He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1841 The last two weeks of special training

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry."

Xiaozhi quickly comforted him, and then pushed the luxury ball away.


When the red light fell, Sidolan's figure appeared in front of the two of them again.

Although he is still in the state of a candle in the wind, after the accidental subjugation of the luxurious ball at this moment, Xi Duolan is less wild?


Looking at Xiaozhi and Michel's eyes, there is also something more.


But the next moment, Xiaozhi clenched his palms tightly, crushed the luxury ball into debris, and threw it into the nearby magma pool.

The luxury ball was completely scrapped, which also made Seadolan shiver and return to a wild state.


Completely freed from that weird emotion, Sidolan let out a low growl.

This time, there was no feeling for it, so I turned around and quickly climbed towards the top of the mountain, preparing to go back to the volcanic pit to take a bath and sleep.

Strange, why did I have an inexplicable feeling about these two humans just now?


Michel, on the other hand, has been watching the back of Xi Dolan's departure, and his eyes gradually dimmed until he completely disappeared.

It even flashed in my heart, if Xiaozhi gave me the luxury ball just now, would I be the trainer of Sidoran now?

"Stop thinking about it, Michel, if you want to subdue Xi Duolan, you have to work hard on your own!"

Xiaozhi saw the latter's thoughts, gave a low drink, and reminded him seriously.

"Ah sorry!"

Michel also reacted, and immediately blushed, and hurriedly bowed towards the top of Severe Mountain.

Such YY is tantamount to tarnishing his goddess!

On the other side, Flame Monkey had picked up the volcanic stone again and shook off the magma on the surface, but the stone was still soaked red all over, and it was cooling rapidly after contacting the air.

This volcanic town stone cannot be given to Michel for the time being, which makes Michel very greedy.

Next time, maybe he will be able to muster up the courage to formally challenge Sidolan.

"Don't be discouraged Michel, you see what that is."

At this time, Xiao Zhi suddenly patted him on the shoulder and reminded him.

Following the direction of Xiaozhi's finger, Michel suddenly discovered that there was a gray-black round stone out of thin air on the ground where Sidolan left.

Just now, his gaze had been fixed on the top of the Grim Mountain, but he didn't pay attention to the things in front of him.

"This is.?!"

Michel seemed to have guessed something, his face gradually turned red, and then he fell into ecstasy.

Seeing Xiaozhi's encouraging expression, Michel finally couldn't bear the impulse and ran up to pick up the boulder.

Smooth boulders, the surface is about 50, 60 degrees, a little hot.

This is a new volcano stone!

"It seems that Xi Dolan doesn't hate Michael."

Xiaozhi couldn't help laughing softly, and nodded. This Xidoran is also looking forward to the challenge next time, right?

However, seeing Michel kissing Huoshan Zhenshi fiercely, Xiaozhi's face changed a little, and he was about to step forward to remind him.

If he read it right just now, the stone seemed to have been pulled out from Sidoran's anus, and there might be some residue left on it.

But seeing Michel's expression of jumping up and down with excitement, the corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched, but he still didn't say anything.

Well, if there are residues on it, Michel will probably be more excited, right?

Descending from the harsh mountain, the two returned to the elf center in the combat zone, and Xiaozhi handed over the elves to Miss Qiao Yin to rest and recover.

After this trip, it can be said that both of them are very satisfied.

Not to mention Michael, he finally realized his dream since he was a child. He saw Sidrann with his own eyes, and even got the token of God from Sidrann.

Then the next dream, it is estimated that it can be changed into a challenge, and defeat Sidolan?

And Xiaozhi is also satisfied with this adventure, being able to fight such a legendary Pokémon, and let Lie Bite Lusha complete the final evolution.

"Thank you Xiaozhi, thank you for your help this time!"

Before parting, Michel bowed to Xiaozhi gratefully.

Next, he will work harder to become a trainer who can fight with Sidorane.

Well, let's live in the survival area next, and practice Pokémon's fighting skills there.

There was nothing good on him, and finally Michel took out a grapefruit from his pocket, which was his modest thank you.


Pikachu took it easily, bit a gap in the grapefruit, and the juice fell on Xiaozhi's shoulder.

After the treatment was over, Xiaozhi also took back a group of Pokémon, and then got on the back of Latias again and flew into the air.

"Finally everything is settled!"

Flying high into the sky again, Xiaozhi couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief as he watched the battle development area gradually disappearing from sight.

I always feel that since I separated from Teacher Gang and the others, I seem to have accomplished a lot of things at once?

"I don't know how Xiaoguang is doing with her preparations?"

Glancing at the time, there are only two weeks left before the opening of the Alliance Conference.

"Let's go Latias, the next stop is Tianguan Mountain!"

However, he didn't choose to fly directly to Lily of the Valley Island, but turned his direction and headed towards Tianguan Mountain.

The figure of Latias below him flew out immediately, making bursts of sonic booms, and his figure turned into a red streamer in the high-altitude clouds.

About an hour later, Latias had arrived at the Tianguan Mountain area.

However, this time the flight altitude dropped a lot, and it would not plunge into the snowstorm-ravaged mountaintop area.

"It's there!"

After looking around for a while, Xiaozhi found the destination, and hurriedly beckoned Latias to approach.

This is a cliffside cave located on the mountainside of Tianguan Mountain, and some things of human life can be seen in the cave.

"It's here again!"

After landing, Xiaozhi crossed his waist and looked nostalgicly into the cave.

This is the last time he climbed Tianguan Mountain together with Xiao Gang and Mr. Wang Luo, and found a temporary shelter.

Then live here for the next two weeks!

"Come out, everyone!


After Xiaozhi put down the backpack, he released all the Pokémon. The cliffside, which was originally empty, suddenly became a little crowded.

In the next two weeks, he plans to exercise here to improve the strength of this group of new partners.

Like Lucario, the strength of Flame Monkey has not yet reached its peak.

However, the biting land shark and the earth turtle have just evolved and need to adapt to their bodies.

And like Snow Boy, it's time to evolve

Going further up is the top of the icy and snowy Tianguan Mountain, which is the most suitable place for the evolution of Snow Boy.

"In short, let's have a good special training for these two weeks! Everyone!"

Xiaozhi raised his arm and shouted loudly, and all the surrounding Pokémon also shouted loudly in response, making this cliff edge suddenly full of enthusiasm.

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