"Pikachu, from now on I will use your special skill, referring to the steel tail." Xiaozhi couldn't help but reminded as the yellow lightning flashed in his eyes.

I always feel that the bond between him and Pikachu seems to have dropped a lot, and there is no tacit understanding at all.

Especially when he had just entered into a bond with the Fire Dinosaur, this sense of gap became even stronger.

Of course, the one with the lowest bond should still be Kami Turtle, who has a big head all day long, and can't figure out what the turtle is thinking at all.

"Pika?" Pikachu tried to grab his tail with his backhand.

Its special skill is the steel tail?

The problem is that it is blocked by the stomach, and the hand cannot reach the tail...


Although the iron tail was not used, the 100,000 volts of electricity still blew up the torture machine, but Mr. Caesar's condition seemed to be worse than the broken machine. His muscles twitched and his skin was scorched, as if he had entered a torture machine. The state of the candle in the wind.

"Electrical mouse... I thank you... the whole family..." Kaiser lay on the ground, thanking tremblingly.

Pikachu nodded, calmly.

"Pickup (I'm an old orphan, just thank me)."

After Xiaogang's rescue, he finally gave Caesar a 100 million seconds, and the three of them knew that Team Rocket had invaded.

Not only that, Caesar even exposed the habitat of the mini dragon, don't blame him for his lax mouth, it's mainly because the Rockets are doing well.

Without further ado, the three quickly carried Caesar and ran towards the direction he pointed.


There is a small stream in a valley, the scenery is quiet and beautiful, the water flow is clear and winding, and the scenery is excellent.

"Tuigui, this hunting area actually hides this place."

The three of them pushed aside the bushes at the entrance of the valley and entered it, only to find that there was a universe inside.

The bushes outside also have obvious man-made traces, probably forged by the old cowboy to protect the miniature dragon.

The three of them looked at this small stream, about three meters wide, with an unknown depth, flowing slowly, with a few king carp jumping out of the water from time to time.

Miniature dragons are precious Pokémon, and the requirements for water quality in their habitats are naturally extremely high. It seems that the old cowboy did not deceive them.

"So, what do we do next?"

With akimbo on his hips, Musashi threw the question to the other two.

The division of labor between the three is very clear. She is in charge of the face value section. She uses her mouth, but she doesn't use her brain or hands.

"Let's just pump out all the water here. According to the depth of this creek, it can be drained in less than two hours." Kojiro took out a generator-type water pump from his crotch this time.

"At that time, we will organize a live broadcast going to sea, maybe it will become popular."

"Idiot, it's 2020 and I'm still here to catch the sea!"

Miaomiao gave Kojiro a blank look, full of disdain, and then took out two bombs in the shape of a hand grenade, the size of a palm, one red and one blue in both hands.

"This is my great invention. The red one is called an electric torpedo grenade. If you throw it down, the creek within a radius of half a mile will be filled with electricity, and the miniature dragon will be blown out directly." After speaking, he pointed to the blue bomb:

"This is called an air bomber grenade. Throwing it down can deplete all the oxygen in the stream, and the miniature dragon that can't breathe will float up like a dead snake."

"Wow, as expected of Meow Meow, you are always so reliable!"

"Then Apollo said in the corporate group all day long that he is the number one smart general of our Rockets team. Although I was the first to like it every time, I, Kojiro, was the first to dissatisfy! This position should be given to the biggest cat. Meow!"

The two licked randomly, and Meow was in a good mood.

Sure enough, only by forming a team with two stupid humans can Meow's IQ be revealed!

"Ah ha ha ha meow!"

After speaking, Miaomiao jumped onto a standing rock, and then threw two torpedoes into the creek at the same time, giving the Pokémon inside a sweaty double sky of ice and fire...


"Stop, Team Rocket!!"

A voice of justice came from outside the bushes in the valley. The three of Team Rocket subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound, and couldn't help blurting out: "Who is it?"

"Huh? I heard someone asking "who"?"

There was another voice in the bushes, and the beginning made the Rockets trio feel a little off.

"Since you asked the question sincerely!"


"I will tell you mercifully!"

Kojiro: "?"

"To prevent the world from being destroyed!"

"To protect the peace of the world!"

"Carry out love and true evil!"

"Cute and charming decent characters!"

"I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town!"

"I'm Xiao Gang from Nibi City!"

"I'm Xiaoxia from Hualan City!"

"Pickup (I'm an orphan)!"

The three of Xiaozhi posed in a classic pose, completely copying the Rockets' work.

Two-level reversal!

"Hey, you are not professional at all!"

"What a copy, it's just a thief, an inferior thief!"

The Rockets opened their mouths and reprimanded again and again, which was a great humiliation to them.

"Team Rocket, you are already surrounded by us, don't even think about doing anything to the mini dragons!" Xiaozhi threw the pot out first in a righteous manner.

If you attack first and stand on the moral high ground, then even if you lose, you can still win Sister Li who is passing by.

"What the hell, we are here for normal fishing, this is a hunting area, are we still forbidden to come in and catch Pokémon?"

"No way? Pokémon are not allowed to be caught in the hunting area? Don't disgust me."

Musashi Kojiro's backhand is a beautiful counterattack.

Indeed, everyone in the hunting area can come in, so why can't the Rockets come in?

No matter how rare the miniature dragon is, it is only a wild Pokémon here, so it can be caught.

Even now that there are wild Gulardos infesting here, they are not qualified to stop them from catching them!

It's the bully old cowboy Caesar, but he's just a janitor tool man. You must know that this hunting area is full of money, and even has shares in their Rockets.

In any industry in the Kanto region, the Rockets can get in there like a needle.

"Then what are you holding!"

Seeing that the other party wanted to defeat them logically, Caesar came out and held up the notice board inserted next to it, with four large characters written on it.

Fish frying is prohibited.

"Hehe, these are fireworks for our entertainment, there is no harm, meow."

Miaomiao didn't panic at all, activated two bombs with her backhand, and then threw them into the sky.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

Two bombs exploded in the air, but without much power.

Electric fish frying needs water as a conductive medium, and air frying fish can only blow up the oxygen in the water, and it is useless to put it in the air.

This is the retreat that Miaomiao left for herself.

"Hey, don't you have anything to say, meow?"

Miaomiao couldn't help but taunted that he was on the fifth floor today.

"Then you didn't pay the entrance fee, it's illegal trespass!"

Caesar again found the blind spot, accusing.

"It's a joke, we took the Rockets' professional entertainment machine to pay for the tickets. That machine costs more than your ticket fee, so why don't you say you didn't give the tickets?"

Miaomiao sneered, to be honest, they actually planned to secretly install that machine in Boss Sakagi’s room one day, so that Boss Sakagi could relax and smile after a busy day.

It's just lined up in advance.

After some laning, Xiaozhi and his team found that they really couldn't beat the Rockets on the moral high ground, and the situation reached a stalemate.

However, everyone's discussion successfully attracted the interest of a Pokémon under the stream.


A little blue snake emerged from the water, blinking its big eyes, curiously looking at the two groups of people who were confronting each other.

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