He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1855 Medical team, please lift it up

"Look, it's the top 33 player!"

"Although it looks cute, it's not very strong."

"Hey, why did I seem to have seen her in the beauty contest?"

After the preliminary competition on the first day, when Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang went out for a walk together, someone recognized Xiaoguang frequently, and a voice always caused other passers-by around to shout.

Originally, the top 33 was just a consolation statement.

But at this moment, Xiaoguang is the only one who can defeat the legendary Nightmare God, making her the only top 33.

Xiaoguang: "."

It's just that she is obviously not that satisfied with this name, and now walking on the street of this venue, she can only lower her head in dejection.

"Actually, it's quite amazing. The only top 33. It's the same as the winner of the conference. Anyway, it's the only title~"

The best friend Xiaowang beside him patted Xiaoguang on the shoulder and comforted him.

Xiao Zhi touched the back of his head, feeling a little strange.

By the way, why is no one pointing fingers at me?

After the first day of the preliminaries, if you want to talk about the most popular, except for Xiaoguang's top 33, it is the debate between the real and the fake beast man.

But also because of the Nightmare God of Dakota, he was indeed defeated

Now the titles of the two people are also faintly different, as a distinction.

"Xiaozhi's player in Zhenxin Town, a real beast man."

"Dakdo player from Baiyang Town, the temporary beast man (doubtful)."

However, people seem to be more willing to argue about the true and false names, or whether the two are stronger or weaker. The image of Xiaozhi has not been exposed much.

On the street, the top 33 had more fans.

After being accosted and asked for a group photo several times in a row, Xiaoguang finally cheered up again.

Sure enough, she should just be a coordinator, and then she should be a good audience!

The lily of the valley conference is still in full swing.

Xiaozhi's opponent in the second preliminary round was an acquaintance, or Xiaoguang's acquaintance.

"Hey, Mr. Shangzhi is also an amphibious player?"

Looking at Xiaozhi's opponent in the stands, Xiaoguang blinked and said.

She had competed with the latter a few times before on the stage of the beauty contest.

At that time, Xiaozhi was also an audience in the audience, and he knew the fighting style of the man in front of him holding a harp, wearing a green robe, and dressed as a troubadour.

"In that case, it's up to you!!"

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi and Shangzhi dispatched Pokémon together.

Hisashi's Pokémon is a brown-red speaker cricket, standing upright, with a black beard like a gentleman, and sharp sickle-shaped arms and limbs.

And Xiaozhi's Pokémon is a dark blue one-horned beetle, standing upright like a warrior.


Heracross has not appeared for a long time, especially in the face of the competitive spirit of the same Zerg, let it erect a tall horn, clenched its arms and fists, and the carapace on the surface glowed for a while.

"Hey, does Xiaozhi still have Heracross?"

It was the first time Xiaoguang saw it, and he was a little puzzled. The field turned into a battle between two bugs.

"It seems to be the mega stone of Heracross from last time, so did you make it appear on purpose?"

Xiao Gang rubbed his chin, and Ami's pure and lovely figure could not help appearing in his mind.

And on the field, Xiaozhi was also unequivocal, raising his arms at the beginning of the game.

"Heracross, mega evolution!!"

Xiaozhi naturally wanted to try the new evolution of the mega stone he got from Miss Ami at the Binhai Tower last time.


Heracross let out a low cry, echoed the keystone, a dazzling white light burst out from his body, and then his figure suddenly changed.

The one-horn that originally grew on the nose has become taller and straighter, connected with the entire head, and erected upwards at the top of the head.

And this time, the end of the unicorn is no longer forked, but a bunch of single sharp thorny unicorns.

The originally well-proportioned arms have also become fuller, thicker and rounder, and they must be able to exert even more terrifying fist strength.

Mega Heracross!

"Is it mega evolution again?"

Seeing this, Shangzhi's face changed a little. There have been many mega-evolution opponents in the gorgeous contest. I didn't expect that now on the stage of the alliance conference, it is mega-evolution again!

"Speaker Cricket, use Bug Sound!!"

Shang Zhi gritted his teeth and launched an attack first.

Buzz buzz!

I saw this speaker cricket pulling its sickle-shaped arms in front of the sound, using the organs on its stomach as strings, creating layers of insect sounds!

"Heracross, use the million horns, shake the sound!"

Xiaozhi is very familiar with the re-partnership with the veteran, and responded quickly.

The next moment, Mega Heracross raised its sharp horn high, and while trembling at high frequency in the air, it burst into dazzling white light.

The mega-horn is also called mega-frequency audio. Not only does it have the terrifying piercing power, that horn can also create a high-frequency vibrating sonic boom like a tuning fork.

Buzz buzz!

The trembling movement, which is almost difficult to catch with the naked eye, made Heracross directly destroy all the sound waves of the insects, making it impossible to attack the main body.


Then it trampled the ground and rushed out.

Using the big horn on the top of the head as a spear, the carapace wings on the back flapped and accelerated, and the million horns rushed out with an unrivaled posture!

"Speaker cricket, use the cross scissors to block it!"

Shang Zhi's pupils shrank, he had never seen such a terrifying attack, but he responded quickly.

The speaker cricket quickly put away its singing posture, its two sickle arms lit up with blue light, and it made a cross in front of it.

Boom! !

However, at the moment of close contact, the million horns easily defeated the cross-scissors defense, and hit the belly of the speaker cricket as if entering no one's land.

That tiny insect's body is exaggeratedly sunken by the millions of horns, as if the sound box cricket will be pierced through the middle in the next second, and the intestines will be broken.

The powerful impact caused the speaker to fly past Shangzhi like a cannonball in the next second, and fell heavily to the sidelines.


When the smoke cleared, the speaker had already fallen to the ground, looking very tragic.

"The speaker cricket can't fight! That medical team, please lift it up!"

The referee hurriedly said loudly.

"Auspicious~" "Auspicious~!"

The two auspicious eggs that had been prepared to be next to the arena quickly put the speaker cricket on the stretcher and rushed to the elf center for first aid.

For general damage, it doesn't matter if you go to the sprite center after a delay.

But if it is a fatal injury, then there is no time to delay, it is too late, and it may even be replaced by Shangzhi to play the cricket on the speaker.

As a senior referee, judging the critical point of a Pokémon's injury is an essential quality.

It can be said that the mega evolution made Heracross's already strong attack power soar again.

Coupled with the fragile insect body of the speaker cricket, it is really possible to pierce the body with a million horns.

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