He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1878 Why is there another beast man?

The battle is still going on, but this quarter-final match seems to have become a stage for Darkley to unilaterally show his strength.

"Darkley, the wave of evil!"

"Frozen Light!"

"Use the dark hole!"

Darkley's battles are extremely simple and rough. The ghostly figure combined with the powerful output ability makes the battle scene look destructive, without giving the opponent a chance at all.

Every release move can cause the entire venue to boil and stir.

This should be the record for the fastest quarter-final match, much faster than the previous two quarter-final matches between Xiaozhi and Shinji.

In less than ten minutes, most of the audience hadn't realized that the elite trainer Yuna's Pokémon was the last one left.

Warmaul, Magneto, Giant Vine.

The Pokémon used by Yongna are all not low-level existences, but none of them can take advantage of this nightmare god.

He actually used a Pokémon to push his opponent into the abyss!

"Is this how Darkrai fights?"

In the auditorium, Xiaozhi was also carefully observing the battle.

After all, he and his Darkrai have just become partners, and the pair below probably have some time, just in time to steal their fighting skills.

Among other things, Dakdo's long black and blue hair couldn't have been a temporary thing for cosplaying the same style as the Nightmare God.

However, from the perspective of the audience, the fighting style was extremely simple and rough.

Either output frontal firepower, or use the ghostly figure, or hide in the shadows to launch a powerful sneak attack.

For Darkrai, Evil Wave, Freezing Light, One Hundred Thousand Volts, Shadow Ball.

These special moves are full of firepower, and the attack surface is wide enough, and basically the opponents encountered can cause effective blows.

If you really encounter a difficult opponent, it is the most brainless black hole hypnotist, and cooperate with the dream to complete the harvest.

As the exclusive skill of Nightmare God, Dark Hole is not as low hit rate as described on paper.

In actual use, both the hypnotic effect and the hit rate are very impressive.

"It is not difficult to direct"

Xiaozhi muttered something, but Darkley, who was hiding in its shadow, stuck out his ghost claws and tugged at Xiaozhi's ankle quite dissatisfied.

That Darkrai only eats dreams

It's also a nightmare trick!

Xiaozhi: "."

It seems that the fighting spirit is very strong.

He calmed down a little, and looked down the field, wanting to see what else this elite trainer could force Duck to do in the end.

On the other side of the venue, there are internal viewing seats.

This time, besides Zhulan and Wusong, Tianwang Daye and A Liu also came to watch in the small stand.

After all, this Dakota has become too hot recently.

There are even many fans clamoring that Dakdo can even step on the champion of the king of heaven, and a nightmare god slaughtered the entire Sinnoh alliance.

This made several alliance kings and champions unable to sit still, but they wanted to see how much this rumored beast man weighed.

"The strength is very strong."

Seeing Darkrai pushing five Pokémon in a row, Zhulan took the lead in commenting.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Song, who was beside him, pushed his sunglasses and commented sharply:

"But, it's not that strong."

Experts look at the doorway, although this Nightmare God is very strong in battle, but he has lost a lot of physical strength after defeating five Pokémon in a row.

Strong, but not to an outrageous degree.

"And the fighting style is too single."

Daye also made a rare sharp comment.

He rubbed his afro head and sat on his back with an arrogant look, as if he didn't take this person seriously.

"If I let my flaming monkey go up, if I find a chance, I will be able to beat it to the ground with a melee fight!"

This Nightmare God likes to launch a sneak attack from the shadow of the target, so it is easy to predict, it can turn around directly and hit it with all its strength.

These words made both Zhulan and Wu Song agree with each other.

As the king of the alliance, and even the champion, everyone is proud, and few of them think that they will be defeated by this beast man.

But Ah Liu, who was sitting on the farthest side, frowned and expressed a different opinion:

"But you have forgotten one thing. Now Dakdo's opponent is only the elite trainer, not someone with similar strength. He hasn't shown his upper limit of strength yet."

Just because it wasn't shown doesn't mean it won't, and it might just be that it doesn't need to be shown.

When speaking, A Liu couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, consciously analyzing clearly.

He just talked for a long time without any response, which made Ah Liu frown and couldn't help but look at his colleagues beside him.

"What do you think Dakdo's other five Pokémon are?"

"Maybe it's a Pokémon similar to Nightmare God, such as Dream God...?"

"I think it's just playing tricks, the other five are the five Yuan sorcerers."

However, Zhulan, Wusong and Daye had already changed the subject, and no one seemed to care about Aliu's rationale.

Aliu: "."

on the field.

Yongna's shoulders trembled a little, as if he hadn't recovered from such a violent flat pushing situation.

Dakdo was not in a hurry, and allowed Dakley to float slowly in front of him.

"How about it, are you giving up~?"

He teased in a slightly yin-yang tone, which made Yongna couldn't help but frown.

It seems that this guy has a bad taste and likes to play with the opponent's mentality.

This firefight also made Yong Na's expression serious, and he finally took out a gray-black poke ball.

"I didn't intend to use it at first. In that case, you forced me to use my full strength!!"

As he spoke, he threw the heavy ball forward forcefully.


As the red light fell, a huge Pokémon appeared on the stage. When the heavy weight fell to the ground, the ground trembled.

In an instant, the air around the entire arena became hot and restless.

"This is.!"

In the stands, Xiaozhi's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help but stand up.

The giant lava beast lying on the ground has a reddish-brown high-temperature body with an extremely low foot that almost touches the ground.

With a steel head and orange eyes, the limbs and feet covered with steel armor, the soles of the insect-like feet are tightly grasping the ground

It's the legendary Pokémon he's seen before, Shidolan? !

"Is it the one from Grim Mountain?"

Xiaozhi's first reaction was to think of the Sidoran in Grim Mountain.

But he quickly shook his head again. The size of this Xidoran on the field was slightly smaller than that one, and it was obviously not the same individual.

It's just that in the quarter-finals, I suddenly saw someone let Dolan En.

This surprised Xiaozhi a little.

Why did another beast man pop up? !

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