He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1860 vs Pot Pot, Power Trick!

"Ice Roar~Ice Roar~!"

The Ice Ghost Guard was also beating eagerly, obviously it had long wanted to try the effect of this prop that it had been carrying around for a long time!

With the light of mega evolution falling, Bing Guihu did not grow any new torso and limbs, and still only had a big head.

The upper half of the face has not changed much, but there is an extra horn on the forehead.

It's just that the excess super-evolutionary energy overflowed from the mouth, and it actually shattered the lower jaw area of ​​the ice ghost guard, and the entire mouth became even bigger, even to the point that it couldn't be closed.

When the broken mouths took a breath, they all blew out ice mist visible to the naked eye, looking very cold.

The strange appearance of the Mega Ice Ghost Guard made the arena buzz, but Xiao Zhi was interested in watching it.

They had already experienced this power when they were in Tianguan Mountain. The Mega Ice Ghost Guard couldn't eat because of the dislocated jaw, and even his temper became a lot more irritable.

"mega Ice Ghost Guardian"

Coppin pushed up his glasses, his expression stern.

He doesn't have information about Xiaozhi using the mega ice ghost to fight

"Mega Ice Ghost Guard, let him see your current power! Use Blizzard!!"

The momentum was high, and Xiao Zhi directly launched an attack.

"Ice Roar!!"

The mega Ice Ghost Guard was suspended in the air, and the already cracked mouth suddenly spewed out storms and ice mist frantically.

Whoosh whoosh! !

In the blink of an eye, a terrible blizzard raged out, freezing the other half of the arena into an ice and snow field.

Even Kopin, who was behind, and even the audience behind were affected, gritting their teeth coldly, and the corners of their eyes and eyebrows were frozen with frost.

But as the wind and snow blew past, I saw that the small pot had been frozen into an ice sculpture, and there seemed to be no breath in the ice layer.

"Kuhu lost the ability to fight."

However, before the referee finished speaking, the ice layer cracked with a "bang".

"Pot pot.!"

The jug didn't completely lose its ability to fight, and fell into the crushed ice.

He even took out a giant tree fruit from his carapace, and chewed it.

"Is it sturdy?"

Xiaozhi is not a novice anymore, and instantly recognized the opponent's characteristics.

Rock Pokémon like Fist Stone and Cocodora have a waist of strength, and no matter how powerful the damage is, they can retain a little physical strength under the limit.

"Sure enough, Mega is very powerful after evolution."

Coping pushed his glasses, quickly analyzing the battle situation in his brain, and then the lenses flashed:

"Then it's our turn, juju, to use the power trick!!"

"Pot pot ~!"

After Hu Hu ate a giant tree fruit, his physical strength temporarily recovered a lot, and then he raised his head and let out a loud cry.

call out.!

As the body flickered with a strange light, Hu Hu's aura suddenly became fierce, and those peasy eyes were raised with anger.

When the strength was raised to the extreme, Coping's eyes were fixed, and this time it was his turn to take the initiative to attack and said:

"It's now, Huhu, use Rockfall!!"

Huhu raised his head and roared, and in an instant, countless huge rocks gathered and were thrown out one after another!

The rock avalanche attack was not even lost to the skill chain for a while, and the movement of Heracross' rock blasting shocked Xiaozhi.

"Ice ghost guard, use freeze drying!!"

He responded quickly, the little turtle in front of him seemed a little weird.

The mega ice ghost spit out a white mist of icy breath, and the exaggerated low temperature instantly froze the giant rock that hit it.

Boom! !


But then, the frozen rock avalanche exploded in mid-air, turning into more and more small rocks, which continued to castrate and hit the ice ghost's body one after another.

The effect is outstanding!

"What a strong force."

In the first place, he fell into a disadvantage, Xiaozhi couldn't help but be speechless.

Such a powerful rock avalanche move was actually released by this ordinary little turtle in front of him?

Is it the effect of the move just now?

This was the first time he had seen the power trick.

"Didi. Power Trick: A move with a super power attribute, which can be exchanged for its own double attack and double defense abilities."

The illustrated book reminded that the introduction was very brief.

Huhu's dual defenses are extremely terrifying, even scarier than some legendary Pokémon.

The other attributes are pitifully weak, maybe not even as good as a green caterpillar on the street.

So even with terrifying dual defenses and no blood volume advantage, the pot is still as fragile as a piece of paper, and it will show its extreme strength in a blizzard.

But at this moment, the astonishing defensive power is exchanged for offensive power.

"Hey~ Kehu, kill it at once, use the spinning ball!!"

After a successful blow, Coping sneered triumphantly, raised his hand and pointed.

Today mega evolution also kneels down for me!

"Pot pot!!"

As soon as the pottery's temperament condensed, its limbs retracted into the red shell, and then it turned into a steel ball and spun quickly, rushing towards the direction of the ice ghost guard.


The sudden change also made Xiaozhi frown. Although his Ice Ghost Guard can also move the top ball, but if he is facing it head-on at this moment, he may not be the opponent of the opponent.

Unexpectedly, even though the opening game today was to use the power of mega evolution, it was unexpectedly suppressed by the opponent.

It seems that there are still many masters in this lily of the valley competition.

However, there is not only one way to fight. Xiaozhi is determined and has a countermeasure in his mind.

"Ice ghost guard, use the shadow clone!!"

The shape of the mega ice ghost flashed, and in an instant, more than ten shadows appeared around the arena, making it difficult to tell the real from the fake.


Even the huge mouth of each shadow is still spitting out white ice mist, making the field of vision a bit hazy, further confusing the position of the main body.

"Crush me all!!"

Coping cursed in a low voice, but still attacked with all his strength.

Is this the other party's discovery of Hu Hu's weakness?

Even if Huhu's attack has become extremely powerful, it can even rival that of divine beasts.

However, it is just a pot after all.

All other abilities are pitifully weak.

If you want to play a roundabout tactic, your own pot will undoubtedly fall into a disadvantage.

Whoosh! !

The jug was spinning rapidly, and the spinning top ball with full power at this moment was terrifying, and it would produce an exaggerated sonic boom as it turned.

Flying around the arena, many shadows of the Ice Ghost Guard were quickly eliminated, but none of them caught the body.


It wasn't until Huhu shattered the last shadow that he realized that Bing Guihu's body was not on the field.

"Up there!"

Kaoping panicked, only to realize that the Ice Ghost Guard had already been suspended in the air more than ten meters high under the cover of ice mist, and a pair of ice blue eyes stared down condescendingly.

Xiaozhi didn't let go of this opportunity, immediately pressed his finger down, and said loudly:

"It's now, use Mount Tai to suppress the top!!"

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