He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1868 Mi Yi and Xie Mi

Putting this opponent aside for the time being, Xiaozhi looked at his opponent in the quarterfinals.

This is a trainer named Mi Yi.

The avatar on the screen can be seen as a girl with neatly tied black hair and a white bow above her ears.

Fair face, rather delicate facial features, but looking at the photos, it seems that he is a very indifferent person, serious and unsmiling.

"Is this my next opponent?"

Xiaozhi rubbed his chin, he and Mi Yi were in the second match, and the first match next to him was a battle between Shinji and another trainer he didn't know.

"In other words, Xiaozhi's opponent in the next top 4 will be Shinji."

Xiaoguang's eyes brightened, and he clasped his palms together.

She understands Xiaozhi's strength.

Now that I have all swiped out, let's take Xiaozhi's perspective and swip the other guys!

"Hey, this feeling."

But Xiaozhi's eyelids twitched suddenly, and he always felt that someone in this room seemed to be spying on him.

Turning his head following his intuition, he saw a girl standing in another position in the center of the elf.

Her face was exactly what she saw on the screen, her fair face showed no expression, it was the girl named Mi Yi.

Seeing Xiaozhi's gaze, Mi Yi walked over after thinking for a while.

She was wearing a short black gothic dress, big-toed boots and black stockings. She was half a head shorter than Xiao Zhi.

"Hello, Xiaozhi from New Town."

Walking to the front, Mi Yi nodded slightly and said hello.

Xiaozhi thought that the other party was here to declare war, but he did not expect that the other party's eyes were lowered, and he did not show any fighting intentions at all, but mentioned another matter.

"You should know Xie Mi's information. If you can, please tell me."

This made Xiaozhi scratch his head in confusion, why did he suddenly turn to Xie Mi.

And how did she know she was related to Shaymi?

Mi Yi seemed to understand what Xiaozhi was thinking, forced a smile, and explained:

"I have been looking for Xie Mi's figure, until I boarded the Flower Paradise that day, and just saw your figure leave."

She didn't seem to be very good at managing expressions, with her hands behind her back, she was a little cautious when speaking, but she quickly returned to her expressionless face.

"Really, was you also on the island at that time?"

Xiaozhi blinked, he didn't expect such a follow-up.

Mi Yimu nodded dumbfounded.

At that time, she didn't see Xiaozhi's specific appearance, but after asking the unlucky gatekeeper who was frozen by Hunter J, she knew Xiaozhi's name, and secretly wrote it down.

According to her investigation, this season should have a high probability of seeing the migration scene of the Xiemi group over the Flower Paradise.

It's just that when she entered the flower garden, she found that half of the flower garden had been destroyed.

Been there for a week and haven't seen any trace of Shaymi

Then the missing Xie Mi must have something to do with Xiao Zhi from Zhenxin Town.

I didn't expect this person to become my opponent in the quarter-finals! ?

"Um, where is Shamy now?"

Watching the other party's plain face gradually become eager, staring at him straightly, Xiaozhi hooked his cheeks and turned his gaze away.

Now the Xie Mi group naturally live in the inverted world, and they are probably working hard to build a new garden residence.

Xie Mi was rare, and it would be difficult to find Xie Mi who was alone.

I just wanted to casually tell a stranger of unknown origin the important information about the inverted world.

Although the girl in front of me doesn't look like a bad person

"All right."

Xiaozhi suddenly had an idea, put one hand on his waist, and put up a finger in the other hand.

"I can tell you Shami's intel, if you can beat me tomorrow"

Before speaking, Mi Yi has already answered:

"If I can defeat you tomorrow, will you tell me the whereabouts of Xie Mi?! Then I will work hard!!"

Before Xiaozhi could reply, Mi Yi had already hurried away with small steps.

She is not interested in the alliance conference or anything else, she was only involved in the main part of the battle, but now she has to prepare well!

"Uh, wait a minute."

It wasn't until Mi Yi ran out that Xiaozhi frowned.

What he wants to say is that if the other party can defeat one of him tomorrow, he will tell her the information.

You can hide things like reversing the world, but if other information is revealed, it's not a big problem.

But judging by the tone of the other party, do you want to completely defeat yourself 6v6?

"Teacher Gang, do you know the information about the girl just now?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help turning his head and asked.

If it is a female trainer, Xiao Gang may understand.

"She's not yet an adult, I don't know her well."

Xiao Gang simply expressed cutting, he has no interest in little girls or anything.


Xiaozhi could only scratch his head, looking at the appearance of the other party's goth girl, maybe he is a trainer who is good at ghosts or evil attributes?

The next day, morning.

The quarter-finals of the Lily of the Valley Conference officially begins!

Due to the emergence of the Nightmare God who pushed his opponents forcefully at this year's league conference, even though the number of players was much smaller than in previous years, the popularity of the conference has increased instead of falling.

"No one mentions Xiaozhi now."

Sitting in the stands with his friends, Xiao Guang looked around and whispered.

The current limelight has been robbed by that man named Dakdo, who is the only favorite to win the championship.

After all, people will always only remember the latest situation. As for Dakdo's collapse on the first day of the preliminary round, he has long forgotten it.

It's like her 33rd is walking on the street, and sometimes someone will come up and point her fingers.

But Xiaozhi's "genuine beast man" is no longer mentioned.

"Don't worry, it will reverse."

Xiao Gang next to him is the old god speaking.

When Xiaozhi starts to show his skills in the next game, there will always be someone who will start to review the game and pull out the history books.

The only thing he is looking forward to now is the final of the Lily of the Valley Conference, the battle between Xiao Zhi and the beast man.

In the audience at this moment, what is being staged is the first quarter-finals match.

As for Xiaozhi's match, it was scheduled for the afternoon, the second quarter-final match.

On one side is their old acquaintance Shinji, on the other side is a trainer who can't see clearly.

However, being able to still advance to the top eight in the three knockout rounds is either a great luck, or a certain strength, which should not be underestimated.

"The quarter-finals of the Lily of the Valley Tournament, the first round, starts now, please send your first Pokémon!"

As the referee's voice fell, Shinji standing at one end of the field looked cold.

He lowered his head halfway and threw a poke ball casually.

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