He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1831 Sinnoh's battle frontier

Noticing what seemed to be a line of sight behind him, Michel turned his head.

After seeing Xiaozhi's face clearly, Michel's expression suddenly became ecstatic, and he waved from a distance:

"Xiaozhi? Why are you here?!"

He just wanted to run over directly, but when he realized that he was still on the phone, Michel immediately turned his face away and said impatiently:

"Anyway, brother, you can do your best, I have something urgent to do here, hang up.!"

Well, today we are not brothers for the time being.

Xiaozhi possesses the volcanic town stone that can summon Sidolan, and meeting Sidolan is Michel's biggest dream.

As for my brother, don't worry.

After finishing speaking, before Daye on the other end could say anything, Michel had already hung up the phone with a "click", and ran towards Xiaozhi with great interest.

"Hello, Michael? Can you hear me?"

The microphone was not fully hooked up, and Daye's doubtful voice could still be heard from inside.

He is about to officially challenge the alliance champion Zhulan in full view, the latter is in the limelight and is known as the number one Sinnoh.

Even with Daye's big heart, when he thinks about the next battle, he still has no idea.

He urgently needs to find a place to build up his confidence.

So today I called my dearest brother, hoping to come here to recharge.

After all, as the king of the alliance, he has always been the most admired existence of Michael!

Normally, Michael could even praise him to the level of the first person in the universe, and help Daye build up his confidence.

Why did you run away without charging today?

"Hey, hello? Michel, so do you want to come to the scene?"

In the microphone, Daye's voice can still be vaguely heard.

At that time, if there is a younger brother sitting in the seat of relatives and friends, he can also fight with all his strength.

Just looking at this posture, it seems that my younger brother does not intend to come to the scene to cheer.

Maybe don't even bother to watch live?

On the other end, Daye, who was already on Linglan Island, could only hang up the phone with a gloomy expression.

Damn, not only did it not fully charge today, but it also leaked a lot.

"Huh? Xiaozhi?"

Didn't know if it was an illusion, he seemed to have heard Xiaozhi's name just now?

Battle Frontier Area, inside the Spirit Center.

Michel greeted him with a fiery face.

"How about Xiaozhi! Did you come to find me on purpose?! Let's go find the legendary Xidolan right now!"

Xiaozhi just wanted to say "I just came down to use the phone of the elf center", which meant the same thing as borrowing a roadside public toilet.

Just seeing Michel's whole face close up, his eyes were so hot that stars could even pop out.

"Well, I'm really free recently, so I came here specially to meet Sidolan."

In the end, Xiaozhi could only sigh helplessly and replied.

Forget it, it's all here, so let's go and meet this legendary Pokémon.

"Great, I'll show you the way now!"

Michel was completely an excited kid, dancing and dancing on the spot, as if he was going to drag Xiaozhi out.

"Don't worry, my Pokémon is still healing."

Xiaozhi could only temporarily suppress the latter's impulse.

But look at Michel who didn't say a word, his whole face flushed red, and he paced back and forth on the spot.

Even as soon as there was any movement at the front desk of the Pokémon Center, he immediately rushed over to help collect the ball, Xiaozhi could only secretly laugh in his heart.

There are indeed some trainers who are very fanatical about a certain Pokémon, and their behavior is no different from that of an idiot.

The Pokémon returned to their full state, and Xiao Zhicai walked out of the elf center slowly.

"Hurry up, Xiaozhi! Severe Mountain is just ahead!"

Michel trotted all the way ahead to urge him, seeing that Xiaozhi was still walking leisurely behind, he quickly turned back and ran back, urging left and right.

"Don't worry, Michel, you can't run away from Grim Mountain"

Xiaozhi said in a long voice, a little unmotivated.

Not to mention, it's fun to tease hyperactive Michael.

However, this was the first time he had come to the battle frontier in the Sinnoh area, and Xiaozhi was still looking around while heading towards the harsh mountain.

This battle frontier area is different from the one in Fangyuan area.

The entire island is divided into north and south, and the northern area has not been developed yet, with dense virgin jungles and steep mountain roads, the most famous of which is the volcano named Harsh Mountain.

And the south is the place where humans live, and the development is perfect.

It is divided into three sections: the combat area, the survival area, and the scenic area.

As the name suggests, the scenic area is a place for tourists to travel and relax. There are many holiday villas and luxurious gardens built there, which look very luxurious from a distance.

The survival area is a place for trainers to practice and exercise.

As for the battle zone they are currently in, there are all kinds of battle facilities standing there.

There are various styles, and the challenge rules of each facility are also particularly special.

"These facilities are all put together...?"

Along the way, Xiaozhi couldn't help but wonder.

In the battle development area in the Fangyuan area, those battle facilities are completely scattered in all directions of the island, and each facility is separated by tens of minutes.

But the fighting facilities in this place are basically packed together.

It's like a battle factory that Xiaozhi is quite familiar with, and a battle tower, just separated by a road.

"That is the battle roulette, and that is the battle stage."

Now that Xiaozhi is sitting on the volcanic town stone that he dreamed of, Michel can only temporarily suppress his temper and become a tour guide.

He grew up in the battle development area, and he is very familiar with every battle facility here.

"I see."

Xiaozhi looked around, although every facility sounded very interesting, but he didn't go in to find out, completely breaking the mentality of defending Michael.

"Hey, that Pokémon is..."

But when passing by a castle building, Xiaozhi suddenly noticed a human-shaped Pokémon.

Like a human lady, her lower body looks like she is wearing a black dress, her figure is tall and straight, exuding a mysterious and noble temperament.

"Miss Gold?"

Xiaozhi recognized the latter, and he had fought this Pokémon not long ago, and he remembered that it seemed to be a Pokémon from the Hezhong area.

At the second glance, Xiao Zhicai landed next to Miss Goth.

But at this moment, a young lady with blond hair and a man who looked like a housekeeper came out of the battle castle.

The blond woman is about 20 years old, wearing a pale pink bodysuit, showing her figure with curves.

Especially the loose blonde hair, which is even thicker than Miss Zhulan's, spread out like a big cloak, and the hairstyle is very unscientifically structured.

Wearing a huge pale pink hat on top of her head, like a princess with extraordinary temperament, there is even a faint glowing filter all over her body?

(Karvin, an update today.)

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