He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1824 Ripening, Gracidia flower!

"Very good!"

Xiao Zhi was overjoyed, now he has completed the task of Giratina.

Even overfulfilled, and brought back six at one time!

"Xie Mi, Xie Mi~!"

Not only that, but Xie Mi, who has the highest intimacy with Xiaozhi, seems to want to express something.

Then they followed their companions and ran to another hilltop in unison, sneaking into the flower gardens and wild fields of the tall bushes.

call out.! call out!

Next, Xiao Zhi could only see the scene of flowers swaying above, while Xie Mi disappeared completely.

Xiaozhi didn't know what they were going to do, so he waited quietly in place.

"The garden here is still preserved."

Comparing the status quo of the flower gardens on both sides of the Flower Paradise, the garden on the east side was completely looted by Hunter J, and it was already in a mess.

At this moment, the originally delicate and beautiful flowers and plants have become remnants of flowers and willows, either cut off at the middle or pulled out directly, and randomly piled up on the ground like weeds.

But for the garden on the west, Hunter J's subordinates haven't had time to do anything yet, only the outermost area has been destroyed, and most of the flower beds still retain their glamorous appearance.

"Xie Mi~!"

After about three or four minutes, the first Xie Mi ran out from the flowers and leaves.

"Xie Mi~!" "Xie Mi~!"

Followed by the second, the third

"Wait a minute, this amount?"

Xiaozhi's eyes widened, besides the first six, the seventh and eighth came out.

After a while, there were two full rows of grass hedgehogs in the area in front of Xiaozhi!

After some counting, there are 13 Xie Mi!

"Xie Mi~!"

The one in the lead was naturally Xie Mi, who had the best relationship with Xiaozhi. It walked in the front like a leader, and called out to Xiaozhi as if asking for credit.

Since they want to take refuge, it is natural for Xie Mi of the entire ethnic group to go to the reverse world to take refuge together.

In order to wait for the Gracidia flower to bloom soon, it can be said that most of the Semis of the Semis have come to this island at this moment.

Of course, there are still some scattered foreign Xie Mi, not relying on the Gracidia flowers of the Flower Paradise.

After all, this kind of plant does not only grow in the Sinnoh area.

Xie Mi had already explained the situation to its ethnic group before, and the rest of Xie Mi understood the ethnic crisis and agreed to change their residences and go to the inverted world.

"13? That's great!"

Xiaozhi slapped his hands suddenly, overjoyed.

The more quantity the better!

In this reversed world, in the future he will be connected to Dr. Damu's backyard.

It is equal to his backyard, settled in 13 shemi!

I just don't know if this kind of fantasy Pokémon can hatch eggs and breed, and grow the group.

Now that these Xie Mi's ideological work has been solved, they will then prepare for the migration.

"Xie Mi~!"

The leader, Xie Mi, let out a low cry, and the rest of Xie Mi understood, and ran to the east side of the ruined Flower Paradise, looking for something among the dilapidated plants.

Xiaozhi approached curiously, and found that Xie Mi was sniffing around with their noses.


Until Xie Mi found a small seed scattered in the pile of dead grass, he immediately grabbed it with his short hand and put it backhand into the grass-like fluff on his back.

The fluff on Xie Mi's back is not just for masturbation.

Some seeds and pollen can also be mixed in, and with Xie Mi flying around, the plants will be spread and planted to other areas.

"I see."

Xiaozhi nodded, Xie Mi needs to live in a place with flowers, it is best to have a large flower garden area in the reverse world.

But Xiaozhi thought about it and reversed the doomsday scene of the world. Although there were plants, there seemed to be no gardens.

"Since that's the case, everyone come out!"

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi threw all the Poké Balls backhand and released all the Pokémon.

"Everyone, help to collect all the seeds around. By the way, there are still some plant seedlings that are not dead. Collect them all!"

Xiao Zhi immediately commanded in full swing, and all of them happened to be planted on the reverse side of the world.

Now that the mountain has been destroyed, then simply pack it up and take it away.

"Hey, hey, sharp tooth land shark, don't touch any flowers that aren't dead!"

Seeing the sharp-tooth land shark plunging headlong into the flower garden field to the west, raising its sharp claws, and trying to pull out the blooming flowers by the roots like pulling a carrot, Xiao Zhi quickly stopped him.

Flower Paradise is unable to appreciate flowers this year.

But it's not a big problem, as long as half of the area is still there, the whole island can still be restored to the state of singing birds and flowers and flowers and leaves in the coming year.


Fangtooth Shark then let go of his arms, lowered his head a little discouraged, and bent down to search for the seeds on the ground.

Well, it's interesting to see that the fire is all burned!

Rotom is integrated with the lawn mower and transformed into cutting Rotom.

Fangtooth Landshark found something interesting, and immediately pushed the cutting Rotom behind, cutting and harvesting vegetables back and forth in the waste grass, having a great time playing.

"Thuk Thuk!!"

Although it is a lawn mower, the cutting Rotom also has the function of a vacuum cleaner, which sucks all the seeds among the weeds into the body for storage, and the efficiency is very fast.


Lucario closed his eyes on the spot and used the waveguide perception, and all the active plant seedlings could not hide.

"Luka! Luca!"

Immediately, it opened its eyes, and continued to command other Pokémon like a military adviser, finding out all the surviving seedlings.

Many Pokémon showed their own special abilities, and Xie Mi collected a lot of plant seedlings and seeds in a short period of time.

Of course, the most important thing is the Gracidia flower.

This is the most important plant for the Shammies!

As long as Gracietia flowers can appear in the reverse world, some will be planted in the backyard of Zhenxin Town at that time. Don't worry that Xiami will not settle there.

However, there are still a few Gracidia flowers in the shape of half-opened and closed buds around, and it is estimated that there is still a period of time to bloom.

Time waits for no one, Xiaozhi is ready to ripen.

Last time, tearing the buds directly didn't work. This time, I'll try natural ripening methods.

"Taitai Turtle, it's up to you! Use the Oath of Grass!"

So Xiaozhi raised his hand and pointed, and sent the earthen turtle.

Absorbing the strange power of the Moss Rock, the body of the Tutai Turtle contains a strong grass-type energy. If it is used to ripen, it should not be a big problem.


The earth turtle came to the front of the well-preserved flowerbed, raised its forelimbs slightly, and trampled down.

As the soles of the feet came into contact with the ground, the ground several meters around turned green.

The strong grass-attribute energy was instilled into the ground, and then followed the roots of the plants to the flowers above.

Oath of Grass was originally an offensive move.

However, the Tutai Turtle has a very high level of control over grass-type moves, releasing them in the form of pure energy without causing any damage.

Immediately under the amazed eyes of everyone, the closed petals of the Gracidia flowers that were originally budding began to open outwards to the extent visible to the naked eye

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