He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1845 Candlelight Spirit and Tomb Dog

"Quickly touch, Master Ajin, quickly touch my egg!"

Seeing Ajin staring blankly at the egg, Xiaozhi hurriedly urged.

If you cover your eyes and only listen to the lines, it will be somewhat weird, which makes Xiaowang look at Xiaoguang next to him with a puzzled expression.

It seems that this trainer named Ah Jin is not a normal person.

"Um, I don't know that we can just watch the show."

Xiaoguang shrugged. She wasn't particularly familiar with Ah Jin, but she usually mentioned Ah Jin's consecration of Pokémon eggs from her two friends, and she had a unique technique.

So the two held their breath and watched silently on the sidelines.

"Don't worry, I need to brew."

Ah Jin glanced at Xiaozhi, frowning slightly.

As soon as he came to his field of specialization, Ah Jin seemed to have become a master immediately, and his tone of voice was a little more arrogant and impatient that only belonged to experts and scholars.

It doesn't look like he just messed with his own Pokémon eggs.

That's right, when such an egg is consecrated, I also have a sense of accomplishment!


Chris also noticed that this area was quite remote, and no one looked over, so she signaled Ajin to do it.


The next moment, a faint golden light appeared in Ah Jin's palm, and it was just so lightly attached to the surface of the eggshell.

Then this strange light also lingered on the surface of the Pokémon egg, quietly raising the upper limit of its aptitude

And as a master egg hatcher, the situation of the Pokémon in the egg also slowly emerged in Ajin's mind.


Xiaozhi suppressed his excitement and curiosity, as if a pregnant woman would know the gender of her unborn child immediately outside the hospital, and walked around anxiously.

This Pokémon egg is a Pokémon egg brought by Mr. Wang Luo from Xicui area. I wonder what kind of Pokémon will be born?


After a while, Ah Jin groaned, his shoulders trembling slightly.

Because of Xiaozhi's monster slate, he consecrated it at full power this time, and directly pulled this egg, which was originally only a 3v individual, to the perfect qualification of 6v.

This also caused Ah Jin to consume a lot. When his palm left the surface of the eggshell, his face became visibly weak to the naked eye, as if the Yin deficiency was drained by singing every night.

"It's okay, Jin"

Chris quickly supported Ah Jin, and carefully supported him to sit on the chair next to him to rest.

And this is obviously an extraordinary means of superpowers, and it also shocked Xiaoguang and Xiaowang when they met for the first time.

Does this person have superpowers? !

Looking at Xiaozhi's eager eyes, Ah Jin calmed down his breath a little, and his eyes fell on this white-bottomed blue-spotted Pokémon egg, and his tone was drawn with a bit of a nagging voice:

"Don't worry, I've already got all my qualifications, and my Ajin's handwork is guaranteed."

After thinking about it, Ah Jin told all the information he had just obtained.

"This is a little guy with ghost attributes, but it feels weirder and sadder than ordinary ghost Pokémon. As for what kind of Pokémon it is?"

Seeing Xiaozhi's expectant expression, Ah Jin changed his tone, suddenly smiled dryly and scratched the back of his head:

"Um, I'm not too sure about the specifics. In short, it's a Pokémon with blue, purple, and gray colors on its body."

Ajin threw a riddle with his backhand, causing several people around him to recall Pokémon with related characteristics in their minds.

Xiaozhi also frowned, with countless thoughts in his mind, but he just couldn't catch a precise individual.

"By the way, just use the illustrated book to find it!"

He suddenly thought of something, took out the illustration book with his backhand, entered the details of "ghost" and "blue purple gray" into it, and retrieved it.

Soon, the illustrated book responded.

"Didi. The search has been completed. There is a 65% probability that it is the candle light spirit in the Hezhong area, a 30% probability that it is the tomb dog in the Partia area, and a 10% probability that it is the Resentful Shadow Doll in the Fangyuan area."

The illustration book gave three options, and attached a picture, so Xiaozhi quickly looked at the screen.

The biggest possibility is a Pokémon in the shape of a small candle, with a gray-white body and a blue-purple flame on its head.

The second possibility is a gray long-haired dog with a candlelight sticking out of its head, which looks very weird.

As for the resentful shadow doll, he had seen it once when he was in Fangyuan area.


This made Xiaozhi lean back with some headaches, his expression became confused.

How do you feel that none of them are accurate!

He even suspected that Ah Jin threw out a riddle on purpose to trick him!

"Then it's hatching time, so the Pokémon eggs probably... well, it will hatch in about a month."

Ah Jin hesitated for a while, and then gave the data.

Of course, the information he got in his mind was a series of step codes.

He then converts it into time synchronously based on the number of steps taken by a normal human being every day.

However, for a trainer like Xiaozhi who is traveling abroad, the time should be shortened a bit.

"Is there another month?"

Although he couldn't guess what kind of Pokémon it was, Xiaozhi didn't continue to struggle. He rubbed the surface of the eggshell, and he could feel a warmth in the palm of his hand, as well as a slight beating pulse inside.

In short, after a month, you will know what Pokémon is inside!

"Thank you, Jin~!"

Putting away the Pokémon eggs, Xiaozhi thanked Ajin, and then took the eggs and prepared to go back to the room of the elf center to put them away.

The next few days will be high-intensity alliance conferences, so there is no need to keep it with you.

"Wow, Master Ajin, so you are so powerful! You are simply a legendary master!"

"Master Ajin, my name is Xiao Wang, can I add a contact information, please!?"

After Xiaoguang and Xiaowang saw Ah Jin's ability with their own eyes, they all came over enthusiastically and became familiar with each other.

Not only can you know the information about Pokémon eggs in advance, but you can also increase the upper limit of aptitude. This ability is incredible!

"Hmph, you are all Xiaozhi's friends, easy to talk~!"

Although his body was weak, Ah Jin was very receptive to this kind of flattery, especially the flattery of a young girl, and his complexion turned red immediately, and his eyebrows brightened.


It wasn't until he heard Chris coughing behind him that Ah Jin quickly put on a straight face, pretending to be serious.

His ability is usually hidden very deeply, and few people know it at all.

Today, she made an exception and showed her hand in front of them purely for the sake of the two being Xiaozhi's friends.

"By the way, when I touched the surface of the eggshell just now, I seemed to hear a 'ding'."

But looking at the back of Xiaozhi holding the egg and leaving, Ah Jin pondered a little.

Generally, this sign is that only when there is a shining individual inside the Pokémon egg, he will hear the "ding" prompt.

Well, maybe it's just tinnitus and I heard it wrong...

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