He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1877 Powerful Dakdo!

The battle will officially start soon!

Yuna's first Pokémon was a tall, dark gray dinosaur with a huge, hard blue swollen head on top of its head.

It is the very signature fossil Pokémon in the Sinnoh area, the Hammer Dragon!


On the other hand, Dakdo's starting Pokémon is still the signature Nightmare God Darkrai.

The strange appearance of the black shadow fluttering, combined with the appearance of the trainer behind him, with long dark blue hair hanging down, gave people a good deterrent.

"War Hammer Dragon, use Sword Dance!!"

At the beginning of the battle, Yuuna was not polite, and started a dangerous boosting move as soon as he came up.

The Hammer Dragon in front of him roared even more, and several red sharp sword phantoms rose above his head, and his attack power was greatly increased.

"Darkley, use the black mist!"

However, Dakdo just responded in a leisurely manner.

Darkley stretched out his ghost claws, and threw out a large cloud of black mist, covering the audience.


This made Warhammer Dragon frowned, and as soon as his body strength decreased, the effect of the sword dance completely disappeared.

Moreover, the dense black mist around him obscured his vision, which also made Zhanmailong, who was already not very good-tempered, start to become inexplicably agitated.

"Calm down and pay attention to the enemy's position!"

The trainer behind him quickly said, Yongna is indeed an elite trainer, but he didn't panic too much.

"It's very calm. Then try this trick, Darkrai, use the will-o'-the-wisp!!"

Dakoto sneered, and suddenly attacked.

Being in the hazy black mist, this kind of environment is like a fish in water for Darkrai, and the gloomy figure actually appeared in the shadow behind the Hammer Dragon in the next second.

With a move of the ghost hand, several balls of ghost fire were separated, which hit the back of the hammer dragon.

Boom Chi Chi! !

As the inexplicable flames rose from its body, the Hammer Dragon entered a state of burns, its physical attack was halved, and it could be said to be crippled immediately.

Entering the burnt state, this also made the Hammer Dragon even more irritable and angry.

"Aww! Aww!!"

It turned its head sideways, and its hard head slammed into its own shadow.

Boom! !

It's just that Darkley's figure is ghostly, and he dodged a long time ago, but the Hammer Dragon hurt himself instead.

"Come back for now, Warhammer Dragon, calm down in the Poké Ball."

Yongna quickly took the hammer dragon back, and comforted him softly through the poke ball.

This calm look made Dakdo laugh coldly.

"It seems that I met a good opponent today, and I am really stable."

The slightly yin and yang voice made Yong Na's eyelids twitch.

Although it was expected, this guy is indeed more dangerous than imagined.

As the black mist dissipated, the atmosphere of the entire venue also entered a climax, and shouts continued.

After all, except for the first preliminary round, Dakdo relied on the Nightmare God to push the opponent flat.

Even in the first preliminary round, they didn't send a second one, and they chose to abstain from it.

Many people are very curious about what the other five Pokémon of Dakdo will be.

Is it true that the six are all legendary Pokémon like the title?

Before the quarterfinals, it was all 3v3, flat push is okay

Now that they have entered the top eight, it will be a full-scale 6v6 battle. Even if a king of the alliance comes, it is hard to say that he can 100% push six.

Most people don't think that Duck can push all of them with one, and there will always be a second Pokémon.


Off the field, the elite trainer Yuna has already dispatched a second Pokémon.

This time it was a large magnet like a UFO, with only a single red eye in the center of the steel body, and a radar antenna above its head, suspended in the air.


"Magnetic self-exploding, use electromagnetic waves!"

The magnets on both sides of this self-explosive magnetite moved forward, releasing dense currents in an instant.

"Darkley, use the mysterious guard."

However, when the Nightmare God raised his hand, a layer of mist rose around his body. The mysterious power isolated all abnormal effects.

Mysterious protection, this is the signature ability of legendary Pokémon and fantasy Pokémon.

"In that case, triple attack!"

Completely watertight, Yuuna frowned, so this time he simply attacked directly.

A pure white triangular energy cannonball quickly condensed in front of the self-exploding magnetite, and it was thrown out.

"Darkley, use the wave of evil!"

This is exactly what Dakdo wants to fight head-on.

With a grip of Darkley's ghost claw, a dense circle of black light was condensed and thrown out as well.

Boom boom boom! !

The terrifying wave of evil directly shattered the triple attack, and exploded heavily on the self-explosive magnetite!

And Yong Na's eyes were fixed, and he suddenly said:

"Now, use Thunder!!"

The self-explosive magneto levitated up, and its hard body lost its fighting ability without a single move. It shook off the surrounding dust, and a burst of powerful lightning suddenly burst out from its body, roaring out!

His self-exploding Magneto characteristic is analysis, analyzing the opponent's attack style.

If one's own side is attacking from the back, the power of the moves will be greatly improved.

Boom boom boom! !

This also made the thunder of the self-explosive Magneto, terrifying and powerful, covering the entire arena with a layer of golden light.

"Useless Darkrai, get out of the way."

However, Dakoto just chuckled and responded in the simplest way.

Darkley in front of him had a ghostly figure, and with a flash of ease, he dodged this dangerous thunder move.

Let the latter's terrifying power blast the ground into a huge pothole.

Thunder is a move with a low hit rate. If it doesn't cooperate with the "lock" move of the self-explosive magnetite, or "paralyzes" the opponent first, it will be difficult to hit at all.


Yongna couldn't help cursing in a low voice, he didn't know this truth, but the opponent in front of him didn't give him a chance at all, so he could only gamble on the hit rate.

"Darkley, use the wave of evil!!"

The next moment, Darkley appeared behind the self-explosive Magnetomon, protruding out its ghost claws, and threw out another beam of black ring light.

Boom boom boom! !

The wave of evil erupted for the second time, and this time the self-explosive magnetite couldn't withstand such a terrifying force, and fell directly to the ground, unable to fight.

"Sure enough, this guy is very strong!"

In the stands, Xiaozhi's eyes became serious.

Don't look at being defeated by Platina's emperor Nabo last time, but that doesn't mean that this nightmare is weak but that the former is too strong.

And this elite trainer named Yuna obviously has a hand.

If you didn't meet them who came to fry fish, you might try to sprint to the level of winning the Lily of the Valley Conference.

But at this moment, he was a little out of breath by Dakdo

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