He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1875 In the end, Tutai Turtle vs. Wind Speed ​​Dog!

The opponent's six Pokémon cannot be defeated, but only one can be defeated.

"I still have a chance!"

Mi Yi's confidence soared immediately, and her fair and pretty face instantly turned rosy.


She threw the last elf ball, and when the red light fell, she saw that it was a majestic lion-headed dog.

His reddish-brown body was covered with yellow-brown mane, his eyes were determined, his head held high, and his majestic face carried an inexplicable deterrent force.

"Is the last one a wind speed dog.?"

Xiaozhi knew it well, he was too familiar with the wind speed dog in his hometown.

It seems that Mi Yi is indeed a trainer who specializes in speed, and the ace wind speed dog can even master super speed moves.

"Then my last one."

Xiaozhi hesitated for a while, and finally threw an elf ball.

"It's up to you!"

The next moment, a huge Pokémon appeared on the stage, and when the heavy weight fell to the ground, the ground trembled.

It is a huge land tree turtle with a thick tree growing on the rock shell on its back.

"Is it a platform turtle?"

Mi Yi raised her eyebrows, a little puzzled, this Pokémon must be restrained by the flame move of her Wind Speed ​​Dog.

Could it be water?

But after thinking about it, the ground attribute of the earth platform turtle also restrains its own wind speed dog, and the two can only be regarded as evenly matched opponents.

"Tortoise, use Earthquake!!"

Sure enough, at the beginning of the battle, Xiao Zhi made a high-profile attack, which was a ground attribute move.

The Terra Turtle raised its forelimbs high, ready to trample on the ground, creating a terrifying earthquake shock.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Super Speed!!"

But Mi Yi suddenly commanded that this wind speed dog really has mastered super speed moves.


The wind speed dog let out a low growl, and rushed out in an instant.

The fiery red body combined with the wild and fluttering mane, as well as the cyan streamer special effect that comes with the whole body when the speed is displayed, make the running movement of the wind speed dog very handsome.

Whoosh! !

In the next moment, the speed had arrived, and he slammed into the turtle face door of the earthen platform, forcing it back several meters.

"Then it's Big Character Explosion Flame!"

Mi Yi's blood was also completely released, and he directly launched an attack with a big move.

This wind speed dog jumped up vertically with the help of the reaction force, and with its head raised, an extremely hot flaming character spewed out, and blasted straight at the earth platform turtle!

"Use the power of the earth!!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi instantly changed his strategy.

Earthquake and Force of the Earth have the same starting moves, both require the Earth Turtle to trample on the ground first.

As the earth turtle stomped on the ground and injected its own earth energy, the earth and rocks several meters in front of it rose out of thin air, forming a volcanic cone nearly one meter high.

Boom! !

Naturally, the Big Character Explosion Flame was detonated in advance, and it caused a massive explosion with the power of the earth.

"Use Earthquake now!!"

"Wind speed dog, use hot air!!"

The next moment, the two spoke at the same time.

A puff of smoke and dust formed in the center of the arena, obscuring their vision, and they unanimously used an AOE move.

Rumble! !

As the earth turtle trampled on the ground again, the entire arena began to tremble violently, and countless earth and rocks were broken apart by the terrifying shock.


On the other side, the wind speed dog roared loudly, and its fiery red fur fluttered up, and it turned out to be a scorching hot wind and waves blowing outward.



Up and down, the two AOE moves hit the opponent at the same time, both of which caused outstanding damage.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, run and use high-speed movement!"

The speed of the wind speed dog is obviously much higher. After forcibly surviving the damage of the earthquake, it immediately jumped and ran on the field again.

It is the first time for many Sinnoh people to see the wind speed dog in the Kanto region, and they are all amazed at the handsome posture of the wind speed dog running and fighting.

"Taitai turtle, use the grass knot!"

The Turtle Turtle understood, its eyes glowed green, and a few flexible vines rose out of thin air on the ground where the Wind Speed ​​Dog was advancing, and it was about to trip it.


However, this wind speed dog gave a disdainful roar, and its powerful jumping force made it jump straight up, without landing at all, and it did not trip over the grass knot below.

"And then Flame Fang!"

The wind speed dog swooped down from the air, its teeth were already ignited with flames, and it was about to bite the turtle's back shell.

"Sure enough, amazing physical fitness."

Rao Xiaozhi couldn't help admiring, as expected, he was indeed the opponent's trump card. This wind speed dog was of a very high level, and his movements were very strong and powerful.

But Xiaozhi grinned at the corner of his mouth, and he was already prepared to say:

"Then try this trick, Tutai Turtle, use the ultimate absorption!!"

When the wind speed dog just fell to a position one meter above the earth platform turtle, the three stone blade spikes on the latter's shell suddenly stretched out and turned into three green light energy vines.


It firmly wrapped around the waist of the wind speed dog, restraining it in mid-air, unable to go any further.

"Earth platform."

The Turtle's eyes were steady, and the ultimate absorption vine, which seemed to be as fragile as a willow branch, was unexpectedly firm like a steel cable at this moment.

Zizizi! !

As the ultimate absorption vine shrinks, a dazzling red light rises, and it begins to squeeze the energy of the wind speed dog, feeding back the soil turtle's physical value.


This made the wind speed dog can't help but let out a low cry, and its physical strength was rapidly draining.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Flame Fang, break free!"

Mi Yi hurriedly commanded, her tone anxious.

The Wind Speed ​​Dog quickly cheered up, ignited the flame teeth again in the red light, and was about to ruthlessly tear off the ultimate absorption vine on his waist.

However, the Tutai Turtle's eyes flicked upwards, and it was the first move, controlling the ultimate suction vine to throw forward.

Snapped! !

The next moment, Wind Speed ​​Dog was hit hard on the ground, not only was the flame tooth's move interrupted, but his whole head was thrown into a dizzy state.

Snapped! ! Snapped! !

Tutaigui even played the ultimate absorbing move into a rattan whip, and fell twice in succession!

Even with the last blow, it slammed the wind speed dog towards the conical rock protruding area created by the force of the earth just now.

Boom! !

This made the wind speed dog feel like it had eaten a sharp rock blade, and was immediately hit by the sharp broken rock below, which was covered in scars all over its body.

The effect is outstanding! !

Mi Yi is in a hurry, if this continues, he will be directly chained in the air infinitely until he dies!

Not caring about keeping any hole cards, she directly chose Feng Speed ​​Dog's ultimate move:

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Flame Charge!!"

Xiaozhi was the first to speak again, pointing his finger at the sky:

"Throw it up!"

The Terrace Turtle twitched the vine and immediately threw it directly above itself.

Before the opponent's Flame Charge burst into flames, Xiaozhi's next attack has already struck:

"It's now, use Flying Leaf Storm!!"

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