He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1821 As expected of a phantom beast!

"Tsk, is it really that troublesome?"

Killing the two Pokémon he was ambushing in an instant made Hunter J frown.

The electric mouse in front of him is definitely not a simple existence.

It's strange to say that even though I usually don't even look at a rotten street stuff like an electric mouse, my strength can grow to such an extent.


At this time, a melodious dragon chant suddenly came from behind.

Before Hunter J could turn his head, he felt that his whole body was bound in place by an inexplicable force, and he couldn't even move a single finger.

Only then did Latias fly out from another hidden position, his amber eyes glowed with blue light, and he launched a mental move, completely controlling Hunter J.

"Is there an ambush already?"

But even though his body lost his freedom, Hunter J's expression remained calm.


Immediately afterwards, on the ground behind Latias, a supersonic larva broke out again, masculine, flapping its young wings and pounced on Latias.

She has ambushed four ultrasonic larvae under this island.

Buzz buzz!

The last ultrasonic larva vibrated its tentacles, and released a high-frequency sharp vibration noise in an instant. Ladias was the first among them and was completely hit.



The extremely effective insect-attribute move made Latias let out a low cry, and the mental force move that he was maintaining was also put away.

"There are enemies! There are enemies!"

"How dare you mess with us Pokémon Hunters!"

On the other hill, Hunter J's men, who were looking for Xie Mi, finally sensed the movement of the battle here, and they rushed forward aggressively.

The Pokémon running at the front, such as Long Nose Ye and Kou Daihua, also made a gesture to attack.

"Pikachu, get rid of them!"

Xiaozhi could only turn his head and deal with these miscellaneous fish first.

Originally, he wanted to kill Hunter J without anyone noticing, but he didn't expect the latter to keep such a hand.


Pikachu rushed forward immediately, slapped his cheek with his little hand, and suddenly a violent electric current poured out, completely hitting the group of hunters.

Boom! !

A group of Pokémon and their trainers were all affected by the lightning, and their bodies could even see the bones of the bones in the dazzling golden light, letting out bursts of tragic wailing.

But Hunter J also took advantage of this opportunity and quickly released her ace mount.


The familiar tyrannosaurus spread its blood wings, propped up the dragon's head, and carried Hunter J into the air.

"Hurry up, take those Xiemi away!"

Hunter J stabilized his figure on the Tyrannosaurus's back, and urged, with a bit of anxiety in his tone.

There is no way, she is not Xiaozhi's opponent, and now she can only choose to interrupt the mission and run away to stop the loss.

Damn it, every time I want to do something, I will bump into this violent kid!

For example, the king of the alliance or the champion, although the strength is also superior to themselves, but they will not deliberately arrest her as a Pokémon hunter.

The tyrannosaurus flew towards the positions of the Xie Mi statues, the dragon's claws were clenched tightly, and it was about to grab a few and fly away.

It's just that when they were flying towards the small cart, they saw a living Xie Mi standing directly in front of the five Xie Mi statues.

"Shamy? When?!"

Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, only to realize that Xie Mi in his hand had already run away.

"Thanks, Shami.!"

This cowardly Xie Mi, in order to protect his companions, boldly stood in front of them and yelled at the ferocious Tyrannosaurus.

It's just a little trembling.

"Little thing to get rid of it! Use the flame teeth!"

Hunter J looked cold and stern, without the slightest pity, and was about to kill Xie Mi who was blocking the way.

The tyrannosaurus below roared loudly, opened its bloody mouth wide, and a ball of flames exploded between the teeth, and it was about to crush Xie Mi in one bite during the dash!

At the critical moment, Xie Mi closed her eyes tightly, curled up in a circle, and her small body suddenly flashed a dazzling pink light.


Caught off guard by the light with strong fairy aura, it blinded the Tyrannosaurus Dragon's eyes, and the Flaming Fang move was interrupted.

Immediately afterwards, the goblin energy turned into a flying ball of light, which exploded in the chest of the tyrannosaurus!

Magic shines!

The effect is outstanding!


The Tyrannosaurus took a bad hand, and quickly flew high with its bloody wings. There was already an explosion scar on its chest, and the damage was not light.

"Nice job, Shami!"

Seeing this scene, Xiaozhi praised him from a distance.

It can only be said that it is indeed a legendary phantom beast. Although it looks very weak on the outside, its strength lies there after all.

"Shamy.? Shamy!!"

And this Xie Mi opened his eyes belatedly, and he still had some doubts whether it was really a move he released.

After a successful blow, its expression also became bolder, and once again stood firmly in front of its companion, without wavering a single step.


Hunter J took off his sunglasses and clenched his fists.

Magic Flash is very dangerous to Tyrannosaurus. Once her mount can't fight, maybe she won't be able to run today.

Glancing at the useless subordinates behind who were all electrocuted by Pikachu, Hunter J immediately commanded the Tyrannosaurus to fly high and distanced himself.

This is to prepare to escape.

But before leaving, Hunter J glanced at Xiaozhi coldly, with a somewhat mocking tone.

"Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town. Hmph, the information about this group of Xie Mi is already in the database of our hunter organization. I'll see how long you can protect this group of Xie Mi."

The Pokémon Hunter Organization is a large organization that spans multiple regions.

But unlike Team Lava and Team Galaxy, they have the ambition to transform the planet and change the world.

Everything the hunter organizes is only for making money.

Collect information on all kinds of rare Pokémon, including mythical beasts and phantom beasts, and then hand them over to the subordinate elite hunters to capture them on a fixed-point basis.

For this operation, Hunter J obtained Xie Mi's information from the upper echelon of the organization, and came here to capture it.

Even if it fails this time, there will still be new Pokémon hunters coming to hunt next time.

Even in this organization, there are many Pokémon hunters who are rougher and stronger than themselves. Facing Xiaozhi, there is no need to run away.

She cast one last glance at Shaymy, her face greedy, a Pokémon destined to become a profiteering commodity for their hunters.


The tyrannosaurus let out a cooperating growl, and finally soared into the sky with its wings fluttering.

"that is?"

Lifting his head, Xiaozhi blinked his eyes, only to realize that there is a part of the sky above that looks very strange.

The outline of the edge is faintly inconsistent with the surrounding clouds and sky.

As the Tyrannosaurus and Hunter J approached, the latter took off its cloak of invisibility, and it was Hunter J's huge airship.

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