He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1850 First show, Nightmare God!

Saying goodbye to Chairman Damarachi, Xiaozhi didn't offer any rewards at the end.

It's not that I don't need it. It's just that I didn't think of what I needed for a while, so I had to put this matter on the account temporarily.

If Mr. Wang Luo didn't give him the Pokémon egg, he would be able to ask for one from the Pokémon League

But now that there is already one, Xiaozhi doesn't need two eggs.

"Then for the afternoon game, let's go~!"

The entry list was closed yesterday, and Damaranci also saw Xiaozhi's list on it, so he walked away with an encouragement.

In my heart, I began to mourn for the young trainers in the Sinnoh area.

When Xiaozhi participated in the league meeting for the first time and was bombarded by the royal masked man, he was at the scene, and he was still a VIP spectator.

It can only be said that the young dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon, and now it's Xiaozhi's turn to fry fish.

That's right, young trainers should be tortured and tortured to increase their strength.

After a short lunch, the Lily of the Valley Conference in full swing officially started!

"Xiaoguang, come on!"

Before parting, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Guang clapped their hands together and said encouragingly.

Xiaoguang looked at the excited and enthusiastic trainers around, and the sound of explosions in the surrounding arenas, she still swallowed her saliva and tried hard:

"I see, I will try my best to play as many rounds as possible!"

In the Gorgeous Contest, it will not be full of hoarse and loud roars like here.

After speaking, the two went to their respective arenas, facing their opponents in the first round of the preliminary round.

Due to the large number of rounds in the preliminary rounds, it is not played in turn one by one, but in several competition venues at the same time.

Nuoda's venue was divided into five or six arenas at the moment, and fierce battles were taking place in all of them.

Due to the "invalid badge" incident at the Dianci Binhai Gymnasium, the number of contestants in this year's Lily of the Valley Conference has decreased a lot. Many people took the lighthouse badges they picked up and prepared to participate by chance.

As a result, all the inspections were invalidated, and they were blocked from the arena.

They still want to join forces to sue Dianci. However, Dianci issued an official announcement half a month ago. The basket of badges at the door is just a test, which can be regarded as a direct exemption from liability.

So this year's competition system has been shortened a lot, and there is no preliminaries stage.

There are only more than 60 contestants in total, and it is the preliminary stage as soon as they come up.

Each player will go through three 3v3 knockout matches with random opponents, and if they lose one game, they will be eliminated.

Those who can stay after three games are the top eight of this conference. The competition system is extremely simple and rude.

"Well, that means I'm already in the top 64!"

Xiaoguang cheered secretly, and when he heard his name being called on the radio, he quickly walked to the leftmost arena.

By the way, her opponent in the first preliminary round seems to be a person named Dakdo, does the name sound familiar?

"Contestant Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, and contestant Yinger from Zhuqing City, please come to Arena No. 6 for the preliminary round!"

Hearing the call from the radio, Xiao Zhi hurriedly walked to the field on the far right.

This is an ordinary floor field. The referee and opponent are already in place. Opposite is a trainer who can't see his face clearly, but his expression is high-spirited.

"Then the 3v3 match starts now!"

As the referee's voice fell, the trainer on the opposite side took the lead in throwing a poke ball.

A red light flashed, but it was a pale yellow arthropod reptile with green diamond-shaped wings behind it, and it couldn't fly completely.

It was the ultrasonic larva that Xiaozhi had just encountered not long ago.

"Earth Dragon, it happens to be your first show, so it's decided!"

Although according to the rules, both sides of the battle had to throw the Pokéball at the same time, but the trainer on the opposite side seemed to be very confident in his Pokémon, and lost the ball first.

But just when Xiaozhi was about to throw the poke ball, something pulled his heel suddenly.

Maintaining the movement of about to throw the ball, Xiaozhi glanced back out of the corner of his eye, and found a ghost claw protruding from the shadow behind him, grabbing his heel.

"Darkley, do you want to make your debut first? Then it's up to you!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi did not dampen the enthusiasm of the latter, and simply put aside his actions for the time being.

The ice ghost guard that has completed evolution can be saved for tomorrow to make its debut.


Hearing this, Da Kelai leaned out of Xiaozhi's shadow in a sinister manner. This ghostly appearance shocked the referee.

And the jet-black ghost posture, as well as the crimson zigzag neckline and the pale arrogance on the top of the head, the shape is extremely impactful.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, the audience who paid attention to this half of the arena became excited.

"Come out, it's the Nightmare God!!"

"The rumors are true. This year's Lily of the Valley Conference really has a male trainer who uses the Nightmare God!!"

"But how did I hear that the trainer has long hair, cosplaying the shape of the Nightmare God?"

This kind of momentum also made Ying Er's face on the opposite side stiffen, and the confidence that was still enthusiastic just now was instantly numb.

Is the trainer in front of me who looks very sunny and passionate, the monster who is rumored to use a nightmare god to push eight gymnasiums flat?

Damn, why am I so unlucky, I met this scourge in the first game! !

"Damn it, I have to go all out, Ultrasonic Larva, use Dragon's Breath!!"

Eiji gritted his teeth and took the initiative to attack.

How can he say that he is also a man who has won eight badges by virtue of his strength, maybe the other party's rumors are just exaggerated?

I can still win!


This ultrasonic larva raised its head, and a blue energy beam shot out from the end of its tentacles!

Seeing this, Xiaozhi immediately confronted him head-on and said:

"It's just in time, Darkrai, we use the wave of evil!!"

When he was in Tianguan Mountain before, he had been working with Darkley for a few days, and he was already very familiar with the fighting style of the Nightmare God.


Darkrai made a low sound, and Ghost Claw quickly condensed a messy ball of light composed of countless black light circles in front of him, and then pushed forward violently.

Whoosh! !

The pitch-black halo bombarded out and collided with the dragon's breath, completely crushing and destroying the latter with overwhelming force in the next second.

Boom! !

Even pushed back all the way to the other side of the arena, the wave of evil suddenly exploded on the supersonic larva! !


As the smoke and dust dissipated, the ultrasonic larva was on all fours, knocked down to the ground by the wave of evil, and lost consciousness.

Kill in one hit!

The overwhelming good start caused the nearby viewing area to burst into loud cheers again, and even many spectators from the surrounding competition areas rushed over.

Did the audience here have never seen the world? After watching a game, why are they crying like ghosts?

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