He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1882 Semifinals, vs Shinji!

After two days of rest, the semi-finals of the Lily of the Valley Conference officially started!

The first game is the main event, it is the battle between Xiaozhi and Shinji for the king of the upper half!

The time is approaching, and at this moment, the conference hall of Nuoda is full of seats. The heat of this year's conference is much higher than in previous years. There are a lot of voices, and the audience is eagerly looking forward to it.

In the internal spectator seat of the conference, the Super King Wusong still showed up early, and this time he was very pleased with the Lily of the Valley Conference.

Looking at the blond woman walking slowly behind him, Wu Song turned his head slightly, teased with a chuckle:

"Oh, Ms. Zhulan, you've come so frequently~ Do you pay so much attention to Xiaozhi?"

But today Zhulan shook her head.

After taking his seat, he looked peacefully at the two trainers who were already standing at both ends of the arena.

One firmly believes in the absolute bond with Pokémon, and the other believes in absolute power.

"I'm looking forward to what kind of sparks will appear when these two people collide~"

Pursing her lips lightly, Zhulan spoke slowly.

Regardless of their young age, both of them are experienced trainers who have traveled to many regions. It can be said that they should be very firm in their belief in the rules they have always followed.

Will the two completely opposite paths change because of today's game results?

"Miss Takeran thinks highly of this Shinji. Who is that kid?"

After a while, Huo Tianwang Daye also came in with steps that his relatives did not recognize. After sitting down with his hands in his pockets, he said carelessly.

He knew that Xiaozhi was very strong, but it was the first time Daye heard Shinji's name.

"It seems to be a senior trainer too, is anyone listening to me?"

Behind him, the worm attribute king also came over and said.

It just seems that recently his colleagues have a very bad attitude and habitually ignore him, which makes Ah Liu sit on the sideline a little aggrieved.

Ju Ye, the only ground attribute king, has a good attitude towards him.

But every time they looked at each other from a distance, the latter seemed to look him up and down, and then shook his head regretfully.

It's like saying "I will never choose such a successor".

Ah Liu quickly shook his head to get rid of the thought, since King Juye is gentle and generous, it is definitely impossible for him to have such a thought!

And the arena below, the first semi-final, is about to begin!

"Hey Shinji, let's do our best this time, and don't bother anyone!"

Standing at one end of the arena, Xiaozhi said loudly before the match.


Pikachu beside him couldn't help screaming, eager to try, but Xiaozhi quickly held it down.

I don't have any role for you today, so just wag your tail behind.

It is said to be full strength, but in fact it is still half strength.

But unexpectedly, today Shinji didn't choke back with a bad mouth, but his eyes sank, and he replied seriously:

"I know, let's fight with all our strength."

in the audience.

"Shinji seems a little different today."

Xiaozhi's relatives and friends sat together, Xiaogang watched from a distance, and couldn't help but comment.

"Well, Shinji is serious today.!"

Beside them, Shinji's older brother, Leisi, was also sitting beside them. He stared closely at his younger brother on the field, and said in a low voice with his arms crossed.

Several people from Lei Si met at the entrance of the venue, and they simply sat together to watch the game.

If we talk about this meeting, Xiaozhi's goal is the mysterious Dakdo, or the even higher alliance champion Zhulan

So Shinji has only one goal at the moment.

Defeat the opponent in front of you!

The battle begins!

boom! boom!

Two crisp sounds sounded, Xiao Zhi and Shinji threw the poke ball at the same time.


Xiaozhi's first battle Pokémon was the Mukhawk, who had shined in the last quarter-finals match. At this moment, when he appeared on the stage, the entire alliance venue burst into loud applause.

The brave bird of Infinite Gale Wings attacked fiercely, who can withstand this! ?


On the other side, Shinji's vanguard is a circle bear with a fierce expression, raising two thick bear paws and sharp claws, ready to fight.


Even as soon as the two sides took a stance, the circled bear burst into flames out of thin air.

The circle bear has entered a burn state.

"Bear Roar!!"

Although it entered a negative state, this circled bear entered a berserk state in an instant, its eyes were red, and the muscles around it swelled visibly with the naked eye.

"Did you bring the flame orb?"

Xiaozhi instantly understood that this circle bear, like his Heracross, has the characteristic of perseverance.

Once it enters the burn state, not only will it not reduce physical attack, but its attack power will directly increase significantly!

As a vanguard officer, Shinji, is he trying to let the excited circle bear show off his momentum for all his staff?

"It's not that simple, Mukehawk, use Brave Bird to attack!!"

Xiaozhi doesn't care about so much, just rush without thinking and it's over!


With a loud cry, the Muke Hawk rushed to the ground with its wings, and then turned into a blue heroic bird in the countless dust that was raised.

Stick to the ground and charge brazenly!

As if inviting God to his upper body, through the sharp beak, the Arrow Eagle of the predecessor fully endowed the characteristics of the wings of the wind to the Muke Eagle, making the latter's attack fierce and impossible to dodge.

Whoosh! !

In the next moment, Mukehawk hit the circle bear head-on.

The majestic and vigorous force directly pushed him back three or four meters, and the soles of his feet drew a long black mark on the ground.

"Bear Roar.!!"

It's just that the circle bear continued to let out violent low growls, and its figure rioted, and it actually forcibly withstood the blow.

Not only that, Shinji's eyes sharpened, and he suddenly said:

"Now, use throw!"

This seemed to be a tactic arranged in advance, the circle bear quickly grabbed the flame orb it was carrying, and smashed it out!

It was almost zero distance, and coupled with Brave Bird's onslaught of anti-injury status, Rao Mu Keying did not dodge for a while.


The flame orb hit Mukehawk's face, and then the red ball fell to the playing field.

It's just that the circle bear's throwing with the strange power added by perseverance is not fatal.


In the next second, a flame ignited out of thin air on Mukehawk.

Mickhawk is in burn mode!

Seeing that the strategy was completely successful, Shinji, whose expression was always tense, finally smiled for the first time today.

"Heh, I have broken your Gale Wings!"

The Wings of Gale feature can quickly launch an attack, which can be described as an absolute killer.

Since we can't avoid such a preemptive attack

Then simply abolish the attack power of Mukehawk!

"Shinji, you bastard."

Having been stolen by Shinji, Xiaozhi lowered his eyes, and his expression gradually became serious.

This guy has prepared everything early!

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