He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1851 Another Beast Man

It's just that when the new spectators fixed their eyes on the No. 6 arena, they were all dumbfounded.

"Roentgen Cat, use Crazy Volt!"

Eiji has sent his second Pokémon, a handsome lightning cat.

After letting out a high-pitched neigh, the Roentgen cat exploded with violent lightning all over its body, and slammed into the Nightmare God brazenly.

"Then try this trick, Darkrai, use the dark hole!!"

Xiaozhi raised his finger and called out the exclusive move of Nightmare God.

This move was familiar to Dakley for a long time, he condensed a pitch-black ball of light with one hand, and threw it with his backhand like throwing a bowling ball.


Accurately hit the roentgen cat, which is bathed in lightning and rushing forward.

The next moment, the Roentgen cat was surrounded by a strange translucent black film, as if in a black hole in another world, and lost its will.

The current around him dissipated, and his body fell asleep on the way.

"Then there is this trick, using Dream Eater!"

Xiaozhi attacked again, and the sleeping Roentgen cat directly became a living target.


Darkley let out a sneaky whisper, and it seemed that a translucent phantom clone flew out of the jet-black figure, and pounced on the Roentgen cat.


While sleeping, the Roentgen cat's figure suddenly twitched, and then its eyes turned into whirlpools, and it lost its fighting ability in the dream.

The Nightmare God's characteristic is Nightmare, except in non-combat situations, it will make the surrounding creatures fall into a nightmare state.

In the battle, it will also make sleep moves such as dream eating and nightmares more powerful.

"What a handsome Nightmare God!!"

"This is too strong!!"

"Damn, if it's this kind of Pokémon, I can go up and kill it casually!!"

The Nightmare God instantly killed the two Pokémon on the opposite side, making the cheers of the No. 6 arena even more agitated.

And those spectators who came later also turned into earthbound spirits, staring at the black shadow on the field, for fear of missing a second.

"Good job, Darkrai!"

Xiao Zhi praised the two opponents easily.

I have to say, but the feeling of the beast man is still so addictive!

As for what some viewers said, I can do it too, first of all you have to have a Darkrai.

To control high-level Pokémon, especially an arrogant and lonely existence like Nightmare God, you must first be a high-level trainer.


Yinger's face was ashamed, and two Pokémon were easily defeated one after another, which directly exploded his mentality.

And the third one appeared on the stage was Hao Li, who was going to use outstanding fighting moves to resist for a while.

Boom boom boom! !

Before the fist was punched out, another wave of evil bombarded him, causing a huge explosion on Haoli's body!

"Haoli lost the ability to fight. Since all three Pokémon in the infant contestant have lost their ability to fight, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town will be promoted in this match!"

The referee immediately said loudly, and couldn't help wiping the sweat off his head.

He has been in the industry for so many years, and he has never seen such a quick spike game.

I don't know if there is a new record for the fastest preliminary competition?

"Nightmare God!! Nightmare God!! Nightmare God!!"

"Shen Beast Contestant~!! Champion! Champion!"

And the overwhelming strength also made Darkley and Xiaozhi attract countless fans in an instant, and the shouts and cheers of the Nightmare God resounded around the No. 6 arena.

It seems that this year's champion, with a high probability, will be the male beast player. It is indeed as powerful as the rumors say!

After the addiction, Xiaozhi called Darkley back, and the latter floated back into the shadows very comfortably.

If there is anyone who likes fried fish more than the beast man, it is the beast itself.

"The beast man?"

Xiaozhi's mouth twitched a little when he heard the "beast man" being called around.

This title refers to that Dakdo, who has been very popular on the Internet in the past few months, and even he knows the famous name of the other party.

Is this mistaking him for Dakdo?

"Forget it, let's go watch Xiaoguang's game first!"

After get off work at the speed of light 3-0, Xiaozhi quickly left the field and ran towards the No. 1 stadium where Xiaoguang was, maybe he could still see the second half.


It's just that when Xiaozhi came to the viewing area of ​​the No. 1 arena, he was dumbfounded.

But I saw that Xiaoguang's opponent was the mysterious trainer Dakdo with thick long hair hanging down. As for the Pokémon used by the other party

Another Darkrai!

"Uh, is Xiao Guang also so unlucky?"

Xiaozhi was a little bit dumbfounded, to be so unlucky in the preliminary round, and it was the first round of the preliminary round, to meet this "genuine beast man"?

He hurriedly looked at the player sign above. Dakdo was naturally the first Pokémon Dakrai, and the other two Poké Balls were dim.

On Xiaoguang's side, there is already the second Pokémon, and the dimmed image in front is the jackrabbit.

"It's such a pity. This girl obviously has the strength of the top 8, but she was unlucky to meet the favorites to win the championship."

"After all, even the power of mega evolution has been used, and there is still no gain."

Xiaozhi also heard the discussion of some audiences nearby. It seems that Xiaoguang's jackrabbit showed all its strength in the first game, but it still lost.

He quickly folded his chest and looked at the field in front of him seriously, wanting to see how strong this rumored trainer is.

"Imperator Napoleon, use salt water!!"

On the field, Xiaoguang was already sweating profusely, but he still gritted his teeth and attacked.

Her second Pokémon is the ace Emperor Nabo, but it is already bruised and bruised, obviously entering a state of dying in the wind.

Puff! !

It's just that when the physical strength is low, the power of the salt water move will become more terrifying, and the powerful water rushes towards the target.

"Hehe, little girl, I agree with your willpower."

The corner of Dakdo's mouth raised, but he was not as gloomy as he looked on the outside.

"Darkley, dodge, and then one hundred thousand volts!!"

As soon as the words fell, the Nightmare God's figure flashed, and at the same time, dense electric currents appeared on the surface of the body, and then bombarded out.

One hundred thousand volts flew out and hit Emperor Nabo head-on. Even if it wasn't a move of this attribute, it still caused good damage.

Boom! !

Emperor Nabo was bathed in the golden electric current, and white smoke appeared on the surface of his body, and he was about to fall down.

"It's not over yet, use salt water!!"

However, following Xiaoguang's low voice, he saw Emperor Nabo struggling to open his bird's beak amidst the lightning.

Puff! !

The gushing salt water move, this time broke the current, hit Darkley's abdomen head-on, and knocked him out with a strong impact.


After the move fell, Darkley's whole body was dripping with water, and he shook his head, looking quite embarrassed.

Since it was a saltwater move with less than half health, its power was terrifying, but it still caused a lot of damage.

"I see."

Darko squinted his eyes, and then he noticed that the wings of this panting penguin were inserting into the ground, leading most of the 100,000 volts of current into the ground, and only then did he have the strength to perform this desperate blow.

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