He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1871 Muke Eagle, Wings of Gale!

In the afternoon, Xiaozhi's quarter-finals came as scheduled.

"I will try my best to defeat you, and then get the information from Xie Mi!!"

When she walked into the arena with the gothic girl Mi Yi, the latter tried to put on a serious face and said in a low voice.

"I'm looking forward to this battle~!"

Xiaozhi didn't ask the latter why he was so obsessed with Xie Mi, and after saying hello, he turned and walked to his command position.

After all, the most indispensable thing in this world is people who are fanatical about legendary Pokémon and fantasy Pokémon.

At any rate, Mi Yi didn't directly cosplay into Xie Mi's appearance, and publicized her fanaticism everywhere.

"Then, the second quarter-finals of the Lily of the Valley Conference officially begins!!"

As the referee's voice fell, the two threw out the Pokémon at the same time.

Mi Yi's Pokémon is a red-eyed flying cicada with a golden face and a black body. The translucent wings on its back vibrate at high speed, making a buzzing sound.

Iron Ninja is the fastest Pokémon among non-legendary Pokémon.

As for Xiaozhi's first battle Pokémon


As soon as it appeared on the stage, the Mukehawk croaked high-pitched, and after circling the arena for a circle, it landed steadily in front of Xiaozhi.

Then they shared the brain of a Mukehawk, and the Mukehawk still shook its head a few times in a row, showing off its cool red feather crown.

In the battle between the birds and the bugs, it seemed that Xiaozhi was on the winning side.

The battle begins!

"Mike Eagle, use Yan Fan!!"

At the beginning, Xiaozhi also launched an attack without fancy, let him see the strength of this Xie Mi lover!


The Muke Eagle let out a loud cry, fluttered its wings, and then flew out suddenly after completing a roundabout in the air. Its slender beak seemed to penetrate the air, emitting a sharp white light.

"Iron masked ninja, move at high speed!"

Mi Yi responded with a tense face.

The Iron Ninja's speed was extremely impressive, his wings vibrated at high frequency, and he immediately flew at high speed over the arena.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Like a shadow clone, the Iron Ninja's high-speed flying figure even separated into several afterimages.

Yan Fan's move failed, and Mu Keying only shattered an afterimage.

"Now, Iron Mask Ninja, use the cross scissors!!"

Mi Yi hurriedly attacked, and the iron ninja also flashed his figure, and rushed towards Mu Keying in an instant.

The two raised claws were covered with blue light, and they were tearing towards the back of Mukehawk!

It's just that the cross scissors tore out, and it just hit an afterimage, and the Mukhawk in front of him disappeared out of thin air.

"Hey, use Yan Fan!!"

Xiaozhi laughed lightly and counterattacked.

The next moment, Mukehawk suddenly appeared under the belly of the iron-faced ninja with a rapid maneuver, and rushed straight.

"Get away! Iron Ninja!"

Mi Yi responded calmly. She believed in the speed of the Iron Ninja very much. Even such an attack should be able to dodge it.

Whoosh! !

But what answered her was a clear crash.

I saw the slender beak of the Mukehawk stabbed the iron ninja's abdomen fiercely, and flew it out.

The effect is outstanding!

"How can it be?"

Even Mi Yi's expressionless face became confused and anxious.

In terms of speed, your own Iron Ninja will not lose anyway

"Then what if it's a pre-made move?"

At this time, Xiaozhi's voice made Mi Yi tremble.

Preemptive moves?

To make moves first, it has nothing to do with speed, it is to take the first step.

That's not right, this is obviously a special move of Yan Fan with flying attributes, it's not a flash of lightning, where did you come up with a pre-emptive move! ?

Xiaozhi smiled triumphantly, then straightened his face, and pressed down his fingers heavily.

"Hey, Mukehawk, let it see your preemptive moves. Use the brave bird to attack!!"


The Muke Eagle soared into the sky, and then swooped straight to the ground, kicking up countless dust.

Boom boom! !

In the next moment, a giant eagle wrapped in dark blue energy blatantly blew away the surrounding smoke and dust, and rushed towards the target unstoppably!

Brave Birds Attack! !

"Iron Ninja, use high-speed movement to avoid"

Mi Yi still wants to repeat the old trick.

Her mind is in a mess now, so Yan Fan won't mention it, how could the move of Brave Bird's fierce attack be a preemptive move?

If this kind of big move can definitely be the first move.

Then everyone doesn't have to play, and let you play all the games as a bird.

But the next moment, Mi Yi was dumbfounded.

Boom! !

The high-speed movement of the Iron Ninja had just made his move, and Mukehawk had already rushed to the front. The Brave Bird hit the Iron Ninja head-on again, and sent it flying like a sandbag.

The effect is outstanding!

Mukehawk really attacked the Brave Bird, making it a preemptive move!

"Iron face."

Falling to the ground, the iron-faced ninja's claws curled up into a ball, completely losing its ability to fight.


And Mu Keying circled around the arena for a week before dissipating the blue flames around him.

Although it still had a certain degree of anti-injury damage on its body, it let out a loud cry and re-displayed its posture of a raptor giant eagle.

This time, it's not just the cool red feather crown.

The slender beak of the Mook Eagle also shone brightly in the sun.

"Sharp beak."

Mi Yi was talking in a daze, while Xiaozhi suddenly raised the corner of his mouth and said from a distance:

"Have you finally found out?"

That's right, it's the sharp beak.

The prize that was accidentally won at the Ring Conference - the sharp beak, has always been worn on the beak of the Muke Eagle.

Organizers at the time said it could be a sharp beak more than ten years old

But when he practiced afterwards, Xiaozhi discovered that the other party might say that the year was missing.

This beak is estimated to be a century-level sharp beak, and the age may be even higher.

There are many augmenting props in nature, such as charcoal, non-melting ice, and mysterious water droplets, which can be used to enhance the power of their corresponding attribute moves.

But the dragon scales and sharp beak are particularly special.

After all, these two props are props obtained from other Pokémon.

The Pokémon carried by some special dragon scales or beaks can not only improve the power of their own moves, but even gain some of the abilities of the original owner of the prop.

Although Xiaozhi doesn't know what kind of Pokémon the original owner of the sharp beak on the Mookhawk is.

But after Pikachu's electric shock torture last time, the Mukehawk broke through its own speed limit, and at this moment it seems to be completely compatible with the nature of this beak.

This also gives Mickhawk a new ability from it.

Gale Wings!

Gale Wing is a characteristic. When the Pokémon's health is full, any flying-type moves used in the battle will have a priority of 1.

This means that all flying moves, Mukhawk can transform them into preemptive moves!

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