He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1846 Opening Ceremony, Daye vs Bamboo Orchid! (superior)

the next morning.

The opening ceremony of the Lily of the Valley Conference started as scheduled.

"Hi everyone, I'm the president of the Pokémon League Convention, Damarange~!"

On the high stage, a short old man with white hair and white beard was holding the microphone and giving the opening speech.

Lined up next to each other, the four Sinnoh alliance kings and the alliance champion Zhulan are sitting in the back with solemn expressions.

The five most powerful people attended together. This card made the whole venue full of voices and cheers like thunder.

"Is that the ground attribute king, Juye?"

Xiaozhi is sitting in the auditorium with his friends at the moment, looking at the stage from a distance.

For example, Miss Zhulan, Daye, Aliu, and Wusong, the other three heavenly kings, he has met before.

Only this was the first time he had seen this gray-white old woman with shoulder-length short hair who looked a little old.

Looks like a gentle trainer?

The Sinnoh Alliance Conference is not like the Quartz Conference. All the contestants have to line up to watch the ceremony. The schedule is very simple and straightforward.

After watching the opening ceremony in the morning, the fight started in the afternoon.


Soon, Damarachi's opening speech came to an end, and the familiar flame bird flame was ignited in a brazier at the highest point of the venue, completely igniting the fighting atmosphere of the Lily of the Valley Conference.

"Then the last item in the opening ceremony is the Champions League Challenge!"

At this moment, Damalanchi suddenly raised his voice:

"In this match, Daye, the king of the alliance, will challenge Zhulan, the champion of the alliance!!"

As soon as the words fell, the whole venue was instantly thunderous, and entered the top-level boiling atmosphere at the beginning.

"Is it the main event right from the start!"

Xiao Wang, who was watching the battle, had a bright look. Fortunately, she didn't go to the Fangyuan area in advance. This battle can be said to be the most important match in their Sinnoh area!

"Wow, there is still such a good show to watch, did you make money?"

Sitting next to Xiaozhi, Ah Jin crossed his arms, showing anticipation.

Although he has completed the evolution of the Firestorm Beast, he and Chris's city celebration team are not in a hurry to go to the next regional exhibition tour, and can stay in Lily of the Valley for a few days to fish for the time being.

"Is the fight going to start so soon?"

Xiaozhi's eyes also burned.

He thought that this challenge would only start at the end of the alliance meeting? Didn't he expect the opening ceremony to be staged directly?

"Mr. Daye, come on!"

Xiaozhi cheered secretly.

Although he felt that Daye was doomed.

Then play more of Ms. Zhulan's stuff, and let him see more of the latter's strength in advance.

So far, he has not fought Zhulan with all his strength.

Soon, Daye and Zhulan all appeared on the stage surrounded by a huge venue full of seats, standing on both sides of the central arena.

"Then the rule of this game is a singles battle between two Pokémon! If one side loses all two Pokémon, the winner will be determined!"

The referee spoke loudly and called out the rules.


Xiaozhi blinked, slightly puzzled, but soon understood.

In the championship challenge, the challenger chooses the number of battles, and can choose 2, 4, or 6 all-handed battles.

And the fewer the number of Pokémon that appear on the stage, relatively speaking, the strength gap will be narrowed, and there is a greater probability of completing the next gram.

Wearing the familiar black robe, Zhulan brushed her long hair back, looked at the opponent in front of her, and said with a light smile:

"Daye Jun, let me see your current strength!"

Immediately, without any hesitation, she raised her hand and threw an elf ball.


When the red light fell, Ace Lie Bite Lu Shark took the lead, waving his spiked arms, and let out a high-pitched and ferocious earth dragon roar!

"It's appeared, it's biting the land shark!!"

"Was it Miss Zhulan's trump card from the beginning!?"

The appearance of the strongest ace made hundreds of spectators excited and screaming again and again.

Bamboo Orchid and Biting Land Shark, this combination can be said to be the most famous in the Sinnoh area, and it is also recognized as the strongest!

"Is it a ruthless character from the beginning?"

There were already a few drops of sweat on Daye's forehead. Since he was a single-attribute trainer, it didn't make much sense for the opponent to choose Pokémon first.

"Then I'm counting on you! The platypus!"

So Daye took a deep breath and threw out the first elf ball.


The platypus covered in crimson flames appeared on the stage, with a dark and fierce face, and one arm was raised, and the flame in the barrel was ready to go out.

The battle begins!

"Duckbill, use jet flames!!"

The platypus was not polite at all, raised its hand to aim at the target, and a thick beam of flames spewed out from the barrel, roaring out!

But Zhulan didn't command, but just watched the incoming fire attack indifferently.

It wasn't until the flames approached that Lie Bite Lu Shark raised the sharp dragon claws.

Whoa! !

With a sudden slash forward, the beam of flame light was easily shattered and scattered into flames.

"Tsk, it really doesn't have a good effect, does it?"

Daye's expression was slightly wrinkled. The opponent didn't even use a single skill, and he was able to easily destroy the flame jet that the platypus was best at.

"Then try this trick, use the flame vortex!!"

Daye attacked again, this time it seemed that he was planning to start a war of attrition.

Boom Boom Chick.!

The flames gushing out from the cannon barrel of the platypus again formed a winding flame tornado, entangled and surrounded the biting land shark in the middle.

Seeing this, Zhulan's eyes sharpened, and she commanded:

"Use Earthquake!"

In the flame tornado, the specific appearance of the biting land shark cannot be seen.

Rumble! !

Just the next moment, the ground of the entire arena suddenly vibrated violently, and the terrifying impact ignored the flame vortex above, spread from the ground, and completely hit the platypus!

The effect is outstanding! !

"And then Dragon Claw!!"

Immediately afterwards, Biting Lu Shark raised the cyan dragon claw, and with a sudden stroke, he broke all the flame tornadoes around his body, and then rushed out, the dragon claw slashed straight at the target.

The platypus got a slap in the face, and it was difficult to move its lower body at the moment, so it could only stay in place and watch the biting land shark approach.

"This is what I want! The platypus, block it with your body!!"

But Daye suddenly spoke in an arrogant voice, as if he was about to commit suicide.


Naturally, the platypus completely obeyed the trainer's command, and instead of retreating, it used its shoulders to resist the dragon claws of the land shark.

Bang bang! !

The power of the dragon's claws was terrifying, and the moment it touched it, the duck-billed beast leaped and half-kneeled on the ground.

It's just that after the platypus suffered the blow, it didn't fall down. Instead, it stretched out its arms, and hugged the body of the biting land shark firmly!

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