"Hey, they."

This seemed to be an acquaintance of Michael, and he hurried forward to say hello.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Shi Lan, and Miss Cattleya~!"

Noticing Michel approaching, this butler-like man greeted him first, showing a standard smile, and politely replied:

"Mike, you're still so energetic. Oh, did you bring friends to play?"

As for the blond woman next to her who looked like a Barbie princess, her exquisite facial features showed no fluctuations in expression.

Glancing at Michel with somewhat cold eyes, she didn't talk to him, but just nodded slightly, and then ignored her.

Michael is used to this, and introduced with a smile:

"That's Mr. Shi Lan, this is Xiao Zhi from Zhenxin Town, my best brother! We are going to Yan Yan Mountain now!"

"Harsh Mountain?"

Shi Lan was taken aback for a moment, but she soon realized that she was looking for the legendary Xidolan again.

He is still very familiar with Michel and knows the latter's character.

It's just that the traces of Sidolan are too vague, and the existence of one in Grim Mountain has been rumored a long time ago, and there has not even been any new witness evidence in recent years.

However, with Michael's explosive personality, Shi Lan couldn't say anything, so she let the other party go.

Xiaozhi also came up and greeted the two of them.

Not to mention, when he got closer now, Xiaozhi felt more and more that this blonde woman had a cold temperament, and a mysterious aura shrouded her body.

The fluffy golden long hair spread like a good and bad star

It seems that there is still some kind of power blessing, forcibly supporting it?

"Is it a super power?"

Xiaozhi subconsciously blurted out.

This blond woman named Cattleya gave him the impression that she was very similar to Nazi, exuding a faintly dangerous aura.

Although Xiaozhi's voice was very low, the man named Shi Lan and Cattleya both heard his muttering.

The two of them coincidentally turned their gazes over to Xiaozhi, showing puzzled expressions.

"Super powers? Any super powers?"

Michel had a dazed expression, not knowing what was going on.

He is the purest of the few.

But Shi Lan soon coughed, pulled the collar, looked at Xiaozhi, and introduced with a smile:

"I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Shi Lan. I am the pioneer of Battle Castle. I am also Miss Cattleya's housekeeper."

As he spoke, he also pointed to the gorgeous and magnificent castle built behind.

Like the battle tower, the battle stage, etc., those are considered the public property of this battle frontier.

And this battle castle belongs to Cattleya's private property. It was originally a classical castle, and it was later requisitioned as a battle facility.

This point is somewhat similar to the battle pyramid in the Age of Gods. He can drive his pyramid away from the battle pioneer area at any time.


And Cattleya still didn't have much expression, just watching Xiaozhi closely.

She felt that Xiaozhi also seemed to have a strange and special superpower.

"You are the one who opens the mind."

But Xiaozhi was taken aback and muttered.

The combination of the two, the princess and the lady, and the butler in the black dress, whoever thinks about it, is Cattleya to open their minds, right?

"That's right, Miss Cattleya doesn't know how to fight Pokémon~!"

Michael also helped explain.

The battle castle has always been fought by the housekeeper Shi Lan, while Cattleya sits in the back, drinking tea and watching the play leisurely.

Although the relationship between the two is master and servant, Shi Lan's reputation outside is actually even greater.

"By the way, Mr. Shi Lan, are you going out?"

At this moment, Michel noticed that Shi Lan was carrying a large suitcase in her hand.

But the pink box is obviously filled with Cattleya's things.

There was also a luxury car parked at the door, and they happened to bump into someone else's trip.

"It's not me, it's the eldest lady who is going out by herself."

Shi Lan said with a smile, and then added, without hiding her pride:

"She's going to the Hezhong area next, and she'll be the king of the alliance over there~ It's really amazing~!"

"Miss Cattleya is going to be the king of the alliance, haha ​​wait a minute, the king of the alliance?!"

Michael was still following Lehe, but when he realized the key words, his eyes widened and he blurted out in surprise.

What the hell, he grew up here since he was a child, and he is very familiar with the heads of several facilities here, and even visits often when he has nothing to do.

And Cattleya belongs to a very special existence, with a cold and withdrawn personality, rarely talks to outsiders, and basically stays behind closed doors in the castle.

After so many years, my favorability has increased to the level of "nodding when we meet".

She is completely a withdrawn young lady who respects and pampers her everywhere, let alone engages in any Pokémon battles.

And now, suddenly going to the Hezhong region to become the king of the alliance?

"Aren't the trainers in the Hezhong area all pissed off?"

This was Michael's first reaction, let a young lady who doesn't know how to fight at all, like his brother, become the king of the alliance?

Or go through the back door?

At this time, Xiaozhi, who had been silent behind him, couldn't help but patted Michel's shoulder, and said:

"Miike, this time you misjudged me. This young lady's strength is unfathomable."

The voice fell, and everyone's eyes fell on Xiaozhi.

"What are you talking about, Xiaozhi, Cattleya is probably going on a trip, haha."

Michel was still laughing, but suddenly felt an inexplicable force in his chest.


Immediately afterwards, this force directly pushed it out horizontally, backed up repeatedly on the flat ground, and finally sat down on the ground.


Before Michel could react, there was an inexplicable gust of wind in front of him, constantly blowing outwards and the source of this current.

"Miss Cattleya...?"

Sitting upside down on the ground, Michel had an unbelievable expression on his face.

At this moment, Cattleya's whole body was bathed in a light blue light of thought power, which made her blond hair float even more.

This inexplicable force formed a stream of energy, blowing outward more violently.


The butler Shi Lan's face changed, but he did not step forward to stop them, after all, the relationship between the two is still master and servant in name.

The eldest lady suddenly used her super power, what is she going to do?

Shi Lan quickly raised her hand to press her forehead, and took a few steps back.

And the target direction of this thought force airflow

"What the hell?!"

Xiaozhi took a few steps back again and again, why did he just say something casually, and this blonde woman was about to go crazy with blue light all over her body?

Not to mention, this character is really similar to Nazi.

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