He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1820 Sniper Hunter J!

"Tsk, is it Hunter J again?!"

The cat was in the dark, Xiao Zhi frowned, why did he bump into this hunter J again!

That's right, the real-life statue I saw at the entrance of the Road to Break the Sea before was the black-tech ray that Hunter J used to, and I didn't realize it at the first time!

So this time, is this guy hunting Shaymi?

Gulu Gulu!

Behind, a hunter's subordinate also pushed a small cart, and several golden statues of Xie Mijiao were placed neatly on it.

They are all completely frozen, but still retain the last look of horror before freezing.

"one, two"

Xiaozhi counted them from a distance, including the Xie Mi who was frozen just now, there are five of them!

"Shamy, Shamy!"

Seeing that his companion was caught, Xie Mi in his arms struggled and twisted his limbs, ready to rush to rescue him.

"Don't worry, it's just frozen, there's no harm."

Xiaozhi quickly pressed Xie Mi, signaling not to be impulsive.

He had been upset with Hunter J for a long time, not because he couldn't beat this woman, but because the latter was as cunning as a loach every time, and every time in the end, she ran away.


Xiaozhi gave Latias a look, signaling the latter to quietly go around to the other side, ready to pinch back and forth.

This time, he didn't intend to let this woman run away again!

Hunter J, on the other hand, was completely unaware of the danger ahead, and his eyes fell on the five neatly arranged statues of Xie Miying, a little lost in thought.

Under the sunglasses, the greedy expression rose instead.

not enough!

This time they obtained accurate information, and deliberately blocked the only entrance, the Road to Break the Sea, with the intention of making a big hit here.

The legendary fantasy Pokémon Xie Mi. If these little guys are sold, each one will be a sky-high price!

These few days are the flowering period of Gracidia flowers, and it is also the time when Xie Mi gathers the most. There are only five of them, but they can't fill her appetite!

"Boss, basically all the hills here have been searched!"

The subordinate who commanded the dumbfounded before said cautiously.

These words made Hunter J frown. Did only five of them be caught in half of the area?

It was Xie Mi's weakest period when he did not enter the sky form, and he had to pack up all the Xie Mi here before flowering.

"Then go to another hill right away! Everyone, even if you dig three feet of soil in the shortest time, don't let any Xie Mi go!"

So Hunter J waved his hand and scolded sharply.

"Yes Yes!"

The rest of the subordinates responded with a low shout, and then ran to another mountain with their tool Pokémon, getting busy.

Seeing that hunter J was left alone in place, Xiao Zhi made a gesture to launch a sneak attack.


At this time, the ground beside him suddenly broke open, and a pale yellow insect head protruded out.

Immediately afterwards, a slender larval Pokémon crawled out completely, with green diamond-shaped young wings growing on its back that could not yet fly.

"Ultrasonic larvae?!"

After the ultrasonic larva sensed outsiders, it immediately vibrated its tentacles, emitting a burst of high-frequency ultrasonic waves, and was about to attack Xiaozhi.

It is impossible for this kind of garden island to have this kind of supersonic larva that lives in the desert. After realizing that it was the spy of Hunter J ambushing around, Xiao Zhi quickly slapped him.


Before the supersonic larva could hit the supersonic, it was knocked to the ground by Xiaozhi Yibidou.

The latter turned over on the spot, his legs curled up, and he lost his ability to fight.


Xiaozhi looked at the palm of his hand, and said that his slap seemed to be more effective than Pikachu or something?


But this movement also made the vigilant hunter J notice the abnormality, and shouted in this direction.

Seeing that he had been exposed, Xiaozhi walked out boldly.

"A human kid who knows superpowers. It's you again!?"

After recognizing the person coming, Hunter J took off his sunglasses, first showing surprise, then frowning.

Why did I bump into this trainer when I flipped three times and done it four times?

Seeing Xiaozhi approaching with unkind eyes and a Xie Mi in his arms, Hunter J was thoughtful.

Did you come here for Xie Mi?

She didn't want to argue with Xiaozhi. Hunter J had investigated Xiaozhi's information. Regardless of his young age, he was an extremely terrifying trainer!

In a real fight, the only one who loses is himself.

Thinking of this, Hunter J gritted his teeth, and finally said helplessly:

"Hmph, since everyone's goal is for Xie Mi, let's split it fifty-five. I can give half of Xie Mi to you."

Seeing that the other party directly talked about business with him, Xiaozhi was very surprised.

Finally there is a villain, can you feel your deterrent power!

However, Xiaozhi's expression became serious instead, and he watched Hunter J closely.

"I don't want Xie Mi, this time I only want you!"

Hunter J: "?"

Her complexion changed a little, your words are a little ambiguous.

Xiaozhi paused for a moment, it seemed too violent to directly kill others, so after thinking about it, he decided to send him to prison.

"This time, I only want you to go to jail!"

Hunter J's complexion changed again, obviously the person in front of him didn't intend to have any deal with him.

"In that case...then you go to die!

Ultrasonic larvae!


So Hunter J changed his face instantly, showing a cold look, and suddenly shouted loudly.

Puff! Puff!

Immediately after Xiaozhi's two sides of the ground, two supersonic larvae burst out of the ground, opening their mouths to spew out dangerous dragon's breath moves.

The thoughtful hunter J had already set up reinforcements under the ground.

The corner of Pikachu's mouth was crooked at Xiaozhi's feet, such a sneak attack would have no effect on it.


Without waiting for Xiaozhi to command, Pikachu rushed towards a supersonic larva on the left, hit the latter's jaw with a flash of light, knocked it out, and all the dragon's breath moves exploded near its mouth open.

Immediately afterwards, with the momentum, Pikachu's second stage recoiled towards the supersonic larva in the other direction.

The latter's dragon's breath move has already spewed out, and the dark purple dragon's breath beam of light surged towards him.


However, Pikachu spun around in the air, his tail instantly turned into steel, and swept away all the way, splitting the dragon's breath like a bamboo.


The last heavy iron tail slapped the ultrasonic larva hard on the face, sending it flying.

The two moves were completed almost at the same time, and Pikachu landed steadily.

When Hunter J reacted, the two ultrasonic larvae flew upside down, one left and one right, and lost their fighting ability on the spot.

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