He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1859 The last preliminary match, vs Koping!


Emperor Nabo's steel wings swung to both sides like two long swords, splitting all the lightning around him.

Then trampled on the ground again and again, waving the steel wings and rushing forward.

"Come on!!"

Ah Xun also swung his fist violently from behind, roaring loudly.

Ah Shun, who is like a raging flame, and Shinji's side is like ice-cold snow. After a glance, he turned his head:

"A meaningless battle. Electric shock monsters, use Lightning Fist!"

"electric shock!!"

Compared to the trainer's indifference, the Electric Shock Beast was extremely excited, with a fanatical smile on its lips.


With a kick of footsteps, he rushed out to face Emperor Nabo, one arm clenched into a fist, and crackling lightning exploded on the surface.

As the two Pokémon approached, Emperor Nabo took the lead in slashing two consecutive steel wings, but they were all caught in advance by the powerful insight of the electric shock monster, and easily avoided.

Finally, the lower limbs of the electric shock monster stood firm, and the lightning fist blasted forward with all its strength!

boom! !

In a blunt bang, the Lightning Fist hit Emperor Nabo's chest, and in the next second countless electric currents wound up.

Boom! !

In the end, it turned into a burst of lightning explosion, which completely exploded on Emperor Nabo's body!

"Emperor Nabo lost the ability to fight. Since player Ah Shun has lost all Pokémon, this battle is won by player Shinji from Veil City!"

The smoke dissipated. Looking at the emperor Nabo who had completely collapsed to the ground, the referee immediately said loudly.

"How could this happen. Emperor Nabo."

The complete defeat made the fiery Ah Xun finally wilt, and he couldn't help kneeling on the ground.

Damn, he and Shinji are evenly matched rivals, why did they only kill one!

"If that's the case, I'm the top 32, so I'm only one place higher than Xiaoguang's top 33?! Damn it, I'll be fined!!"

Ah Xun couldn't help but punched the ground, and then kept grabbing his hair and scolded angrily.

Xiaozhi originally thought that everyone was acquaintances, so why not go up and comfort him.

Hearing Ah Xun cursing at the top 32 and top 33 there, after hesitating for a while, he still pretended not to see it, and was about to turn around and leave.


But he didn't even bother to shake hands after the game. After the victory, Shinji put away the electric shock beast, put it in his pocket, and was about to turn around and leave.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Xiaozhi in the spectator seats at the exit.

Shinji frowned, then walked slowly towards Xiaozhi.

He stopped only when he reached the front, and stared at the latter with stern eyes.

"Little Zhi, don't lose until you meet me!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment, and the other party came over aggressively, he thought the other party was going to shake his fist at him.

Then he also showed a look of expectation, and responded:

"Oh Shinji, you're very energetic today!"


Shinji didn't engage in unnecessary conversation, and after a cold snort, he staggered away and left.

But Xiaozhi looked at the direction where the latter left, and there was...

Elf center?

Isn't it going to heal the wounds of useless guys?


Thinking of this, Xiaozhi felt a chill for no reason, and then quickly shook his head to get rid of this absurd thought in his mind.

Probably because he was in a hurry to pull that horsehunt and throw it into the computer.

The third day of the preliminaries.

After two rounds of the harsh knockout system, the number of players remaining on the field has been greatly reduced.

But on the other hand, it means that the players who are still on the field at this moment all have two brushes.

And Xiaozhi's third opponent is also an acquaintance.

But it's not that familiar.

The battle is ready, the opponents are already standing on the opposite side of the field.

He has short dark green hair, wears black-rimmed glasses, and likes to push the glasses when he is free, giving people a kind of eerie feeling.

"Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town. I'm really sorry, you will be the last stepping stone for me to advance to the official competition."

Kao Ping looked at Xiaozhi from afar, muttering.

It's the trainer I met at the Jiayuan City Doubles Conference before. He has a bright mind and seems to be quite concerned about Xiaoguang?

Xiaoguang: "!?"

Even she, who was hiding in the auditorium, shivered for no reason.

However, Coping off the field seemed to have his own collimator. Not only did he accurately find her position, the glasses lens shone brightly, and he also showed her a weird smile.

Xiaozhi: "."

I'm really unfamiliar, let's hurry up and play the game.

boom! boom!

As the game officially started, the two threw the poke ball at the same time.

The Pokémon sent by Xiaozhi has no body and limbs, but only a head, suspended in mid-air.

The huge black head is covered with a hollow white ice shell, which looks very hard.

A pair of blue eyes and a row of neat and white teeth are exposed. There are also a pair of tapered horns on both sides of the top of the head, and a chill is exuding from the whole body.

"Ice Roar~!!"

It was the Bingguihu who had completed his evolutionary practice on Tianguan Mountain!

"Oh, Xiaozhi's Snow Boy has also evolved?!"

In the stands, Xiao Guang's eyes lit up, it was the first time she saw Bing Guihu.

Her Snow Boy had already evolved into a Snow Demon Girl by virtue of the Awakening Stone.

Two diametrically opposed evolutions, the appearance of the Ice Ghost Guard is completely different from the mysterious and charming Snow Demon Girl.

On the other hand, Coppin's first Pokémon was a small, odd-looking Pokémon.

It looks like a small yellow turtle, stored in a red hollow hard shell, with soft limbs and head extending from the holes.

"Is this Pokémon...?"

It was the first time Xiaoguang saw it, and took out the illustration book in the spectator seats.

"Kuhu, a Pokémon in the Johto area, is of insect and rock type. It will store berries in the pot-shaped carapace. After fermentation, the berries will gradually mix with body fluids to form delicious juice. In order to avoid When attacked, it will lie motionless and hide under rocks."

The picture book suggested.

Sounds like a purely functional Pokémon with little combat power?

on the field.

"Is it a pot?"

Xiaozhi recognized the Pokémon in front of him, he had seen it a few times when he was traveling in the Chengdu area.

The people there not only use jugs to make juice, but also use them to make special herbal medicines. They are human partners like big milk jugs.

However, this is the first time for Xiaozhi to fight against Huhu, and he is not familiar with the latter's fighting style.

Just in time to try the new power of Ice Ghost!

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi no longer hesitated, raised his hand and raised his arm, and tapped his finger on the keystone bracelet.

"It's now, let's mega evolve, Ice Ghost Guard!!"

Unlike Xiaoguang's snow boy who has his own awakening stone, his snow boy has his own mega stone.

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