He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1864 Ground confrontation, Juye vs Mingyao! (superior)

When Ms. Joy said these words, it was like a stone falling into the calm water, and many people in the elf center cast their gazes.

This made Mingyao feel like he was being treated as a despicable person.

"Well, I really got the badge through formal channels!"

He was blushing, trying to defend something with an honest appearance, and at the same time pointed out Binhai Gym as the culprit.

"No, Binhai Gym's behavior has been declared long ago. This is just a small test before challenging the Gym. It is completely legal~!"

Miss Joy continued to maintain a polite fake smile.

As a qualified trainer, one should be able to judge that such a badge is illegal.

Like Shinji, at that time he also encountered a basket of badging badges.

"Hmph, it's really boring."

Shinji was not used to it, so he called the hotline of the alliance conference backhand, complained and reported the behavior of the Binhai Road Museum, and forced him to come forward and fight Shinji once.

Mingyao: "."

After listening, he was even more silent.

The routines of modern people are too deep, he should go back to ancient times!

Lost the qualification, but Mingyao didn't plan to come to Linglan Island for nothing.

He simply released his Yueyue bear, which is good at smell, outside the venue, and started digging for treasures, intending to search and take away all the treasures on Lily of the Valley Island.

At the moment, most of the tourists on the island are enjoying the game inside the venue, and the wilderness area outside the venue is basically deserted and very empty, which makes Mingyao's treasure hunt very smooth.

Not to mention, as a functional island, Lily of the Valley really hides a lot of good things under the ground.

However, he had no interest in the battle scenes of the preliminary round, and Ju Ye, the king of the alliance, happened to go for a walk outside the venue by himself.


As a result, Mingyao was riding a huge brown bear, stopping and stopping along the way.

The big bear under its crotch also sniffed randomly, and then an exclamation mark appeared on the top of its head. Its sharp bear paws savagely planed, and it really dug out a lot of good things.

This strange scene naturally attracted Juye's attention.

Especially the huge brown bear under Mingyao.

"A circle bear? No."

Yueyue bear is an evolution of Quanquan bear, which only existed in the ancient Xicui area. It looks very strange, and this is the first time Juye has seen it.

But what caught her attention the most was the smell that she was very familiar with on this crawling brown bear.

This is a big bear with ground attributes!

A ground-type Pokémon that he had never seen before made Juye instantly interested, and couldn't help but strike up a conversation.

There is nothing more suitable for communication than fighting.

This is how the battle scene between the two of them is now.

boom! boom!

Soon, the two dispatched their Pokémon at the same time.

Mingyao's Pokémon is naturally the ground-type Moon Bear.

The body is bigger than the circle bear, and it is lying on the ground in the posture of a beast, and the whole body is covered with a thicker mane.

There is also a pattern of dark clouds covering the full moon above the head, which is very strange in shape.

"What kind of Pokémon is that?!"

"A circle bear?"

"Why does this circle bear look like a turtle?"

It was the first time among the onlookers that they had seen the ancient Moon Moon Bear, and the discussion gradually became louder.

Xiaozhi even saw a familiar figure among the crowd watching the battle.

"Shinji? Is this guy here too?"

But in the other half of the watching crowd, Shinji was frowning, watching the moon bear on the field closely.

He has a circle bear with excellent aptitude, and after Xiaozhi's suggestion last time, he is also pursuing the path of further evolution.

"Is this the new evolutionary type? Well, just look at Yueyuexiong's fighting style, and then consider whether to let Quanquanxiong continue to evolve."

The corner of Shinji's mouth raised slightly, and the battle in front of him could be used as his reference material.

The other half, the Pokémon sent by Kikuno, is a heavy brown hippopotamus.

The nose, eyelids, and back are black, and rough teeth can be seen in the open bloody mouth, and quicksand is constantly flowing out of its nostrils and the holes in its back.

"Oh, hippopotamus~!?"

Xiaozhi became very interested. He seemed to have seen a few of this Pokémon in the big wetland. The whole body was buried in the swamp mud. He had never seen a hippopotamus fight.

Both are ground attributes, and both are slow power players in terms of body shape, very similar.

There was no referee, and after Mingyao and Juye exchanged glances, the battle began naturally!

"Ho Ho!!"

At the beginning of the battle, the hippopotamus opened its gluttonous mouth and exerted force, and yellow smoke, dust and sand mist spewed out from the nostrils and back holes.


After a while, a massive sandstorm erupted around the entire arena!

This is the Yansha character of the hippopotamus, which comes with its own weather.

However, both sides are ground-type Pokémon, and the effect of the sandstorm is not great, it just blurs the eyes of many viewers around.

"Then try this trick first, hippopotamus, use the turbidity current!"

Juye showed a gentle smile and took the lead in attacking.

The hippopotamus roared again, and the ground under its feet began to gushe out turbid yellow quicksand and muddy water, rushing forward majesticly like surfing.

Mingyao responded unhurriedly:

"Yueyuexiong, use Stomp!"

He may not understand the way of life of modern people, but if it is a battle, it is the same everywhere.

"Bear Roar!!"

Yue Yuexiong let out a deep bear roar, raised its forelimbs covered with sharp claws, and then trampled heavily on the ground.

Rumble! !

In an instant, the ground in front of him trembled violently, and a huge and deep gully crack opened in the horizontal direction.

This also allowed the mighty turbidity to find an outlet, rushing towards the bottom of the gully one after another.

When it reached Yueyuexiong, there was only a small turbidity current that could not reach the knees, and it was no longer powerful.

"Now, shoot with mud!"

But Ju Ye had been prepared for a long time and said in a surprise attack.

The hippopotamus opened its mouth wide, and a jet of muddy water shot out from its throat, hitting Yueyue Xiong's eyes head-on.

The power is not great, and even the attack range is very small. In exchange for the offensive of the mud and water column, it is very tricky and precise.

After completely blinding the opponent, Juye raised his hand and pointed:

"And then Frozen Tooth!!"

The hippopotamus understood, and its slightly bulky figure began to gallop. The surface of its wide open mouth was covered with ice and snow, and two rows of dangerous and sharp ice giant teeth were frozen!

What the hippopotamus is most proud of is this big mouth that can bite a car into pieces.

Therefore, Frozen Fang, Flame Fang, and Lightning Fang. The three teeth are all hippopotamus' forte, and their power is superb!

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