He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1849 The Debriefing of the Pokémon Inspector

"Mr. Daye! Miss Zhulan!"

After the opening ceremony, Xiaozhi sneaked to the backstage of the game, saw the two and greeted them from afar.

"Oh~ Xiaozhi, long time no see~"

Zhulan still maintained a polite and friendly smile, and responded with a smile.

Although Daye still wore that afro, wearing wide-leg trousers and flip-flops, he walked procrastinatingly, and his spirit was a little sluggish.

"Hey, Xiaozhi."

After Daye greeted casually, he left with a dejected expression on his face.

Crushed by such a force, he needs a good rest.


Let's challenge that guy A Liu in private later, it's just a good time to vent!

Daye's eyes suddenly lit up, he scratched his explosive head, and immediately searched for the location of the worm attribute heavenly king, Aliu.

"?" "?"

Xiaozhi and Zhulan showed puzzled expressions and watched Daye leave, wondering why this guy suddenly recovered.

But Xiaozhi soon forgot about Daye, and looked at Zhulan with his fists clenched.

"As expected of Miss Zhulan, she is still so powerful!"

"Hehe, it's just an advantage in terms of attributes~"

Zhulan lightly covered her small mouth and said politely.

But looking at Xiaozhi and Pikachu on his shoulder, Zhulan focused a little on the boy in front of her, perhaps the enemy she needed to pay attention to the most.

"Yo~ Isn't this Xiaozhi, long time no see~!"

Just when Xiaozhi was about to continue the conversation, an old but light-toned voice suddenly came from behind.

Turning around, it was Damalanchi who had delivered a speech at the opening meeting earlier.

Although he is old, he looks very energetic in his sportswear and wearing his peaked cap backwards like Ajin.

"President Damaranch."

Zhulan nodded slightly to indicate that she respected this old man who was already the leader of the Pokémon League convention when she was a child.

"Zhulan~ Your battle is still so impeccable~ What a headache~"

Damalanqi squinted his eyes with a smile, and couldn't help admiring.

It can be said that he has toured and held alliance conferences in so many regions, and has held them for so many years. Even so, Zhulan is definitely the most outstanding group of people.

"Then I'll go to the Elf Center first to treat the biting land shark~"

Seeing that the two of them seemed to have something to say, Zhulan didn't stay long, and walked away with a smile.

And in this remote arena backstage, only Xiao Zhi and Damalan were left.

"Oh President Damarachi, the task you gave me earlier has been successfully completed~!"

Xiaozhi remembered something, took out the illustration book, retrieved the notepad in it, and handed it to Damarange.

He recorded all the evaluation reports on the eight gyms along the way, which can be regarded as giving him the position of Pokémon inspector, and he has successfully handed over the work report.

Well, never again!

This Pokémon Inspector doesn't look like a famous name, but in reality that's what it is.

It can also shock the young gym owners. For those old gym owners, they have no deterrent power at all.

Xiaozhi's behavior is getting worse and worse.

"Oh~ let the old man see~"

Damalanchi took the illustrated book with a smile and began to browse carefully.

In the first Heijin Gym, EMI Gym, and Xiao Zhi's reports were all very detailed.

The lineups, process, climax, and kill points of both sides were recorded in every detail.

It even includes the appearance of the gymnasium building, the character, habits, and behavior of the gymnasium owner.

It can be said that this is what Xiaozhi has learned all his life. Maybe he has never written so many words in his life.

But when it came to the mid-term gym supervision, the number of words in the report was significantly less, and it probably roughly wrote about the strength of the gym master, part-time work and so on. The attitude was obviously perfunctory.

Even at the last Binhai gymnasium, there were only three words left in Xiaozhi's report.

"It's okay."

Damaranch: "."

Through this report, regardless of the intelligence of the Eight Gymnasiums, he probably read Xiaozhi's mental journey.

However, for Melissa, the owner of the Jiayuan Gym, Xiaozhi spent a lot of space describing what happened after three passes to the Gym, leading a group of people to fill the Lizhi Lake, every day at the gorgeous competition venue.

Although Xiaozhi's purpose was to poke Melissa's back.

But as a third party, Damalan looks more like a letter of commendation specially written by Xiao Zhi?

After reading the report, Damalanqi backed up the data for a minute, then returned the illustrated book and praised it.

"Not bad, Xiaozhi, you did a good job."

This made Xiaozhi puzzled, and took the illustrated book in a daze.

I always feel that the position of Pokémon inspector is somewhat dispensable.

"No, the role of the Pokémon inspector is huge~!"

Damalanchi just stroked his beard and said with a smile.

Don't look like even a gymnasium won't be seized

The seizure or something was originally only aimed at other low-level, unknown gyms.

As for the eight most famous gyms, unless they are directly occupied by the Plasma team, as long as they are not too outrageous, the Pokémon League will choose to turn a blind eye, and the funds that should be given will also be approved.

After all, talents are hard to come by, compared to the daily gym challenges

The stability and protection of the city where the gym is located and the surrounding area is the most important point for each gym owner.

Therefore, the part-time activities of the gymnasium owner expand the scope of influence, such as Melissa's influence and drainage on the gorgeous contest.

Ji Xian can summon wild Pokémon in the entire wetland.

On the contrary, the maintenance and improvement of Binhai City's electric power project is what they expected.

As for the supervision and test, it is a test, and it is more to express an attitude to these museum owners.

They and the Pokémon Alliance have a superior-subordinate relationship.

It is enough to convey this intention.

After all, as the largest organization in the entire region, it is firmly rooted in the hearts of all the people. It is not just the top-level Pokémon Alliance.

The alliance gymnasiums in various places below are the foundation.

"Ah, that's it."

Listening to Damarachi's explanation, Xiaozhi rubbed his head.

Although a little puzzled, it's almost a bastard's position?

But Damara didn't say the whole thing, the focus of this Pokémon monitoring is actually not the owners of the various gymnasiums at all.

But Xiaozhi.

After this time, Xiaozhi took the position of Pokémon inspector and took such a trip in the Sinnoh area.

Then this super rookie with outstanding aptitude and superior combat power has completely become a member of their Pokémon League.

This is what Damaranqi values ​​most!

Thinking of this, he smiled, and said in a rather grand manner:

"Xiaozhi, you have completed the task very well this time. If you need any rewards in the future, you can say it. As long as the Pokémon League can do it, you can satisfy it to the greatest extent~!"

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