He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1853 Just a poor imitator

Finally, it was no longer a one-sided situation, and the voices of the surrounding audience became more and more excited.

"It's now, use the freezing wind!"

And taking advantage of the high-pressure water cannon bursting, the water splashed and fell on each other, Platina said quickly.

Emperor Nabo opened his beak, and the ice mist instantly spread to the audience, directly freezing a lot of ice slag on the wet Darkley.

Darkley's speed dropped drastically.

With the increase of the water droplets, the deceleration effect of the freezing wind can be even stronger, twice the deceleration.

"Darkley, use the dark hole!!"

Dakdo's eyes turned hard, this opponent is too weird. In this case, if you don't pretend, then go directly to the black hole.

The combo of Dark Hole + Dream Eater can be said to be Darkley's most mindless combo.

"King Nabo, use the water jet!"

However, the black hole ball in Darkley's hand hadn't been fully condensed yet, and the emperor Nabo had already turned into a bunch of sharp water arrows, and suddenly shot straight into the sky.


The jet of water hit Darkley's chest head-on!

The latter also wanted to forcibly suppress the water jet, after all, it was a small powerful move.


But after taking a solid blow, Darkley made a muffled sound in the air, and fell backwards with difficulty concealing his figure.

Why is the power different from what it imagined?

"And then Steel Wing!"

Due to the strong speed reduction by the freezing wind, Darkley's attack sequence was even directly delayed by two rounds.

Dispersing the water flow around his body, the emperor Nabo, who was at zero distance, changed his moves instantly in the air, and the extended steel wings took advantage of the situation and slashed out heavily! !

Bang bang! !

Only a blunt bang was heard, and Darkley's figure quickly fell from the air and hit the ground.

"The Nightmare God was shot down?"

"I don't believe it must be fake"

Many Nightmare God fans covered their eyes one after another, the scene above must be fake.

While on the field, Dakdo's face was no longer as calm as it was at the beginning, and his eyelids kept twitching wildly.

He already understood the difficulty of the girl in front of him.

Whether it is schizophrenia or hidden strength, his strength is not inferior to his own.


He was hit hard, but Darkley still slowly levitated up, but he didn't lose his fighting ability once.

Dakoto also became completely serious, thinking about rigorous strategies, and completely regarded Platina as a trainer of the same level.

"Use the hold method!"

Seeing that the opponent was about to use that difficult jet of water again, Darkley focused his gaze, and directly sealed Emperor Nabo's preemptive move.

Because of the previous attack, most of the ice chips on his body were broken, and Darkley's speed basically returned to normal.

"Come again, dark hole!!"

Dakoto shouted in a low voice, this time the dark hole will definitely hit!

On the other side, Emperor Nabo didn't choose to dodge either, as if he was going to directly take the shot of the dark hole.

It's just that its beak has been opened to the maximum.

"Use the water cannon!!"

Seeing that the opponent's dark ball had condensed into shape, Platina called out this ultimate water-attribute move at the same time.

The tacit understanding between Emperor Nabo and her was full, and a blue-white water bomb suddenly shot out from his mouth, with a violent light yellow electric current lingering on the surface.

Although its body shape is similar to a wave of water, the power contained in this small water bomb is extremely surging, and the aura that pervades it is a bit suffocating.


And when they hit the dark hole head-on, the two passed through at the same time, as if they hadn't touched it at all.

This is the scary part of the dark hole, not just the powerful sleep state after being hit.

There is also the ghost-like dark hole with the attribute of "penetration", which is difficult to resist with normal moves.


The next moment, the dark hole accurately hit Emperor Nabo, who was instantly wrapped in a black film and fell into a sleep state.

Of course, because the Emperor Napoleon is too arrogant, he even sleeps standing up.

But on the other hand, it is not a sleep state without any harm at all.

Throwing the dark ball with all his strength, Darkley also lost the ability to dodge the water cannon.

Boom boom boom! !

The water cannon also hit Darkley head-on, causing a massive explosion on his body. The terrifying power shook the entire arena.


Dakdo, who was the closest, kept raising his long hair backwards. He could even clearly feel the terrible aftermath of the explosion hitting his face, which showed how terrifying the power in the center of the move would be.

After a few seconds, the smoke and dust gradually dissipated.


The tall and proud body of Emperor Napoleon was still stuck there, his whole body was wrapped in a black membrane, unable to wake up for a long time.


But on the other side, Darkley had already fallen to the ground, completely losing consciousness.

"Darkley has lost the ability to fight!"

As the referee's voice fell, the surrounding audience's voice was even louder than the movement of crushing the game before.

The rumored Nightmare God, who promoted eight gymnasiums, and the nearly invincible Nightmare God... unexpectedly lost! ?

"Hiss is really violent, Missy"

Even Xiaozhi couldn't help being a little dumbfounded by Platina's operation.

Since the dark hole can't be blocked, then don't block it, I'm sleeping, you go to die?

Take the opportunity to hit the ultimate move with all your strength, and directly maximize the damage!

Looking at the back of "Xiaoguang" on the field, Xiaozhi nodded secretly, this is also a 100% trust in his emperor Nabo.

He believed that this blow could kill him, so he confidently allowed Emperor Nabo to enter the sleeping state of a living target.


The corner of Platina's mouth raised slightly after winning the round without any risk, and the long-lost battle also made her feel a lot of joy.

In the previous world, she was very familiar with the information of Pokémon like Nightmare God, and had already imagined several strategies to deal with the dark hole in her mind.

And today she chose the most simple and crude one.

"Impossible! The Nightmare God can't lose!!"

"The rumored beast man must be invincible!!"

Nightmare God's sudden defeat, even in the first round of the preliminaries, made many fans unbelievable, and there was a lot of restlessness in the surrounding auditorium.

But soon, another voice came from the crowd, and the confidence in speaking gradually increased.

"Hey, I'm not surprised at all, do you know why? Because this is not a beast man at all."

"Cold knowledge, really use the Nightmare God to push eight gymnasiums and kill people everywhere. The rumored beast man is in the 6th competition area, not from the 1st competition area."

"It's just a poor imitator, and I want to catch the popularity of my beast man."

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