He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 184: Scalpers everywhere


The thunderous iron-shoeed ox came and went even faster, and disappeared on the map in less than a few seconds.

Even the armored rhino didn't know where it went.

All of a sudden, there were only messy footprints left in this patch of grass, as well as Xiaozhi who fell to the ground with countless footprints covering his back and his body covered in dust.

"It's really strong..."

Xiaozhi moved his muscles and bones and slowly got up from the ground, and patted the dust off his face.

Although the trampling of a single scalper is not as good as Kuailong's bone-setting massage, but a group of scalpers trampled back and forth, which made Xiaozhi re-experience the refreshing feeling of top-level health care.


He suddenly discovered that there was still a hunting ball in the messy footprints, which was in a state of swelling and bloodshot, as if he had successfully caught something.


Xiaozhi's face was happy, he didn't expect to get results, it seems that today's 30 hunting balls are probably stable!

Thinking of this, he quickly threw the hunting ball out, wanting to see if he caught the armored rhino.


A Pokémon in the shape of a ox appeared in front of Xiaozhi, with strong limbs and plump flesh, a fluffy brown mane growing around the neck, a pair of horns shining with a sharp cold light, but the eyes were extraordinarily honest and honest, and Xiaozhi looked at each other in blank dismay.

It's a bit bewildering.

Didn't you still follow your companion just now, why are all the bullies gone all of a sudden?


"Didi. Kentaro, a yellow cow Pokémon, top-level ingredients for free-range farming, good at farming."

The illustrated book issued a hint.


Xiaozhi nodded. Although this yellow ox is simple and simple, its momentum is not inferior to that armored rhinoceros.

Not bad.

He took Kentaro back, called Xiaogang Xiaoxia, and continued to move forward.

It's just that what happened next started to get a little weird...


"Didi, Mosquito Coil Tadpoles, Bad Street Pokémon, may or may not be accepted."

Soon, Xiaozhi had a new target. He saw a cute blue tadpole drinking water by a river, so he threw the hunting ball before Xiaoxia.

The hunting ball flew in mid-air, and the weird scene happened again.

"Boom, boom..."

Another group of scalpers came out of nowhere, and the ground trembled crazily when they stepped on it, protecting the mosquito coil tadpoles in the center.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Once the cattle passed by, the shore became messy again, leaving only messy footprints and an inflated hunting ball.

When Xiaozhi released it, it turned out to be another simple and honest Kentaro.

He frowned, and couldn't help touching Kentaro's horns.

"Are you gank me on purpose?"


Ken Tairo couldn't understand this, so he sent a deep voice to Xiaozhi, indicating that he would give more advice in the future.

"Okay, then I'll call you Niu Er."

Xiaozhi had no choice but to take back the second Kentaro to see if he could develop a double-playing scalper tactic in the future.


"Beep. Rock snake, I have introduced it before, so I won't say it."

"Didi. Marsupials, rotten street Pokémon, you can catch them or not."

"Didi. Flying Mantis, Pokémon of the Bad Street, you can catch it or not."

"Didi. Toucan..."

"Didi. Gotha Duck..."


Along the way, Xiaozhi saw all kinds of Pokémon. Every time he was about to throw a hunting ball, there was another burst of thunder trampling and bulls roaring, and then a group of Kentaro who came from nowhere and flew past. He ran in front of him and caught the hunting ball firmly.

Even in the back, Xiaozhi specially aimed at the birds in the sky, and threw balls with the fish in the river. Just like that, he could fly out a bunch of cantero, or fly in the air, or speed across the water, violating the rules of gravity, breaking His big plans.

And the hunting ball he threw was like a magnet designed to attract the Kentaro population, and it would definitely hit a Kentaero before it hit the ground.

Xiaozhi: "..."

It's outrageous.

He could feel the powerful malice that the world was sending these kentaros to torture him.

"Your name is Niu San..."


"Your name is Niu Si..."


"You look handsome, let's call you the Bull Demon King..."

"moo moo~"

"Your name is Niu Wu..."


Helpless, Xiaozhi could only name his Kentaeros one by one. He didn’t know if he counted them, but he was shocked by the number. Before he knew it, he had tamed 29 Kentaeros.

And now he only has the last hunting ball left in his hand.

Xiaozhi: "..."

Forget it, anyway, Dr. Oki asked him to catch a little more, and he was almost full, so it's not a big problem.

Be careful with the last one, you have to grab the one that is different!


On the contrary, the two people next to him were flourishing.

"What are you doing, Xiaozhi, it's easy to catch Pokémon."

Bewildered, Xiao Gang next to him threw a hunting ball backhand, and subdued a roadside mountain rat casually.

He has already grabbed a wrist and an armored rhinoceros, both of which are Pokémon with rock will, which makes Xiaozhi's eyes look hot for a while.

Xiaoxia on the other side saw a mosquito-repellent frog jumping out of the river, and was delighted to see Liexin, so she also threw an elf ball casually.


On the way, a blue figure suddenly rose from the river, blocked the mosquito frog, and hit the hunting ball.

Xiaoxia: "?"

This is a Pokémon covered in water blue, with two bead eyes on its face, and it looks dumb.


The hunting ball successfully captured it, without even shaking it, and successfully subdued it directly.

Xiaoxia: "..."

Although it just passed by in a flash, she seemed to have seen the face of this Pokémon before in any of her own Pokémon.

Is it Slowpoke, or Kodak?

No, I have subdued another Pokémon with the stupid attribute! ?


Since there is only the last hunting ball left, and the hunting balls on the other two are not many, they are very cautious in their shots at this moment, and they will not take the initiative to attack unless they are precious Pokémon.

They are fishing on the shore.

"Help, help~~!!"

Suddenly, there was an anxious cry from behind. The voice seemed to be crying, but also seemed to be laughing. The accent sounded familiar, and the three of them turned their heads to look.

It was the warden of the hunting area, that old cowboy Caesar.

It's just that he is being tied to a machine at the moment, his shirt, shoes and socks are taken off, and his arms are raised high.

The machine stretched out a few robotic palms, which were grabbing a few feathers, and used itching skills on Caesar's armpits, soles of feet and other parts.

This made Caesar's brain congested with anger, and he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

This is, the Rockets' ultimate torture.

Even if Boss Sakagi is tied to it, he has to tell the dark history of him being a boy who catches insects in shorts.

"What's wrong with Mr. Caesar, are you entertaining yourself?"

"Or electric?"

"It's really old and strong..."

The three of Xiaozhi looked at this dumbfounding old cowboy inexplicably.

"Help me..."

Caesar twisted Nini and said.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi also knew that it was not the time to make jokes, secretly guessing that something went wrong, and quickly waved his fingers.

"It's up to you, Pikachu, use your special skills!"


Pikachu jumped up suddenly, and a purple-black energy bomb instantly condensed in the palm of his little paw, and he threw it out without thinking.

Caesar: "?"

Caught off guard, he was covered in venom.

Xiaozhi's face turned dark immediately, why since he woke up, his Pikachu secretly learned a trick of poison?

It feels like the painting style is starting to go wrong!

Is it Brother Chi's handwriting again?

Xiaozhi quickly opened his mouth and said:

"Idiot, Pikachu, not this trick!!"

Pikachu scratched his head to express his embarrassment, quickly dispersed the poison in his palm, and jumped up again without being discouraged.

"Pi, Ka, Chu!"

Yellow lightning burst out on its cheeks, and this time one hundred thousand volts exploded into a fierce electric snake! !

Caesar: "???"

Caught off guard, he was shocked again...

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