He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1836 vs Seado Lane! (superior)

Sidran is obviously a pretty standard Legendary Pokémon.

There are no fancy plots, nor too many personal emotions. It just lives in a hidden place all the time, waiting for outsiders to come and challenge.

"Hey Michael, you"

Xiaozhi just wanted to say whether to let Michael take the first shot, after all, they are such idiots.

Fighting against Seado Lann in front of him, there is always a feeling of ntr him back then?

However, Michael's face was flushed and warm, his feet were so soft that he couldn't even stand firmly, and he was obviously unable to challenge Seado Lane.

"In that case, it's up to you!"

Xiaozhi didn't back down anymore, he stepped directly in front of Michel, and decisively took out a poke ball.

Maybe if Michael was an audience, he might be more exciting?


When the red light fell, it was the snorkeling Itachi, and he was going to adopt a strategy of attribute restraint.

The giant lava monster in front of him naturally has the attribute of fire, so the second attribute is rock?

Xiaozhi shook his head. The white hard shell covering Xidolan's body is not so much a rock, but more like steel armored metal!

"Snorkeling Itachi is a fire + steel Pokémon, don't be careless!"

Thinking of this, he quickly reminded.

Just looking at the opponent's aura, he was a little inferior to his own Yandi, who was also a volcanic Pokémon, compared to the Sidolan in front of him.

Can fight!


The snorkeling Itachi nodded, raised his arms, and assumed an attacking posture.

It's just that it is a Pokémon with extremely high water content, and the surrounding high-temperature volcanic environment has a negative weakening effect on the snorkeling ferret.

"Preemptive attack, use the wave of water!!"

Seeing that the other party also put on a posture, Xiao Zhi made a decisive move.

With a push of the snorkeling Itachi's arm, a water bomb was thrown out.


However, when the wave of water hit the back of Sidolan, it turned into a cloud of water vapor and quickly evaporated, which did not achieve very good results.

"How can it be?"

Xiaozhi was a little surprised, the moves with restraint attributes didn't do any damage at all?

You must know that the snorkeling itachi also deliberately aimed at the brown lava body of Sidorane, instead of attacking the latter's steel armored head.


Xi Duolan let out a low growl, and did not take the initiative to attack, as if mocking "this is it"?

With its lava-like boiling body, when it is in the surrounding volcanic terrain, it is basically equivalent to forming a "sunny sky" field around its body.

On sunny days, the effects of water attributes are halved.

"Again, this time use Surf!!"

Xiaozhi didn't believe in evil, and attacked Dao again.

The snorkeling itachi gritted his teeth, once again condensed a wave of water, and then smashed heavily to the ground.

Hush! !

The waves of the bursting water turned into waves more than one meter high and surged away.

This move is the same as Xiaoguang's Emperor Nabo using "Tide Spin" to perform the rain-seeking move, and it uses other moves to carry out the second evolution.

But in the face of the rushing surf, Sidolan stared at him, and immediately raised his weird forelimbs high, and then trampled down heavily.


The next moment, the ground below Xi Dolan's body also surged with a huge wave of surfing!

But it's not water, but completely hot and hot quicksand!

The land of hot sand! !

This high-temperature ground-type move collides with the surf, and its power is not at the same level at all. The hot sand ground completely smashes and swallows the surf.


When the water flow touched the hot sand, there was a sharp sound, and exaggerated water mist immediately rose from the surface.

Boom! !

There was no place to dodge at all, and the snorkeling ferret was submerged by the hot sand tide in front of him, and the scorching sand wave hit his chest hard.

"Snorkeling Itachi!"

Xiaozhi's face became anxious, and he called out, and the hot sand in front of him rushed past and quickly faded away.


After completely eating this trick, the snorkeling itachi's whole body is now red and warm, emitting white smoke, and there are burn marks in many places.

Although he didn't lose his combat ability, it was obvious that the damage from this blow was extremely high.


Suddenly, a flame rose from the body of the snorkeling ferret.

"Damn it, are you in a burn state.!?"

Xiaozhi frowned. Although the hot sand is a ground-type move, the hot sand has a high probability of causing burns to those who touch it.

And once the snorkeling itachi enters the burn state, the wave punching move that he is best at can't be used, "Come back for a while, snorkeling itachi!"

After hesitating for a while, Xiaozhi raised his hand to take the Snorkeling Itachi back, and soon got ready for the next Pokémon.

In the past, no matter what kind of Pokémon you are fighting against, it is natural to fight one-on-one to the end.

But now Xiaozhi didn't continue to dig into the horns.

Since the opponent is a powerful Legendary Pokémon, I can change it when I need it.

"It's up to you! Lucario!"

This time Xiaozhi replaced Lucario. Since the opponent's lava body comes with a sunny day, which makes it difficult for the water attribute moves to work, then change to the same fighting moves.


However, this Xidolan obviously also understands Pokémon battles. After sensing Lucario's attributes, it immediately let out a low growl and opened its gray-white steel-armored hard-shelled mouth.


In an instant, with its big mouth as the source, a fiery red heat wave and strong wind began to blow outward!

Hot air!

"Lucario, use the bone club to protect yourself!"

The heat wave was coming, Xiao Zhi covered his eyes a little, and quickly directed.

If you eat the full hot air trick, it will definitely be a serious blow to Lucario.


Lucario understood, and pulled his palms to the sides, instantly solidifying a long and thin bone stick.


Immediately, it reached in front of the body and rotated at a high speed, forming a wind wall of bone sticks, which split the oncoming heat wave and whirlwind to both sides, and the damage of the hot wind was minimized.

Even while resisting, Lucario seized the opportunity to jump up, and finally threw the bone club in his hand violently!

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! !

The bone rod spun in the air for a while, and finally smashed hard on Xidolan's forehead with a strange arc, making a burst of explosion.

The effect is outstanding!

And this ground attribute move has four times the effect of restraint!

The stick directly hit Xidolan's head dizzy, and he shook his head vigorously on the spot.

Cold knowledge, as the exclusive move of the Gala Gala family, the bone stick nudge was also thrown out to hit people at the beginning.

However, for Lucario's pure energy bone rod condensed with a waveguide, generally only when holding it can the bone rod form stably.

Only with a very high level of control over one's own waveguide power can one throw the spiral pill to hit people.

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