He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1881 Collect a Team of Divine Beasts

Compared to the third round of the quarterfinals in the morning, both sides played the beasts at the end.

In the fourth round of the quarterfinals in the afternoon, the performance was mediocre.

It's not that the two trainers are not good enough, the two trainers who appeared on the stage have something, and the whole team played back and forth in the battle, which was also a wonderful battle in previous years.

It's just that the audience who just had a full meal, obviously their appetite has been greatly improved in a short period of time, and the audience only felt that they were not interested.

Even Xiaozhi didn't come to observe the game at all, and slipped away after watching the game of Gods in the morning.

It doesn't matter, anyway, the opponent in the fourth game has nothing to do with him. Sooner or later, it will be the stepping stone for that Dakdo semi-final.

But it's a pity that he didn't see Dakdo's second Pokémon.

Xiaozhi is also curious about whether this rumored beast man is really worthy of his name, with a luxuriously equipped beast?

"I should be able to form a team of beasts now, right?"

At this moment, Xiaozhi is in front of the public phone in the Elf Center, discussing the subsequent lineup changes with Dr. Oki.

There will be a semi-final against Shinji next

The opponents seem to be using new partners who have just been cultivated this year, so Xiaozhi doesn't want to bully them, so he specially recruits a group of old teams to meet them.

But for the opponent Dakoto in the final, he doesn't intend to be polite

That's right, Xiaozhi is already thinking about the finals.

After confirming the next battle Pokémon, Xiaozhi and Dr. Oki had a rare chat.

Because Xiaozhi has already won the second consecutive championship.

There are two league championship trophies and so on on the TV stand at home, and Hanako even occasionally uses them as exercise dumbbells.

So this time, neither Hanako nor Dr. Oki and other folks from Zhenxin Town were bothered to come to the scene to cheer for Xiaozhi.

"Xiaozhi, Chengya's illustrated book data has been sent to me, I guess when you return to Zhenxin Town this time, I have officially created the Rotom illustrated book~!"

In the video, Dr. Oki is smiling all over his face, holding a prototype of an ipad-like illustration book in his hand.

It seems that the next Rotom illustration book is not as small as a smartphone, but in the shape of a square tablet computer.

"Yes, I'm looking forward to it!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, he really wanted to try the new illustrated book.

The illustrated book in his hand is version 2.0. Although the data support provided is very effective and rigorous, Xiaozhi always feels that something is missing?

Sometimes too pleasant, but not smooth.

After talking about the illustrated book, Dr. Oki was about to hang up the phone when he suddenly thought of something and added:

"By the way, Chi seems to have sent a message recently, as if he has encountered some serious trouble in the Hezhong area."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up immediately, is there any news about Brother Chi at last?

After not responding for so long, he almost forgot about this book and this person!

It's just that under his questioning, Dr. Oki hesitated and couldn't give any definite answer.

It seemed that the situation was not so good, and Chi couldn't convey a clear message, which made Dr. Oki helpless, and he could only convey it a little bit.

"That's it"

After hanging up the phone, Xiaozhi straightened his expression and fell into deep thought.

The place where Brother Chi can get into trouble... I can't imagine it at all.

Speaking of which, he has become interested in this Hezhong area!

But Xiaozhi wasn't too worried.

This is a kind of extreme trust. Even if he gets into trouble, he doesn't think Brother Chi will fall into any desperate crisis.

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi could only shrug his shoulders.

Right now, he really doesn't seem to be able to help much, so let's focus on this alliance meeting for the time being.

"Hey Xiaozhi, why are you standing here all alone!"

In the distance, Ah Jin, who had been fishing on Lily of the Valley, came over and patted Xiaozhi on the shoulder abruptly.

Of course, Chris was also beside him. The young couple seemed to be entangled and basically only appeared at the same time.

"Don't get me wrong, Ah Jin and I are just ordinary colleagues!"

Chris seemed to have heard the voice of the narration, and her pretty face blushed, but she still explained quickly with her hips crossed.

The city capital celebration of the two is coming soon, and they will soon go to the next area for exhibition.

It's just that the Lily of the Valley God Beast Men's Conference at this moment has made both of them addicted to watching, and they plan to delay fishing for a while and eat more melons.

"Xiaozhi, that beast man is not simple. Do you want me to lend you Suicune temporarily?"

Ah Jin enthusiastically took out a poke ball.

It was Suicune who only worked for the Jotou Alliance, and was also Xiaozhi's half relative.

"I remember you also have a few beasts, and Xiaolan also has a flame bird, or let's form a team of beasts, and then give that beast man a hard shot!"

Ajin seemed to be completely brought into Xiaozhi's perspective, his face was flushed, he waved his fist, and said with enthusiasm.

"That's right, Xiaozhi, I can also lend you my Yukshi temporarily~!"

At this time, Xiao Gang and his group also came over. The former heard a few people chatting, and immediately opened his mouth and said solemnly.

When he said this, Xiaogang's face was also full of red light. He is the man who subdued the three holy mushrooms in the Sinnoh area!

Although I used to be very shameless about the beast man, I thought it was a trainer who only relied on the beast, and my grandma could fight when she went up to command.

But now that he is also a beast man, the feeling is different.

"By the way~ I don't have any legendary Pokémon though."

At this time, Xiaoguang beside him couldn't help showing his presence and raised his little hand.

"However, Miss Platina has a shining Cresselia. If you need it, I can lend it to you for a while~!"

When saying these words, Xiaozhi and everyone turned their heads in a daze, and all looked at Xiaoguang.

The eldest miss has a Dream God, which is still shining, this is the first time Xiaozhi has heard of it.

But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be a special accident.

Xiao Gang, who knew of Platina's existence, quickly accepted it, but the others didn't know what was behind it, and they all assumed that Xiaoguang himself had a divine beast, and they all looked surprised.

Why is there another beast man!

No, this time it's a goddess beast man.

"Thank you, but I don't need these anymore."

However, Xiaozhi waved his hands in response to this, making everyone think that what he said was that there was no need for any divine beasts.

However, the next moment, Xiaozhi took a deep breath, and his chest couldn't help but stand up.

"You underestimate me too much, don't you think I can't make up six beasts by myself?!"

As soon as these words came out, Xiaozhi's whole body seemed to emit a dazzling golden light, which made it difficult for several people around him to look directly at him, and turned their eyes away one after another.

Yes, it seems that this guy is the most outrageous beast man!

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