He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1840 A hint of going to the Hezhong area?

Under the strong mental force, not only the noisy bird's beak was completely sealed, but the body was frozen in mid-air.


Even Pluto was completely locked in place, trying to open his mouth to say something dirty, his whole face turned red.

But the existence of superpowers as bugs, he could only helplessly look at this luxurious ball, which fell into Xiaozhi's hands very easily.

"Hmph, how can it be so easy to cut off my hand, do you think you are the Rockets?"

Xiaozhi snorted coldly, quite proud of taking back Xidolan's elf ball easily.

No, the Rockets can't cut it!



Pikachu took advantage of the situation and fired a shot of 100,000 volts, accurately hitting the immovable target, directly knocking down the noisy bird from the air, and the winner was decided in one blow.

"De Ruby!


Michael, who came back to his senses, was also angry like never before, and immediately raised his hand to vent.

The vicious dog beside him, Deluby, jumped out, responding to the trainer's will, and bit Pluto's thigh fiercely, the bite was bloody, and the teeth were deeply embedded.

"Ah, ah, stinky dog!


Breaking free from the mental obsession, Pluto let out a hoarse scream, swinging one leg constantly in an attempt to shake off De Ruby.

Damn, I have to get a rabies vaccine when I go back!

"Tsk, hinder the revival of the Galaxy team, you two brats."

Pluto's forehead was already dripping with sweat, and he stared at Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi with a gloomy and resentful face.

It's just the dangerous Latias in front of him guarding, and this electric mouse that killed his noisy bird in one move.

One must know that before, he purposely hid himself in front of Chi Sun, so that the high-level Noisy Bird always assumed the attitude of a stupid bird who only knows how to flatter, but at this moment, he was easily defeated.

"Damn it, I can only retreat today!"

Pluto cursed in a low voice, took a last look at the luxurious ball in Xiaozhi's hand, picked up the Noisy Bird with one hand, and prepared to run away.

This Xidoran is useless, so I can only look for other legendary Pokémon.

"The remnants of Team Galactic! Don't try to escape!


But before Xiaozhi and Michel could do anything, there was a burst of upright shouting from the direction of the foot of the Stern Mountain.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man in a brown windbreaker, with a square face and a serious face, hurried up.

"Mr. Hanson?"

Xiaozhi was a little taken aback, and blurted out his name.

It was International Patrolman Hansen.

"Pluto. Hey, Xiaozhi, why are you here?"

Hansen turned his head, also a little puzzled.

Beside him was a bad frog of the same style as Xiaogang, but his expression was much more serious.

"In short, subdue this guy first, bad frog, use poison attack!


This bad frog is Hansen's partner. He jumped out immediately after hearing the command, and the condensed purple light stabbed his arm fiercely at Hades' abdomen.


Pluto took a solid blow, his whole body arched like a shrimp, and then he fell to the ground and twitched, his face turning purple.

This is entering a poisoned state.

"Finally arrested you guy, let's see how you run this time~!"

Hansen clapped his palms in satisfaction after cleaning up Pluto easily, then stepped forward and handcuffed Pluto.

Last time at the Pillar of the Spear, I ran away because of this old thing, but this time I am not so lucky!

With the bad frog guarding him, Hansen heaved a sigh of relief and walked towards Xiaozhi and the other two.

"Xiaozhi, what a coincidence, I have been hunting this old guy for a long time"

According to Hansen, after the Pillar of the Gun incident, he has been busy continuing to arrest the remnants of the Galactic team.

Especially those remnants who are still secretly doing dangerous things.

Pluto, a fanatical scientist, is his most wanted man.

This time he found out the whereabouts of Pluto, so Hansen hurried to Yan Yanshan to arrest him.


Hearing this, Xiaozhi could only laugh dryly.

It can only be said that even if the international patrol police is stained with the word police, it will always be slow to come, just like Miss Junsha.

If only this time, he and Michael didn't happen to be here.

Now Pluto may have run away with Sidoran.

"Then you two, thank you for your cooperation!"

After a while, Pluto woke up Yoyo, and was held in front by Hansen, ready to take him to jail.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, I just ran into you here and said, have you decided where to go next?"

But before leaving, Hansen suddenly turned his head and asked.

"Oh Mr. Hansen, do you have any suggestions?"

Xiaozhi asked curiously. Hansen is an international patrolman who has been running around in many areas. He has a lot of experience and knowledge, and he may have a good understanding.

"I'll give you a suggestion. If you haven't decided yet, maybe you can come to our Hezhong area~!"

Hansen said with a smile.

The headquarters of the International Patrol was established in the Hezhong area, which gave Hansen a strong sense of belonging to this area.

"Did I tell you last time, my immediate superior is the best police officer in our international patrol. He is about the same age as you, but his strength will definitely not be inferior to yours!"

Speaking of this, Hansen couldn't help showing a look of sincere admiration on his face.

Then he looked at Xiaozhi seriously, and continued:

"If it's you, maybe you can compete with him."

At the moment, the latter is on vacation in the Hezhong area, and Hansen is looking forward to the scene after Xiaozhi meets the latter.

What kind of sparks will come between two talented and powerful young people?

"Haha, anyway, this is a suggestion~ But if you are going to the Hezhong area, remember to tell me~!"

Hansen finally smiled and waved his hands. When he turned his head to look at Pluto, he instantly switched to a positive color, escorting the latter with the bad frog from left to right, and gradually went away.

"Wow! Whoa!


Michael's Druby was still yelling after him, as if he hadn't fully vented after taking a bite.

Xiaozhi, who stayed where he was, was lost in thought.

"Hezhong area."

He frowned slightly, the incidents that drove him to the Hezhong area seemed to be increasing recently.

Could it be that God is also hinting that he will go to the Hezhong area next?

"Two more. No, three more hints. I'll go to the Hezhong area immediately!"

Nodding his head, Xiaozhi thought to himself.

He really didn't believe it, and then he could encounter 3 events that hinted that he would go to the Hezhong area?

"Hey Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi, that!"

Seeing that Xiaozhi had been standing still and meditating, and Michel next to him was as anxious as a grasshopper on a hot pot, he finally couldn't help but speak.

When he came back to his senses and noticed Michel's burning eyes, Xiaozhi realized that the luxurious ball containing Sidran was still in his hand at the moment.

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