He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1854 Top 33 and Top 3

Due to Xiao Zhiping's extremely fast pushing speed, he completely eliminated his opponent with only four moves, causing many audiences in the No. 6 arena to be diverted to other arenas.

Many of them came to the No. 1 arena in front of them.

"There is another beast man?!"

They were all taken aback when they first saw Dakdo, especially the costume of the cos nightmare god, which seemed to be more similar to the rumored beast man.

But people like to be preconceived.

Since they saw Xiaozhi first, naturally most people subconsciously believed that Xiaozhi was the right one.

Until now, after seeing Dakdo's Nightmare God fall, the confidence of this group of people has finally come up.

They don't know how to play against the wind group. But since it is an advantageous game now, they have to show their face.

"Bad imitators!"

"The beast man is orthodox in the No. 6 arena, I just came over there!"

"You still play cosplay, don't you just copy it mechanically?"

The remarks that sounded quite weird made many local audiences in the No. 1 competition area stunned. How could there be a second mythical beast man?

Even if you want to impersonate. But Darkrai, the legendary nightmare god, is not an electric mouse. How could he be a bad street existence?

But the other party's swearing voice, coupled with the fact that the Nightmare God in front of him has indeed fallen. This made Dakdo's fans a little afraid to respond.


On the field, Dakdo's face was very gloomy, the only eye exposed under his long hair, the eyelids were constantly beating.

He naturally heard the discussion among the audience, and he was also inexplicable for a while.

Where did he get a second self? !

But looking at Darkley who fell to the ground, and the girl opposite who looked unusually calm, it seemed that defeating the Nightmare God had nothing to be proud of.

He could only take back Darkley silently, frowning.

What kind of luck was this that he met a disaster star in the first round of the preliminary round?

This question is not only asked by Xiaoguang, at this moment Dakdo also wants to find someone to ask.


In the end, he let out a cold snort, and took out the second elf ball in his hand.

Although there are some small overturns, his advantages are still infinite.

"Dark~ Jiehehe!"

Just when he was about to throw the ball, he suddenly heard a furtive laughter from a certain position in the auditorium.

The sound was not too loud, and not many people in the audience could even hear it, but Dakoto on the field was very familiar with it. He raised his head as if telepathically, and looked towards the source of the sound.

But seeing in that direction, a young man wearing a red and black peaked cap and sitting on a Pikachu on his shoulders was also looking at him, and he reacted instantly.

"Sure enough, does this guy also have a Darkrai?"

Hmph, was that sneaky laugh just now, were you laughing at yourself?

"Hey Darkley, don't scream!"

Seeing Dakdo's gloomy eyes off the field, staring at him closely, Xiaozhi grinned dryly, then quickly slapped his palms backwards, and cursed in a low voice.

A Pokémon like Darkrai is an absolute loner, and there is only absolute competition among its kind.

After seeing another Nightmare God fall down, Xiao Zhi's Nightmare God was about to smile.

"Jee hee hee!"

In terms of yin and yang, the evil Pokémon with the evil attribute is absolutely self-teaching, and it still makes mocking laughter that only Xiaozhi and Dakdo can hear.

From a distance, he could even see a few blue veins on Dakdo's forehead.

Xiaozhi: "."

Originally, I saw this mysterious beast man, except that his behavior of frying fish was a bit bad, he was not so cold and withdrawn

But looking at it now, Darkley had already set fire to him and forced him into the enemy's camp.

Xiaozhi could only helplessly shrug his shoulders.

Forget it, anyway, they will always meet on the field, so let's treat it as a demonstration before the game.

"Haven't you eaten, laugh louder."

"Jie hee hee hee!!"

on the field.

Dakdo: "."

Hearing the intensifying furtive laughter in the auditorium, he could only turn dark and force himself not to pay attention to that direction.

The most important thing is this sound, which can only be heard by creatures connected with the Nightmare God. He can't even sue the referee for maliciously influencing the mentality of the players.


But just when Dakoto was about to release the second Pokémon, the girl opposite had already taken Emperor Nabo back.

This action made the referee stare, and looked at Platina with some doubts.

You must know that this is the Sinnoh area, and there is no extreme giantization.

When you take back this last Pokémon, it represents a possibility - to abstain.

"Since player Xiaoguang abstained, this match was won by player Dakdo from Baiyang Town!"

The referee hurriedly said loudly, making the whole arena restless again.

Obviously, the consumption of this emperor Nabo is not too high, so there is still a chance to continue fighting.

They also want to make a proper appraisal, whether this beast man is real or not!


And the opponent's sudden withdrawal also made Dakdo's face darken.

It was clearly his advantage, but now it turned out to be his own luck?


Dakdo snorted coldly, put the poke ball back on his waist, tugged at the wine-red dress and short robe, and left the arena straight away.

What a bad game.

On the other side, Platina's face was calm, without any waves on her face.

After gently nodding to the referee, he slowly turned and left.

She wasn't interested in defeating Dakoto, she just wanted to see if the method against the Nightmare God would work.

The strategy worked, but Platina was too lazy to continue pestering her.

And compared to letting her defeat Darkdoll by herself

Platina is now even more curious about what kind of scene will appear after Xiaozhi collides with this mysterious Dakdo.

During the exit process, with a blink of an eye, the two souls were replaced, and Xiaoguang returned to his body again.

"Hey, top 64~"

The originally calm and generous demeanor collapsed in an instant, Xiaoguang lowered his head, and said sadly.

"Don't get too entangled, your performance is at least the top 33."

Platina thought about it, and said comfortingly.

Xiaozhi was already waiting at the gate of the arena, and when he approached, he just heard Platina's voice, and immediately comforted him:

"That's right, Xiaoguang, and you're not just the top 33. If the beast man is followed by nightmare gods to push to the finals, then you're even the top 3."

Xiaoguang: "."

She couldn't understand the messy top 33 and top 3 at all, so she walked towards the elf center side by side with Xiaozhi in a little frustration.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, how was your game?"

"It's okay, Lightspeed 3-0 is here to cheer for you!"

Xiaoguang: "."

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