team for less than half a year, but Daye is absolutely the real king of heaven, and even this battle is going all out, without a trace of water.

"Win, flame monkey!!"

Xiaozhi's tight strings could be completely loosened, and he quickly ran onto the field and hugged the flame monkey's body.

At this moment, it has just exited the raging fire state, and the surface of the flame monkey's body is very hot, as if holding a piece of hot iron.

It is not difficult for Xiaozhi to defeat the king of the alliance with the old hot Pokémon.

But now with a new companion, defeating an alliance king head-on, this is a new record!

Now that the king of heaven can be defeated, maybe the new partner in the future can even win the league championship in the quarter!

"You did a great job, platypus"

Seeing that his general was defeated, Daye regained his composure, and could only helplessly rub his explosive head, and took the platypus back.

"Come on, we both lost."

Looking at his best friend who came up, Daye smiled wryly.

It seems that it is not just the electric times that need to restore their former strength

I also face a monster opponent who is younger than me but surpasses me in strength, so I can't relax for a moment!

The Terra Turtle and Flame Monkey in front of him were obviously not Xiaozhi's ace team, but they had already made him very embarrassed.

"Xiaozhi from the new town."

Daye read it silently in his heart, intending to keep this name firmly in his heart.

This guy suddenly dispatched all trump cards, how much chance does he have of winning?

Now he knows why Miss Zhulan flatters Xiaozhi so much

The doubles match is over.


"No, this is the proof of defeating Binhai Gymnasium."

Dianci had already brought in a basket of badges at the door, picked out two of them, and handed them to Xiaoguang and Xiaozhi respectively.

Badges are still badges, what is missing is his data input in the backstage of the gymnasium, the badges in this box are indeed genuine.

Although among the two, only Xiao Guang came to challenge the gym.

But strictly speaking, both of them defeated themselves.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Denji!"

The badge obtained after a fierce battle, Xiao Guang immediately cheered as if he had found a treasure.

Now, she has completely collected all eight badges!

There are no other tasks in the next time, just go all out for special training and face the alliance conference!


Xiaozhi next to him was also looking at the badge in his hand, with a very strange expression on his face.

Although at the beginning, he did not report to collect gymnasium badges and challenge the purpose of the alliance conference

But before I knew it, the badges seemed to be collected too?

That being the case, let's just call the Alliance Conference together!

Thinking about it carefully, this time the alliance meeting has a senior master like Shinji, and that unfathomable trainer with a nightmare god, it is not a loss to participate.

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