He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1876 The third quarter-final match!

Throwing the wind speed dog to the sky, the earth turtle tried to raise its head.

In an instant, the shrubs and grass leaves on the turtle shell on the back, as well as countless green leaves from the dwarf trees, turned into sharp blades and blades in the surrounding strong wind, and the blades pointed at the sky.

Whoosh! !

The Flying Leaf Storm soared into the sky in a spiral shape, and before the wind speed dog had time to perform Flame Charge, the move had already arrived.

Whoops! !

The powerful Flying Leaf Storm trick broke out, countless blades cut the body of Feng Speed ​​Dog, and the mighty tornado storm even rushed the latter out and fell heavily to the ground.

After suffering several severe injuries in a row, the wind speed dog finally couldn't hold it anymore.


It stuck out its tongue, and fell to the ground with its limbs spread out, unconscious.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog lost the ability to fight because all six Pokémon of player Miyi lost their ability to fight, so this quarter-final match will be won by player Xiaozhi!!"

After the referee leaned over to check, he hurriedly said loudly.

The second round of the quarterfinals officially ended, and the entire league venue erupted in cheers and cheers.

Another pair of opponents with disparity in strength.

And in the end, this Terra Turtle felt so inexplicably powerful. Even though the Wind Speed ​​Dog was not low in level, it still couldn't beat the latter with its grass-type moves.

Of course, the Mukehawk, who can launch the brave bird's onslaught charge with unlimited wings of the wind, has also left a deep impact on many people's hearts.

Is this kind of home bird on the rotten street really so powerful? !

Amidst the deafening cheers, somewhere in the auditorium, Shinji, who was watching all the way down, had a shocked expression.

The cold appearance seemed a bit out of place with the bustling surroundings.

"This Turtle"

He frowned tightly, staring at the earthen turtle on the field.

His initial Pokémon is a Turtle, and he is very familiar with this Pokémon.

How can there be the effect of using the ultimate absorption to play a rattan whip, or even a strong whip?

This requires Pokémon itself, which has a very high degree of mastery of grass-type abilities!

Even his Earth Terrace Turtle, who followed him to fight in several regions, couldn't say that he could reproduce the same operation 100% of the time.

But the earthen platform turtle below has a dark green body, and its back shell is covered with a layer of moss, which is already different from ordinary earthen platform turtles.

Moreover, every grass-attribute move he uses is far more powerful than ordinary moves, just like...

All the time, they all have their own lush characteristics?

"Tsk, is it a special individual again?"

This made Shinji couldn't help but curse.

Doesn't this guy boast that there is a strong bond between the trainer and Pokémon, and it is absolutely impossible to abandon Pokémon?

How can so many special individuals be obtained?

To know the total number of times I have released now, it is estimated that it is more than three digits, and only a few special individuals have been obtained.

Thinking of this, Shinji couldn't help but turn dark.

Is this kid really pure luck?

on the field.

At the end of the battle, Mi Yi lowered his head, with a downcast expression, half kneeling on the ground and stroking the head of his wind speed dog.

If you are defeated by an overwhelming advantage, then Xie Mi's information will not be available, right?

"If you want to find Xie Mi, I suggest you go to Huayuan Town, maybe you will find some unexpected gains."

At this time, a sound came from the ear, causing Mi Yi to raise her head in a daze.

Xiaozhi had already walked over slowly at this moment, and took advantage of the situation to bend down and rub the dog's head of the wind speed dog.


The latter's physical strength has recovered a bit, and he seemed a little annoyed when he was touched on the head by a stranger, or a stranger who had just defeated him. The wind speed dog opened his mouth and was about to bite Xiaozhi's arm.

However, Xiaozhi's movements were faster, and with a little force in his palm, he pressed down on the head of the wind speed dog again.

Immediately afterwards, there was another burst of angry rubbing of the dog's head, and he was immediately satisfied.

The wind speed dog's fur feels excellent, and there is a faint feeling of warmth.

It's just that Mi Yi didn't react when Xiaozhi suddenly told her information.

"Obviously I lost."

Xiaozhi shrugged indifferently, and said casually:

"I only said that if you win, I will tell you the information, but I didn't say that if you lost, I won't tell you."

As long as the information about the inverted world is not disclosed, it doesn't matter if other information is disclosed.

Michel was the same before, with that fanatical look towards Seadolan.

It is estimated that the little girl in front of me has the same mentality, so it is better to satisfy the other party's wish.

After all, the group of Xie Mi will not always live in the reverse world. Full Moon Island has a permanently open time and space gate, and they can return to this world at any time.

And once they came out, the Full Moon Island and Crescent Moon Island at the entrance were deserted islands without any vegetation.

On the steel island a little to the south, the heavy metals in the soil exceeded the standard, and there were no plants.

Then the closest place is Huayuan Town on the east side of the island.

There is a large flower garden that is even more expansive than the Paradise of Flowers, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, which is very suitable for the life of Xie Mi.

Xiaoguang searched there for a long time before catching a female three-bee.

Presumably, if they had just come out of the reversed world, Shaymi would probably fall in love with that place immediately, and maybe they would scatter the seeds of Gracidia flowers near Huayuan Town and become a new habitat.

If Mi Yi is lucky, she may meet one or two Xie Mi near Huayuan Town.

"Thank you so much!!"

After obtaining the precious information, Mi Yi's expression changed for a while, whether she was surprised or touched, she couldn't control her expression management.

In the end, he could only bow deeply to Xiaozhi, lowering his head to hide all his emotions.

the next day.

The third round of the quarterfinals started as scheduled.

"I want to see what kind of abilities this mysterious beast man has."

This time Xiaozhi sat in the spectator seats, folded his hands on his chest, and was still muttering while sitting upright.

On the field at this moment, the opponents in the third round of the quarterfinals, on one side is a male trainer named Yuna.

He was tall, with a sunny and handsome appearance, wearing a capable dark tights and trousers, and he seemed to be a powerful elite trainer.

As for the other side, it was Dakdo who looked a little gloomy and withdrawn.

With Dakdo's appearance, the entire arena resounded with turmoil. Obviously, this rumored beast man is undoubtedly the most popular contestant in this year's Lily of the Valley Conference.

Except for Xiaozhi who used Nightmare God in the first game, he used ordinary Pokémon in the next round, and the limelight was firmly covered by the latter for a while.

However, Dakota glanced at the opponent in front of him, and murmured in his mouth:

"I smell it, you have a familiar smell"

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