He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1819 Another Xie Mi!

Immediately, Xiaozhi took out some exquisite Pokémon food from his bag, and pushed them in front of Xie Mi.

These are Xiaogang's special products, full of flavor and nutrition.

"Hey, hey!!"

The wild Shamy became more courageous, took the food and started to eat it.

This gave Xiaozhi the opportunity to take a closer look at the grass hedgehog.

The petal decorations on both sides of the head are very similar to Gracidia flowers. The small black nose is slightly arched, and it trembles when eating, and some seeds are sprinkled on the back of the green grass.

"Hello, I'm Xiaozhi~!"

After seeing Xie Mi eat the perfect food, Xiaozhi sat cross-legged opposite him and extended his palm to him.

"Xie Mi~!"

After Xie Mi hesitated for a while, he quickly showed a joyful expression, and also raised a short hand to touch Xiao Zhi's palm.

Although it is a fantasy Pokémon, its appearance does not seem to be much different from ordinary Pokémon.

Even the standard telepathy ability can't be used, only a crisp cry can be made.

"It is estimated that the specificity is inversely proportional to the quantity?"

Xiaozhi gently picked up Xie Mi, put it on his lap, and muttered inwardly.

After all, like other Eudemons, such as Mengmeng, Shirabi, Kiraqi, and Manafei, they are all uniquely endowed, each with special abilities, and the number is extremely rare.

It may even be the only one!

"Xie Mi~!"

When being teased by Xiao Zhi, Xie Mi pointed to a Gracidia flower next to it, indicating that it was its goal.

"Sure enough, do you have to wait until the flowers mature?"

According to Miss Caizhong, Xie Mi needs to use the pollen of the Gracidia flower to complete the transformation of the sky shape

Xiaozhi didn't believe in evil, so he picked a Gracidia flower casually, and then forcibly opened the half-closed flower bag.

Then he shook Xie Mi's body, trying to see if he could shake out some pollen.


Xie Mi looked at Xiao Zhi with a puzzled expression, not understanding what the latter was doing.

The sperm are not mature yet, you just want it to work?

Unable to use the pollen forcibly, Xiao Zhi simply targeted Xie Mi in front of him.

Well, it should be wild.

Staying here for the past few days, to improve the goodwill with Xie Mi first, and then ask the latter to reverse the world to disinfect and sterilize, it should be a matter of course.


However, when Xie Mi was playing with everyone, the cry of Muke Eagle suddenly came from the air.

"What's the matter, Mickhawk?"

Xiaozhi looked up, but saw the Muke Eagle kept flapping its wings, with a serious expression, as if it had discovered something.

"By the way, there are also those two weird gatekeepers before."

Xiaozhi realized later, and then realized that there should be some problem on this small island.

The place where he is now is the west side of the island. The center of the island is slightly arched, but it is hard to see what is happening on the east side.

"Anyway, let's go over there first."

Xiaozhi held Xie Mi in one hand, took Pikachu and Latias with him, and walked quickly towards the east.

After a while, Xiaozhi came to the back of a hidden reverse slope. He poked his head out carefully and looked forward.

When they approached, they heard movement, and it seemed that there were some human beings moving.

When I looked closely, I saw several people in black clothes and hats scattered in the flower garden field, bending down to look for something.

Their movements were rough, tearing open the flowers above them ruthlessly, searching for things at the bottom.

"It's such a troublesome plant, Kouduhua, use Iai Slash!"

"You too, long nose leaves, use Iai Slash to clean up all these things!"

Bending over so that their waists ached and their backs ached, these men in black simply commanded their Pokémon.

Hugh whoosh!

Hugh whoosh!

Under several sharp slashes from the sickle weasel, the lush plants were cut off in the middle, and the altitude was lowered, exposing the muddy ground at the bottom.

Just a few rounds of juhe slashes directly cut out an open space of tens of meters.

"Damn, these guys!"

Xiaozhi frowned. When he was looking for Xie Mi before, he carefully avoided the roots of these plants, and looked for them one by one.

After widening their field of vision, these black-clothed men grinned in satisfaction and looked around.

Among the wild Pokémon hiding on the ground at the root, most of them were the Yuan mage group. They were all trembling with fear from this violent act, but they were kicked away mercilessly by these people.

"What the hell, why are there so many Master Yuan!"

"What an unlucky Pokémon!"

"Hey! Look here, I found one!"

Just as Xiaozhi was about to step forward to stop him, he suddenly heard a man screaming in surprise, but he suppressed his impulse forcefully, wanting to see what this group of people were going to do.

However, under the neat cut of a plant, there was a shivering grass hedgehog curled up like a ball of green fur.

Another Shemi!

"Hey, I finally caught another one, don't let it go away, you're dumbfounded, use the dissolving solution!"

The dumb flower immediately vomited a puddle of purple venom and splashed it on Xie Mi.

The latter shrank into a ball, completely an immobile target, and made a "sizzling" sound after being hit by the solution, and the green grass on the back was dyed purple-black.

The effect is outstanding!


This Xie Mi wailed for a while, and then its body was strangely like a sponge, sucking all the venom from its body into its body, restoring the green grass fluff.

Its whole body began to tremble, like a bomb about to explode, and even the surrounding air had an astonishing energy fluctuation.

Hugh whoosh!

The next moment, a golden laser ray flew away, hitting this Xie Mi with precision!

Before the latter's power was released, his whole body quickly froze into a golden statue, and everything was frozen at the moment before the explosion.

And this group of men in black clothes and hats immediately shook their bodies, and quickly divided into two rows, and a middle-aged woman slowly walked in the middle.

She was wearing a dark purple leather coat, with short silver hair, and a face wearing a black detector, full of coldness and sternness.

Hunter J!

"Hmph, a bunch of idiots! I told you not to attack Xie Mi with poisonous moves!"

Hunter J cursed sharply in a low voice, which made the commander's dumbfounded hunter bow and tremble.

Xie Mi has the ability to purify natural toxins. Although he is restrained by attributes, he can still purify moves with poison attributes.

Inhale toxins and pollutants into the body to purify and decompose, and finally Xie Mi will release these brand new, non-polluting wastes at once in the form of an energy explosion

This power is no less than a small bomb!

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