He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1852 The fish fryer met a proxy

Although he successfully hit a counterattack, the situation of Emperor Nabo is also in jeopardy at this moment.

"Don't give up, at least one victory must be won!"

Xiaoguang has already considered himself unlucky, the top 64 is the top 64, but no matter what, he can't be shaved directly!

"Emperor Nabo, use wave rush!!"

In the end, she placed her expectation on the wave rush, and using the powerful impact of this move, she might really be able to defeat the powerful enemy in front of her.

Emperor Nabo nodded, tensed his whole body, burst out a stream of water and began to accumulate strength.

"Hmph, Darkrai, use Assault!"

However, as Dakdo's voice fell, the Nightmare God's figure appeared in an instant, and the ghost claws protruding straight out hit Emperor Nabo's face with a "bang".

The surprise move was launched first, directly destroying Emperor Nabo's wave charge, and the whole body couldn't help but retreat backwards.


In the end, he fell staggeringly in front of Xiaoguang, completely losing his ability to fight.

Dakoto successfully defeated the two with an overwhelming strength gap and entered the match point.

"Wow, as expected of a beast man, he is as powerful as the rumors say. No, even stronger!"

"But this cute little girl is also very powerful."

"Anyway, let me kill you hard! I came to the scene of the Lily of the Valley Conference to watch the Nightmare God kill me!"

There was a chaotic noise from the surrounding audience.

Because the deeds of "Nightmare God" + "Pingtui Gym" are too loud, it seems that there are still many viewers who have become Dakdo's fans before the Lily of the Valley Conference started.

As for why the beast man suddenly turned into two people, no one is arguing.

It can only be said that there are two groups of audience fans at the scene, and it is estimated that they have not noticed the existence of another beast man.

"This Emperor Napoleon is already your trump card, right? How about it, do you want to continue fighting?"

Holding the match point in his hand, Dakdo didn't urge him, but just asked slowly.

He came to participate in the Lily of the Valley Conference this time, and he was already ready to kill and fry fish, and now it's over to enjoy.

"Well, you've done a good job, come back for now."

Xiao Guang silently took Emperor Nabo back into the ball, and lowered his head somewhat disappointed.

But at the same time, an elegant and steady voice appeared in his mind.

"Xiaoguang, it's been changed."

Xiaoguang lowered his head, let out a breath of air, and finally could only relax his body, and responded in his heart:

"I get it, I'll leave it to you"

After seeing Dakoto standing opposite him, Xiaoguang already realized that today might be in trouble.

Originally, Platina was not interested in the alliance conference. As the spirit behind Xiaoguang, she rarely made a move.

Most of the time, Xiaoguang is allowed to play, and he is in the soul world, silently browsing the knowledge and information of this world.

Why did she come back to this world?

Why do you and Xiaoguang coexist in this posture?

How to isolate independent individuals?

Compared with Chi, a "man of battle" who is passionate about fighting, Platina is a "man of knowledge", and the mysteries of this world are more attractive to her.

But today, facing Dakdo who came to fry fish, Platina took the initiative to ask for a seat for her.

If you don't do it, you really have no part in it.

And as Xiaoguang raised his head again, his appearance remained unchanged, but his temperament changed drastically.


Especially Dakdo, who was facing the front, couldn't help frowning.

Did something happen, why did this energetic girl in front of her suddenly seem to have turned into a mature and steady young lady.?

Or is it Dr. Miss?

In the calm and deep eyes, there is a look of wisdom, as if he has been seen through at a glance.

"I was too hard, and I was beaten into a schizophrenia?"

Dakdo couldn't help thinking in his heart.

And in the auditorium, from a distance, Xiaozhi also felt the change in Xiaoguang's temperament.

"Interesting, did you change the eldest lady?"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, Platina is not a simple trainer.

But I have never seen her make a move. Today is a fried fish encounter. I didn't expect to see such a wonderful battle in the preliminary round!

"." With the upper body of the soul, Platina didn't say much, and gently threw an elf ball.

Like Xiaozhi, Xiaoguang can carry 12 elves on her own without breaking the law, and her Pokémon is always on her body.


When the red light fell, another Emperor Nabo appeared on the field.

Generally, it is rare for a trainer to raise two identical Pokémon at the same time, but the appearance of Emperor Nabo made the surrounding audience roar.

"This penguin."

But Dakdo frowned, the momentum of the second Emperor Nabo was obviously much stronger than the previous one.

Especially the majestic eyes, the straight and upright emperor's body.

Even if the opponent is the Nightmare God Darkrai, he seems to regard him as ordinary people, with a natural superiority and strength.

The battle begins!

Unavoidably overturning, Dakdo attacked the road first, intending to directly decide the winner.

"Darkley, use one hundred thousand volts!!"

The violent electric current roared out, but Platina kept watching the screen behind the scenes, and Platina naturally knew the fighting style of this nightmare god.

"With steel wings, attack the ground."

The Emperor Nabo in front of him understood, his wings glowed with silver light instantly, and then ruthlessly plunged into the ground in front of him.

But it is not purely conductive, the violent steel wing move directly cracked the ground in front of him, and as the wings were raised again, countless sand, gravel and soil were lifted up one after another.

The obstacles of sand and soil directly interrupted the conduction of the current, and it spread out in the air.


Even Emperor Nabo's offensive hadn't ended yet. He waved his wings after a low shout, and the sand and stones that were raised up all of a sudden gained momentum, and they all flew out together, creating an effect similar to a rock avalanche.

Direct counterattack while defending, it can be said that Platina's fighting style is very violent.

"Fly up, do it again, use a hundred thousand volts!"

Dakoto felt that the girl in front of him was getting weirder and weirder, and her voice began to become hurried.

Darkley quickly flew high, avoiding all the rocks in front of him, the ghost claw pressed down first, and flew again to shoot out a violent electric shock!

"Imperator Napoleon, use the water cannon!"

Platina did not show any weakness, and shouted out.

Emperor Nabo quickly raised his head, and the water jet gushing out of his mouth went straight to the one hundred thousand volts bombardment!

Boom boom boom! !

The water flow and the electric shock collided in mid-air, in an evenly matched posture, and finally burst open, turning into countless water flows and splashing down.

"How is it possible! The power of this Emperor Nabo can actually compete with the Nightmare God?!"

"No, why do I think this water cannon is more powerful?"

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