He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1872 The full blood version of Gale Wings!

"Wings of Gale, is it the characteristic of the Arrow Eagle?"

Somewhere in the vip stands, Zhulan subconsciously stood up.

It is extremely rare to obtain the characteristics of other Pokémon with the help of a sharp beak.

It seems that the original owner of this beak may also be a powerful Arrow Sparrow.

In order to find the mega stone that bit the land shark fiercely, Zhulan went to the Carlos area once, and she knows the local house bird - the Arrow Eagle quite well.

With the characteristic of Gale Wings in one hand, all flying attribute moves can be preempted, which used to be famous.

After all, no matter what opponent it is, it can't stop a few fierce attacks of the Brave Bird, or the flashing charge of the Arrow Eagle.

"However, after all, there is no perfect Gale Wing."

After the initial surprise, Zhulan's eyes calmed down, and she sat back in her original seat.

Maybe it's because the ability is too against the sky, even the gods are jealous, and the ability of the newly born sparrow group has begun to degenerate rapidly in the past few decades.

As a result, today's Arrow Sparrow, even if it has the characteristic of the Wings of the Wind, can only be triggered when it is full of blood.

Once the blood has been deducted, this feature cannot be triggered.

From a very outrageous level to a pretty good level, in fact, the current characteristics of Gale Wings have long since left nothing to be concerned about.

The Arrow Sparrow is no longer used by anyone.

Zhulan's eyes fell on Mukeying who was hovering in the air and was injured by the fierce attack of the brave bird.

So now, the Wings of the Wind can no longer be triggered, right?

On the field, Mi Yi has already released the second Pokémon.


This time it was a long-armed clawed ape with snow-white fur. It was hyperactive and looked like ADHD. It jumped around in place as soon as it appeared on the stage, and its arms were constantly swinging.

"Is the second just a hyperactive ape?"

An easy victory, Xiaozhi was not in a hurry to attack first.

"Hyperactive ape, use the wave of water!!"

Pokémon with general attributes have a variety of moves. This hyperactive ape raised his hand and threw a water bullet.

Boom! !

Even a few meters in front of Mukehawk, the wave of water suddenly burst open, turning into countless splashing water droplets, many of which even landed on Mukehawk's body, soaking its feathers.

Mickhawk's speed has been reduced.

Obviously, Mi Yi is not an ordinary trainer, and can even make the wave of water have an effect similar to that of freezing wind.

"Use Thunder Fist now!!"

The next moment, Mi Yi pointed to the sky.

The hyperactive ape immediately jumped on the ground at high speed, clenched its slender arms and sharp claws into fists, and violent currents lingered in it.

It seems that he intends to jump more than ten meters high and launch a lightning fist attack on the Muke Eagle in the air.

"Have you underestimated Mukhawk, use your wings to attack!!"

Xiaozhi suddenly countered.

As soon as the words fell, the wings of the Mukehawk turned into pure white, and in the next blink of an eye, it flew to the front of the hyperactive ape.


The hyperactive ape was taken aback, wasn't it slowed down by it, why is the speed of this bird still so fast?

It just wanted to take advantage of the situation and swing the Thunder Fist.

However, the Mukehawk's speed was even better, and the wing attack struck out one step ahead, hitting the hyperactive ape's chest head-on.

Pound! !

With a clear explosion, the hyperactive ape was thrown away by the huge force from his chest for a moment, and the Thunder Fist did not hit the target.

"Mukhawk, do it again, use Brave Bird to attack!!"

Xiaozhi's face was red, and he had already launched an attack again.

With a high cry, the Mukehawk sprinted low again, raising countless dust, and turned into an unstoppable giant blue bird!

It was another brave bird attack with a preemptive effect!

Who said that its Gale Wings feature can only be activated with full blood! ?

The hyperactive ape had no time to perform any moves, and the Mukehawk slammed into its chest brazenly.

The power of the flying-attribute big move exploded, and the hyperactive ape hadn't survived for 2 seconds before his figure was slammed into the air by the Mukehawk again, and fell in front of Mi Yi.

"Hyperactive ape, lost the ability to fight!"

Seeing the comatose hyperactive ape, the referee quickly raised his arm to signal, causing an uproar in the entire venue.

"Hey, hey, did you make a foul? How can that Muckhawk attack first every time!?"

"That's right, it's obviously been slowed down, and the hyperactive ape's speed is not too slow, so it's too late to fight back?"

"It's fine if the lightning flashes, but if you give me a brave bird to attack first?!"

"Why can't my Mookhawk know nothing but eating?"

The vast majority of Sinnoh people have never seen the characteristics of the Gale Wings in the Kalos area, and they all shouted loudly that they must investigate strictly.

Keep letting you go on like this without thinking, then everyone should stop playing, it depends on you as a bird!

"This Mick Hawk"

On the VIP stand, Zhulan stood up again, her beautiful eyes widened a little.

You must know that Mukhawk is not in a state of full health now, but it is still activating the characteristic of the Wing of the Wind.

She forgot one thing.

Since the sharp bird's beak can be used as an augmentation prop, it must have been proved to be some years old.

And the original owner, the Arrowhawk, naturally cannot be the Muggle Arrowhawk after the modern genetic degeneration

This is the once perfect characteristic of Gale Wings!

"It's really dangerous."

Zhulan took a deep breath, folded her hands on her chest, and sat back on her seat again.

Gale Wing is not omnipotent, at least for now the ability of this Mukhawk itself has not reached its peak.

If you are facing yourself, there are several ways to deal with it.

But in the future, let this Mukehawk continue to grow. Once its own strength reaches the extreme, it may be difficult for him to match with the characteristics of Gale Wings full of blood.

However, with the full-blooded version of Gale Wings, with such strength, it is enough for this Mukehawk to kill indiscriminately in this kind of alliance meeting.

In another stand, Shinji was also watching the game, so as to obtain Xiaozhi's battle information.

"Mukhawk? I didn't expect it to be useful."

Shinji couldn't help frowning after witnessing the fierce attack of the brave bird of the Wing of the Wind, which made it impossible to fight back.

He has released at least double digits of this kind of house bird Pokémon in the rotten streets of the Sinnoh area.

But even if Mukehawk evolves to the top, Shinji is not satisfied with the strength of this Pokémon

In the end, he decided to abandon Mukehawk and use the head of the crow as his flying attribute ace.

Didn't expect to have such an unexpected ability?

"Is it a special breed of Mukhawk, hmph."

Shinji has never been to the Carlos area, but he just thought it was a mutated and special Mukhawk.

He leaned on the railing, thinking about the next quarter-finals in his mind, if he faced this Mickhawk, how would he deal with it?

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