He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1862 End, three preliminary rounds!

With the blessing of frozen skin, the color of the signature yellow-purple spiral shock of the ultimate shock has completely changed into ice blue, and it is like a comet straight across the field.

There was no time for Big Tongue Lick to dodge or defend, the ultimate impact had already come in front of it.

Whoosh! ! !

There was a deep and clear explosion, and the ultimate impact hit the target!

The big belly licked by the big tongue was suddenly sunken, and the big pink tongue was completely stuck out.

Immediately afterwards, the huge and heavy body flew out and fell heavily on the ground in the distance.

"Big tongue licking loses the ability to fight!!"

Seeing that Big Tongue Licking had completely fainted, the referee hurriedly said loudly.

The sudden change also caused a change in Kaoping's face, his mouth grew, and it was difficult to close his jaw.

He thought that the opponent was going to play some kind of screen attack, but he didn't expect it to be a straight hit without fancy.

With the addition of frozen skin, the terrifying ultimate impact, and even the strategy that made him ready to take it all became empty talk.

It's like the chessboard has been overturned by the opponent before the game has even started.

"Come back, big tongue lick"

Coping took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, but the movement in his hands did not stop, and he quickly replaced the third poke ball.

At this moment, the Mega Ice Ghost Guard is still in the state of ultimate shock counter-injury stiffness, which is an excellent opportunity for him to counter-attack.

One-to-three is no longer a situation that can be compensated by tactics.

"Change the strategy, today's mission, if you kill this mega ice ghost guard, you will win!"

Kauping was careful, and soon regained his composure.

After knowing Xiaozhi's past experience, he didn't feel ashamed to lose to this monster

But if it's being worn three by one, it's still a bit hard to say.


When the red light fell, Coping's third Pokémon was a tall, one-eyed phantom ghost with a sinister aura around him.

Night Demon, this is Xiao Zhi's old acquaintance.

I was just reversing the world before, and I saw a group of submissive bodyguards from the Night Demon.

"Night Demon, use the trick space!!"

While the opponent was still stiff, Kaoping no longer hesitated, and raised his hand to command.

The night demon's single eye flickered, and he moved his big hand to both sides. In an instant, a translucent cubic barrier appeared out of thin air around the arena.

"Is there room for tricks?"

Xiaozhi rubbed his chin, he was familiar with this tactic, he had met opponents who played trick space more than once.

So Xiaozhi immediately said loudly:

"Ice Ghost Guard, use the crushing trick!!"

Mega Ice Ghost Guard regained strength from the stiff state, huge energy fangs condensed around the gaping mouth, as if it could easily crush boulders.

"Hmph, now this arena is our domain~"

Coppin resumed his gloomy and wise demeanor before attacking suddenly:

"Night Demon, use Flame Fist!!"


The tall dark night demon let out a low growl, and flames ignited in a clenched fist, and the suspended body made a "swish", making it appear on the top of the ice ghost guard in an instant.

The speed of the night demon itself is extremely moving, but at the moment it is in the magic space, the speed is the other way around, which is extremely exaggerated.

Boom! !

Bing Guihu's biting move didn't have time to bite out, the night demon was already one step ahead, and punched hard!

The flames exploded on Mega Ice Ghost's bodyguard, and his entire body flew backwards quickly.

The effect is outstanding!

But seeing this scene, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up instead.

"That's it, attack the ground directly!!"

The eyes of the fallen Mega Ice Ghost had regained clarity, and the mega evolution had improved its durability to a certain extent, but it would not just lose its fighting ability.

I saw that it still maintained its ability to be crushed, and with the strength of the fall, it finally bit the ground hard.

With this bite, not only the earth and rocks on the ground were bitten apart.

Even the translucent cubic phantom force field below was bitten into a depression, almost cracked.

Crack! Crack! !

Afterwards, there was only a crisp sound like glass shattering, covering the magic space of the whole venue, and it was completely shattered like that.

Juggling space, gone!


Coppin's eyes widened, his glasses slipped from the tip of his nose.

Can you still play like this?

"Hey, it's just a trick like trick space"

The move worked, Xiaozhi wiped the tip of his nose proudly.

The current him is no longer the stupefied young man who gets teased whenever he encounters a super power move.

The trick space of the superpower attribute can directly smash and destroy this space only by relying on the restrained insect attribute or evil attribute moves.

After returning to normal, the speed of the Night Demon Spirit suddenly dropped to the extreme.

"Then now, it's our turn. Ice Ghost Guard, use Blizzard!!"

The mega ice ghost opened its mouth wide, and the raging wind and snow blew out, completely engulfing and covering the night demon who was unable to react in time.

When the ice and snow passed through, the night demon had already been frozen into a reflective ice sculpture of ghosts and men.

Lying on the frozen stone for a year, the power of Ice Ghost's ice attribute moves is extremely exaggerated, especially at this moment, it has been further improved by mega evolution.

"It's over, Ice Ghost Guard, use the final bite!!"

Xiaozhi's eyes were fixed, and he launched a final onslaught.

Seeing the Mega Ice Ghost Guard once again condensed huge energy teeth, swooping down and biting, Coping suddenly panicked.

"Wake up quickly, Night Demon! Use the same life!!"

It was too late to use the prepared tactics, and Kaoping didn't care anymore, and he shouted out the moves of dying.

Anyway, today I'm going to pull this ice ghost guard down together!


It's just that the night demon has entered a frozen state, unable to move at all, and can only stand quietly inside the ice layer, waiting for the opponent to approach.

Click bang! !

In the end, the mega ice ghost guard raised his bloody mouth, and bit it down hard!

Juli directly cracked the ice layer on the surface, and finally bit the flesh and blood of the Night Demon Spirit without hindrance.

Boom! !

The crushing move broke out, blowing the Night Demon Spirit away.

The effect is outstanding!

The night demon fell to the ground, his one-eyed eyes turned into swirls, and he completely lost consciousness.

"The Night Demon has lost the ability to fight. Since all three Pokémon of Contestant Koping have lost their combat ability, this match will be won by Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town!!"

As the referee's voice fell, Xiaozhi's three preliminary matches officially ended.

"Great job! Beautiful debut, Ice Ghost!"

From behind, Xiaozhi clapped his hands and praised with a smile.

"Ice Guard~!!"

Bing Guihu also quit the state of mega evolution, and the only big head jumped back to Xiaozhi's side with a very excited expression.

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