He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1825 Xie Mi, the sky form!

After about a few minutes, all the Gracidia flowers in front of the Tutai Turtle bloomed!

The pink hexagonal star petals are flat and open, and a few small stamens protrude from the center.

"Xie Mi~!" "Xie Mi~!"

Gracidia flowers matured ahead of time, making all Xie Mi's eyes brighten up, as if they smelled some delicious food, they ran up excitedly with their short legs.

Immediately, I gently pushed the rhizome of the petals with my head, the stamens shook, and faint yellow pollen was shaken out, which was almost difficult to observe with the naked eye.

And as the pollen fell on Xie Mi's back, the latter's body was instantly enveloped in white light, as if it had evolved.

Under Xiaozhi's gaze, Xie Mi's figure began to change and swell.

The overall size is only slightly larger, but the entire torso has become more symmetrical and slender, and the original four short legs have also become slender.

As the white light dissipated, Xie Mi's head was separated from his body, and he lost weight in a second, taking on the shape of a vigorous beast Pokémon.

"Is this the sky form?"

Xiaozhi was amazed to see it, it looked more like an evolution.

"Xie Mi~!"

Xie Mi's eyes, which had entered the sky form, also became firm and powerful, and he gave a high-pitched low drink.

It doesn't look like the previous timid and weak expression at all, with a pair of small white wings growing on both sides of its head.


With a flap of small wings, Xie Mi even flew into the air directly.

The movements are elegant and flexible, and the slender limbs are swinging again and again, as if walking in the air.

"Xie Mi~!" "Xie Mi~!" "Xie Mi~!"

Not just one Xie Mi, but all the 13 Xie Mi that came into contact with the pollen have entered the sky state at this moment, riding the wind, hovering and flying in the air in a formation of vigorous.

From a distance, it really looks like a group of bird Pokémon are migrating in array.


And the leading Xie Mi also performed a flying stunt in the air, performing a roundabout flight similar to "Swallow Return" and rushed towards Xiaozhi, and finally braked suddenly, and firmly stepped on Xiaozhi's hat.


Xiaozhi stretched out his hand to grab it, and took a close look at it, but Xie Mi, who was in the form of the sky, took another step and flew into the air.


Even looking back in the air, he let out a smug laugh with a sly expression.

This surprised Xiaozhi quite a bit. He didn't expect Xie Mi's personality to have undergone a huge change just because of the change in form.

From being timid and shy before, to a naughty boy.

After admiring Xie Mi's flying performance, Xiaozhi lowered his head and looked at the Gracidia flower in front of him.

After all, this is just a change in form, not evolution, and it will change back sooner or later.

Obviously, the state of the sky is Xie Mi's fighting form.

I don't know how long a transformation can last. But if there is enough pollen, then Xie Mi can transform at any time.

"Lucario, use waveguide sensing to scan all the pollen."

So Xiaozhi looked at Lucario beside him, who nodded, closed his eyes, his whole body glowed with blue light, and his ears fluttered out of thin air.

Powerful and precise waveguide sensing ability, even the object is dust-sized pollen, and there is no way to hide.

"Then pass the waveguide to Latias, Latias, use mental force!"

Following Xiaozhi's command, Lucario raised his palm and stuck it on Latias' back.


A complete map of pollen perception emerged out of thin air in my mind, and Latias's eyes also glowed blue, and he displayed his superb power of thought.

The two Pokémon played a combination move.

In an instant, countless pollen in the air, on the ground, and even the stamens that have not been shaken out are slowly lifted up by the power of thought.


Then it turned into a small river of pollen, and all of it flowed into the small bottle that Xiaozhi had prepared.

"Is there only so much?"

After collecting all the pollen, Xiaozhi looked at his bottle, and probably only collected pollen about one centimeter high.

How much is a little less.

"Taitai turtle, then continue to ripen it."

So Xiaozhi directed the Terra Turtle to change positions, changing several places in a row, and only then did he collect nearly half of the bottle of pollen.

Just now Xie Mina shook lightly, touching a little bit of pollen, can complete the change of the shape of the sky. This small bottle of pollen should be able to be used for a long time.

"Everyone come back for a while."

Everything was ready, Xiaozhi took back all the Pokémon.

The Xie Mi group in the air also came to their senses, and they all landed on Xiaozhi's head at low altitude, their eyes became expectant.

Now that they have completed the form of the sky, they naturally have no scruples and can go to the hidden and safe inverted world.

But where is this reversed world?

What kind of scene is there? It doesn't sound like a particularly auspicious name.

Xiaozhi directly raised his throat and roared loudly to the sky:

"Come out, Dark Rogia!!"

The inexplicable operation of yelling to the sky made Xie Mi confused, and quickly looked left and right, wondering if there were other people around?


This quiet situation lasted for about a few minutes, and suddenly there was a sharp hissing sound in the void, as if responding to Xiao Zhi's cry, causing a kind of Xie Mi to tremble.

Immediately afterwards, the seemingly ordinary sky was suddenly torn open, showing a circular hole sunken inward.

Immediately afterwards, a dark purple Pokémon flew out of it. Its red eyes, its own evil and ghostly aura, and a layer of shadowy black mist wrapped around it made all Xie Mi tense their bodies, be careful! Be alert.


But soon, Diablo Rogia found Xiaozhi, his eyes brightened instantly, and he swooped over with a flap of wings.

Now his three-meter-tall body swooped and threw Xiaozhi to the ground.

"Don't make trouble, let's do business first"

Tongue licked his face violently, Xiaozhi could only helplessly push Lugia's big head away.

Seeing this strange Pokémon that looks like a big bird and also looks like a flying dragon has a close relationship with Xiao Zhi, the group of Xie Mi was relieved.

It's one of our own.

"Let's go then, Shamy, the reverse world is inside."

Xiaozhi took the lead and made a demonstration.

He straddled Lugia's back, and grabbed a sack with one hand on the left and right, each of which was full of seeds and plants.


There was a high-pitched dragon roar in Rogia, and the wings flew up immediately, and then plunged into the crack of time and space.



Seeing that Xiaozhi escaped into it and completely lost track, Xie Miqun looked at each other, finally gritted their teeth, and flew into the space-time tunnel.

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