He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1867 Legendary Slate!


Just after flying more than ten meters away, Mingyao suddenly thought of something, put his palm into his bosom to feel around, and then threw something far down to Xiaozhi.

"Ah what...!"

Xiaozhi was in a hurry, and it seemed that it was still a hard brick, and he threw it straight at himself.


Of course, with his skill, he was sure to catch it steadily.

When I picked it up, I saw it was a pure white stone slab.

"Is it the slate of the Creator God again?"

Xiaozhi has collected several stone slabs along the way, so it can be said that he is very familiar with this kind of objects, so he is no stranger to them.

But after careful observation, he discovered that the slate in his hand was completely different from the slate he had collected before.

This time, the surface of the stone slab was no longer smooth and complete, but a pattern of a cross appeared in the center, and a pattern of short dots appeared at each of the four corners.

On the four cross-sections of the stone slab, there are also half-centimeter grooves in the center.

"This feeling."

There is also the feeling that such a stone slab brings to Xiaozhi.

If other slates are filled with individual attributes, then this slate in my hand seems to have 18 attributes at the same time.

All in one package!

"Xiaozhi~ this slate is called the legendary slate~ it is something that is closely related to the creation god Arceus~ I will give it to you as a parting gift~!"

In the sky, Mingyao's shouting could still be heard.

This slate was unintentionally dug out by his Yue Yuexiong when he was hunting for treasure near Tianguan Mountain.

It was buried deep in the ground. At that time, he had been digging for a long time, and he thought that Yueyuexiong's nose had failed.

And after seeing this most special stone slab, Mingyao naturally recognized it at a glance. His hometown in Xicui area also has the same style of this thing.

Relying on this prop, he can make the sanction light released by his Arceus projected individual automatically transform the attributes of moves, restraining the opponent 100%.

There is no need to manually replace the 18 stone slabs and switch attributes back and forth.

It can be said that the legendary slate is a collection of 18 slates, which are the original slates of Arceus!

But after all, he already has one in the Xicui area. Since this one was dug up in this era, he might as well give it to Xiaozhi.

"Legendary Slate?"

Accepting the parting gift, Xiao Zhi held the slate and stood on the cliff of Linglan Island.

At dusk, I watched Mingyao and the warrior eagle's figures fly into the high-altitude clouds, leaving only an afterimage of the clouds.

Speaking of which, it was a strange encounter.

It wasn't until Mingyao completely disappeared that Xiaozhi lowered his head again and looked at the legendary tablet in his hand.

Maybe in the future, he will actually meet Arceus, the god of creation.

"Go back, Pikachu, and prepare for the next game."


On the other side, above the sky.

"Warrior Eagle, are you looking forward to it, we are going home soon~!"

Holding the Warrior Eagle Flying Machine tightly, Mingyao's figure was flying sideways like a kite at this moment, with sharp air flowing between his face and skin.


The warrior eagle above screamed loudly, obviously looking forward to returning to his homeland.

And Mingyao's eyes also fell on the golden sea below, full of thoughts.

Although it is said to return to the original hometown.

But Mingyao knew that the Xicui area was not his original place.

He traveled to the Xicui region from another world.

During this unexpected trip to the Sinnoh region, Mingyao was not just looking for a way to return to the Xicui region.

Similarly, he is also looking for traces of his existence in this world.

After all, at the beginning, when he appeared in the Xicui area, he was wearing modern clothes.

Perhaps his real hometown will be the modern Sinnoh region?

It's just that after searching for a long time, Mingyao didn't find the slightest trace related to himself on this land.

"Forget it, never mind."

In the end, Mingyao shook his head, his eyes became firm again.

No matter where I came from, there are a group of Pokémon who grew up with me in the Xicui area, as well as close friends. This is the most important thing.

There is my real hometown now!

call out.!

Sensing the change in the trainer's state of mind, the purple arrogance on the head of the warrior eagle suddenly rose, and the flying speed soared again, leaving a black and purple afterimage in the air!

That night, in the Spirit Center.

"Ah, has Mingyao left already?"

"It's a pity that I haven't said goodbye to him yet."

Reunited with the little friends, after knowing that Mingyao has left and is going back to the ancient world, they may never have the chance to meet again, Xiaoguang and Xiaogang are quite regretful.

This boy who behaved strangely and looked naive on the outside, but with good combat prowess still made them fall in love with him.

But if Mingyao can return to his hometown, the two can only bless them from afar.

"Anyway, let's wrap up Mingyao's work in advance, the match information for the quarter-finals is coming soon!"

At this time, Xiao Gang suddenly spoke.

Many people even gathered in the front desk area of ​​the Elf Center, staring straight at the big screen above, or looking down at their mobile phones, waiting for the countdown to end.

"The quarterfinals?"

Xiaozhi also took it easy, anyway, there will always be a chance to meet again in the future.

The big deal is for Rabi to abuse his power.

This guy should be able to travel through time and space, and it would not be difficult to take him around the Xicui area.

"Now, announce the order of the top eight battles of the Lily of the Valley Conference!"

And as the sound of the TV sounded, the pictures on the screen also switched.

In the next moment, the avatars and names of the eight players were arranged in sequence at the bottom of the screen, and the upper part was connected with a black line to form the order of elimination in each other's battle.

"I saw it, Xiaozhi and Dakdo are next to each other!"

Being the first to be eliminated from the competition made Xiaoguang more active towards the direction of the conference. With his eyes fixed on him, he immediately discovered the target.

Unexpectedly, these two favorites to win the championship collided in the first game?

"No, they're just lined up together."

But Xiao Gang's eyes tightened, and he interrupted loudly.

The names of Xiaozhi and Dakdo are indeed lined up together, but they are just in the middle of the eight people.

Above, the two black lines are completely parallel and do not overlap.

Xiaozhi is the last game in the first half of the competition, and Dakoto is the last game in the second half.

This means that the two can only fight all the way to the end and become the kings of their respective halfs before they can meet in the final.

"Is it just the finals...!"

Xiaozhi's gaze suddenly became hot, and the final match was just right for him to compete with this mysterious beast man!

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