He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1863 The lily of the valley conference, who seems to be missing...?

Chapter 1863 The lily of the valley conference, who else seems to be missing?

Although the Ice Ghost Guardian looked excited and his whole body couldn't help but emit a chill, there were also visible scars on the surface of his body.

Xiaozhi quickly rubbed the latter's ice-shelled head, then put it back into the ball.

After all, it has only just evolved, and the level of Ice Ghost Guard is not very high. Today's strong one wears three is already very remarkable.

One or two more, maybe the situation will not be so beautiful.

"Xiaozhi, you are really amazing"

On the other side, Kaoping suddenly appeared behind Xiaozhi like a ghost, and said in a dark voice.

Sure enough, I still can't win.

Coppin pushed his glasses, but finally moved his head closer. The mirror of the glasses flashed, and he stared straight at Xiaozhi.

This posture made Xiao Zhi take a step back, what is he going to do?

After a while, Kaoping choked out a sentence.

"So, I would like to ask, where will Xiaoguang travel next?"

The gloomy and slightly wretched face was even more flushed.

Although he couldn't hear anything, Xiao Guang, who was far away from the spectator seats, shivered for no reason.

"Little light?"

Unexpectedly, the topic suddenly turned to Xiaoguang, and Xiaozhi didn't know what Koping meant.

Is it to maliciously snipe Xiaoguang?

Xiaozhi's heart suddenly became alert.

It seems that Kaoping had a lot of malice towards Xiaoguang before. He always hid behind Xiaoguang in a daze, and then jumped out suddenly to scare people.

Let's be on the safe side.

"It seems that Xiaoguang is going to the Chengdu area?"

So Xiaozhi scratched his head, looked at the sky and opened his eyes, talking nonsense.

"Oh, the Johto area, that's really a good place hehe~"

After getting the answer, Coppin slowly wandered away like a ghost, talking to himself and sneering along the way.

“What a weirdo”

Xiaozhi didn't think too much about it, and soon left the field to go to the elf center, planning to let the ice ghost guard have a good rest first.

The next day, Xiaozhi was wandering around in the venue today.

After three preliminary rounds, there were originally more than 60 contestants, and now only the last eight are left.

Next is the official quarter-finals!

However, there is a one-day buffer time between the preliminary round and the main round, so there is no need to fight today.

As for the specific order of the quarterfinals, it will not be announced until the evening, so Xiaozhi is a little idle now.

"You seem to have forgotten something?"

Walking alone on the street, looking at the tourists coming and going around, Xiaozhi crossed his hands and held the back of his head, talking to himself.

Like the powerful Dakoto, Shinji has all advanced to the quarterfinals.

Except for the former who had an unlucky encounter with Platina in the first game and lost a game, the other two games were all strong pushes by the Nightmare God.

The crushing situation was much fiercer than Xiaozhi's battle.

This also led to this conference, Dakdo's reputation once again rose, even surpassing Xiaozhi, and became the favorite to win the championship.

But Xiaozhi always felt that it was right to see someone at the Lily of the Valley Conference. But it seems that he has never encountered it?

"Hey, hey, it seems that there is going to be a fight in the north of the venue!"

"It seems to be the king of the ground attribute, and he met an unknown kid!"

"Is it Tianwang's wild fight? Interesting, let's go, let's go to the theater!"

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly heard restless discussions from around.

Immediately afterwards, the crowd rushed towards the gate of the venue, a battle at the level of an alliance king, which is extremely rare!

"Earth King?"

Xiaozhi also heard the discussion and turned his head slightly.

It's the old lady named Juye, she looks a bit like the ghost king in her hometown - Juzi, so Xiaozhi thought they were relatives.

Fight a kid.

"Wait a minute, isn't it Mingyao?"

Xiaozhi finally reacted.

He said that this time the Lily of the Valley conference seemed to be missing someone, but Mingyao was missing!

This mysterious trainer from ancient times had said before that he would participate in the Lily of the Valley Conference.

It's just that Xiaozhi also watched a lot of matches, but he didn't see Mingyao's figure.

"This guy, he didn't collect all the badges, did he?"

Xiaozhi quickly shook his head again, no, with Mingyao's strength, eight badges are more than enough.

"Forget it, let's go and see the situation first."

Xiaozhi was not slow on his feet, he trotted for a while, and ran out of the venue in the direction of the flow of people.

Lily of the Valley, north of the alliance venue.

Here is an open flat land, and next to it, you can overlook the endless ocean in the distance, and it is in an uninhabited position near the sea.

But at this moment, a large number of people have gathered here, and people spontaneously surrounded them into a rectangular area of ​​the battle arena.

And in the center surrounded by the crowd, at one end of this natural arena, was an old woman with short gray hair and a short stature.

Wearing a white windbreaker robe and a brown-gray scarf around his neck, he looked calm and looked like a very calm person.

It is the king of the Sinnoh Alliance, Juye who is good at ground attributes!

As for the other side, there was a boy wearing a red flat hat with a firm expression, and also wearing a red scarf, which was blown by the wind.

"Mingyao?! Is it really you?!"

Sneaking into the crowd, Xiaozhi couldn't help blurting out after seeing clearly.

Why didn't this guy participate in the Lily of the Valley conference, and now he has sex with the Alliance King for no reason?

Mingyao's hearing is excellent, after hearing Xiaozhi's voice, he turned his head and waved at the latter, then fixed his eyes on the old woman in front of him.

"So, young man, shall we use one Pokémon to win this match?"

After glancing at the dense crowd around him, Juye spoke in a steady voice.

Since private fighting is prohibited in the alliance venue, if you want to compete, you can only go to the unoccupied space outside the venue.

"I agree! One Pokémon will win!"

Mingyao said loudly immediately, he had already pulled out a strangely shaped wooden elf ball in his hand.

Speaking of which, he was considered unlucky.

A few months ago, he rode a horned deer and arrived in Binhai City early, ready to challenge the last gym.

"Huh? Does this gym give away badges for free?"

At that time, the electric times were still in a bad state, and a large basket of badges was placed at the door.

Mingyao, a pure ancient man, doesn't understand the twists and turns of modern people, so if he picks up a random one, he will be successful in conquering it.

Next, Mingyao went on various treasure hunts throughout the Shen'ao region, or looked for a way to return to the Xicui region, until now.

"Sorry, trainer, your information is not detected on this lighthouse badge. It is an invalid badge, so you are not eligible to participate in this Lily of the Valley Conference."

Mingyao: "???"

Looking at the badge returned by Miss Joy, he just stayed where he was.

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