He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1834 The experts said that Harsh Mountain will not erupt

"It turns out that Miss Cattleya is hiding so deeply."

After leaving the battle castle, Michael folded his hands and held the back of his head, looking up at the sky and sighing.

It's not that it's hidden deeply. It seems that all of them subconsciously thought that Cattleya was just a lady in a vase.

"The king of the alliance in the Hezhong area"

Michel muttered in a low voice, wondering who is stronger between Cattleya and her elder brother Daye?

By the way, my brother called me just now, does it seem that there is something wrong?

"Forget it, never mind!"

Michel shook his head, pulled himself together, and looked straight ahead.

At this moment, the two of them have come to the survival area of ​​the battle development area. There are many training dojos built on the streets along the way, allowing the trainers who come here to master and practice new skills, fighting methods, and so on.

Going further north is the undeveloped wilderness jungle.

All the way to the end, it is the destination of their trip - Harsh Mountain.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, do you know how to use superpowers? It's amazing!"

Turning his head, Michel couldn't help but praise.

He also doesn't understand the power of waveguide, and it is very roughly attributed to the system of superpowers.

And Xiaozhi also held the back of his head, looked up at the sky, and the look in Cattleya's eyes before leaving still lingered in his mind.

He didn't promise to go to the Hezhong area.

In other words, this woman won't have any extreme psychology. Seeing that she didn't challenge herself, she will come directly to chase and kill herself when the time comes?

Having been in contact with other superpowers, Xiaozhi felt that it would not be too strange for Miss Cattleya to do such an outrageous act.

Although he has never fought against Pokémon, even a battle leader like Mr. Shi Lan is highly appreciative, and he was able to become a strong rival with Ms. Zhulan before.

Presumably, Cattleya's strength should also be very strong.

"It seems that there are many powerful trainers in this Hezhong area."

Xiaozhi couldn't help sighing, and couldn't help feeling a little more emotional.

I don't know the strength of the alliance king over there, or even the alliance champion.

What do the Pokémon over there look like? Most of them have never seen it before, right?

Passing through a primitive jungle, the two came to the foot of a mountain. The surrounding stones were dark in color, and the whole mountain in front of them looked like a very steep black mountain.

In the air, there are even some faint gray-black dust floating occasionally-this is volcanic ash.

"This is Harsh Mountain!"

Michel stretched his arms forward and introduced to Xiaozhi confidently.

Although the harsh mountain roads are rugged, the temperature is gradually rising due to the volcano at the end, and hot steam is faintly rising from the cracked ground

However, Michel often came here to explore, as if he had come to his own home, and he was very familiar.

“Really hot enough”

Xiaozhi walked up to the dark mountain, and a heat wave hit his face, causing some beads of sweat to appear on the surface of his face.

He is a very cold-resistant person, but Xiaozhi's resistance to high temperatures is mediocre.

"Let's go, let's go, the crater is just ahead~!"

Michael was wearing a sleeveless shorts. Although he was also sweating profusely, his expression was extremely excited, and his whole face turned red and warm.

"That's right, come out!"

Then he threw a poke ball backhand, the red light solidified, and it turned into a black puppy Pokémon.

It has a fierce expression, its head, back, and ankles are covered with white bone-like hard shells, as if it might rush up and bite at any time.

"De Ruby, long time no see." Xiao Zhi said pleasantly after recognizing the Pokémon in the Johto area.

Michael waved his hand and said:

"De Ruby, open the way ahead~!"


This Dai Rubi let out a growl, and immediately trotted ahead to lead the way.

This rugged mountain road has not gone far, Xiaozhi can already see some low-lying potholes and small pools scattered on both sides of the road.

What gushes out of it is not a stream of water or an open-air hot spring, but a lava pool that is bubbling "plop plop plop"!

The fiery red magma radiates extremely high heat and red light. Just looking at it from a distance makes people's eyes burn.

However, there are magma pools scattered on both sides, and there are man-made iron fences on the edges to prevent people from accidentally falling down.

Xiaozhi also saw some volcanic Pokémon around these lava pools, such as coal turtles and lava bugs.


The lava worms soaked in the terrifyingly high-temperature magma, sticking out only one head, enjoying the "magma bath" comfortably.


The coal turtle is like a grandfather, squatting on the bank of the magma pool, enjoying the high-temperature steam sauna.

But not all wild Pokémon are hostile. As the two went deeper, a wild duck-billed Charmander slowly climbed up from one of the magma pools.


Its eyes are dark and fierce, and the surface of its fiery red body is still dripping with magma liquid, falling on the ground and "sizzling" white smoke, its appearance seeps into people.

The opponent came fiercely, Xiao Zhi just wanted to command Pikachu to hit an iron tail, and knock the duck-billed fire dragon back into the lava pool.

"De Ruby, use Roar!!"

Michael took the first step and commanded.

Derby in front of him immediately jumped in front of the duck-billed fire dragon, his mouth trembled and twitched, revealing a row of sharp fangs, and his eyes were fierce.


Immediately there was a long howling roar, with a good deterrent force, which made the expression of this wild duck-billed fire dragon change.

The wild duck-billed Charmander is a classic bullying Pokémon.

Finally, after glaring fiercely at a few people, the duck-billed fire dragon walked back to the lava pool.

"Well, Michel!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi praised, although Deluby is not intimidating, but after all, as a canine Pokémon, it is still a vicious dog. It still has a natural deterrent force.

Speaking of which, as Daye's younger brother, Michael is also a not weak trainer.

"Hey~ I know you well~!"

Michel touched his nose, feeling a little proud.

Immediately, Deluby was asked to open the way in front with the "roar" move to disperse the wild Pokémon along the way. He patted his chest and said confidently:

"Don't look at the lava pools here, but the harsh mountain has not erupted for many years. Experts say that there is no volcanic eruption here in the past 50 years, so don't worry."

Boom boom boom! !

Before he could finish speaking, the ground suddenly began to shake violently.

On the top of the conical mountain pass in the distance, it even began to spit out fiery red magma flames.

Harsh Mountain, erupted!


Xiaozhi looked a little astonished, and looked at Michel in a daze.

Is your tainted milk too outrageous?

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