He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1835 The legendary volcanic Pokémon, Seadolan!


Michel's expression was even more bewildered. He had been playing around Harsh Mountain since he was a child, and these magma pools were actually no different from small streams except that they were a little hotter.

Why did the volcano erupt suddenly just after they arrived at Yanyuan Mountain today?

"I come here all the time, so it's definitely not my problem."

Michael's eyes fell on Xiaozhi, according to the control variable method.

Is Xiaozhi the key? !

But it was a volcanic eruption, but the scale of the eruption was not large, and the magma and flint at the mountain pass could not reach the level of "spraying into the sky", otherwise the two would have to go back home now.

From a distance, the magma splashing from the center of the crater just passed the highest point.


Then, it slowly overflowed from the surrounding rock walls, forming a magma stream, flowing all the way down.

The earthquake under my feet stopped after about a few minutes of shaking.

"What should I do, do I want to move on?"

Michel's heart was pounding too, it was the first time he saw the Grim Mountain really spouting lava.

"It's all here, let's continue!"

Xiao Zhiyi was bold, opened his mouth and released Latias.


After coming out, Latias's figure flickered for a while, transformed into the appearance of a human maid, and landed steadily beside Xiaozhi.

Flying dragons are resistant to fire attributes, and Ladias doesn't like ice and snow, but this volcanic environment is not the slightest difference.

With Latias escorting them, even if a large-scale volcanic eruption really happens later, Latias is enough to take the two of them away in an instant.

"Can it transform into a human form?!"

Michael was taken aback by Latias' operation, he had never seen such a Pokémon.

In contrast, his Derby seems to be a hundred million points worse.

If Latias knew the person in front of him and compared her to a puppy, he would grab Michael and take a bath in the magma.

I don't know why it erupted suddenly, but the two continued to move forward, but the atmosphere became a lot more serious.

Going all the way to the deep hinterland of the harsh mountain, and then continue to move forward, there is a steep mountain road close to 70 degrees, and it is impossible to go up at all.

"Plop plop plop.!"

On both sides, you can also see the lava stream flowing down from the crater just now, stretching down from one side of the mountain road.

"It's here, Xiaozhi."

Michel took a deep breath, reminded, and came to the edge of this magma stream with Xiaozhi.

According to the legend he knows, just put the volcanic town stone closely related to Sidoran into the magma at the end.

The magma of the entire volcano is connected, so it can communicate with Xidoran hidden in the depths of the volcano and summon it.

"Is it here?"

Xiaozhi took out the volcanic stone from his bag, not daring to be careless, while releasing his flame monkey.

This stone will have to be recycled later, if it can't be completely thrown in, just ignore it.

"Flame Monkey, please."


After taking the volcano stone, Flame Monkey nodded and responded with a low growl.

Although the flame monkey is not a volcanic Pokémon, it cannot swim directly in the magma like a duck-billed dragon, or even sleep

But it is not a big problem to stretch out one hand to soak in a short time.

So the flame monkey took a few steps to the lava stream, and the thumping heat wave slapped on its face, but the flame monkey didn't feel any discomfort.

Then hold the volcanic stone with both hands, and gently stretch it into the magma.

call out.

Sure enough, the body of the flame-attributed Pokémon is different from that of ordinary Pokémon. The normal body is already "sizzling" and exploded.

But the flame monkey's palm extended into the magma, as if it fell into the water, without the slightest reaction of frying and coking.

Xiaozhi quickly made a mark on the shore where he landed.

Later, even if the volcanic stone is washed away by magma, he can rely on this mark to pick up the volcanic stone again at this position.

"I have reacted, I have reacted to Xiaozhi!"

At this time, Michel suddenly congested with blood, and cried out with great excitement.

At this moment, the red light on the surface of this magma stream that stretches down suddenly becomes more ruddy and brighter.

Even like breathing, the red light gradually changed from twinkling to twinkling.


Immediately afterwards there was another earthquake, and the entire harsh mountain seemed to be activated, and the crater on the top spewed out again, splashing magma flames.


Immediately afterwards, a deep roar came from the crater on the top of the mountain.

It was full of momentum, making the surrounding magma boil more and more "plop plop plop".

"I'm coming!!"

Michel held his breath, his eyes fixed on the direction of the crater.

This legend is indeed true, what I have dreamed of since I was a child, I can finally see it today! !

The next moment, a huge Pokémon suddenly climbed out of the crater!

From a distance, it looks like a reddish-brown shellless turtle, or a four-legged spider reptile.

It has a strange shape, its thick body is covered with orange spots, and the head connected to the body is in the shape of a gray-white rock hard shell, inside which is a pair of brown-red eyes like magma.

Its limbs extend from both sides of the body, and there are metal anklet-like structures on the legs, and there are four stone claws at the end of each foot, distributed in a cross.

It is the legendary volcano Pokémon, Sidran!

Sensing the call from the volcanic town stone, the Xidoran lowered his eyes and noticed the crowd below.

Immediately afterwards, its limbs began to climb down and move. The extremely low chassis body structure, plus the limbs of the cross stone claws can firmly grasp the ground.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

The speed at which Xidolan moved on the mountain was unexpectedly fast, and his feet could be completely absorbed on the surface of the steep mountain without the slightest slippage.

Within a few seconds, they climbed all the way from the crater on the top of the mountain to the eyes of Xiaozhi and Michael.

Even lying on the ground, Sidoran is close to two meters in height.


After approaching, there was another low growl, coupled with the magma-like body, it continued to radiate shocking heat.

Even the well-informed Xiaozhi couldn't help being shocked by the latter's momentum and took a step back.

as for mike

His face was already completely red and warm, as if he had seen his goddess, he almost forgot to breathe for a while, and almost sat limp on the ground.

Seadolan's look is so perfect! !

But when he was summoned and his eyes met, he naturally wanted to fight.


Sidolan let out a high-pitched roar again, and the surrounding magma boiled and rolled, and a gust of hot wind blew up around the two of them!

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