He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1884 Flame Monkey, entered a state of fierce fire!

"Hey, today's battle seems a bit exciting!"

"Yeah, both sides seem to have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the outcome is hard to predict.!"

"What are the origins of these two trainers?"

The quarter-final match between Xiaozhi and Shinji made the audience talk a lot.

The previous games were basically crushing rounds, refreshing and refreshing, but not exciting enough.

This time, it was rare that there was an evenly matched battle, which made people's blood flustered, and they didn't know which side would win until the last moment.

On the field, Shinji took back the defeated Pokemon and released his second Pokémon.

The upright rhinoceros tyrannosaurus has a body covered with reddish-brown armor, and there are two clusters of sharp drill horns on the top of its head.

"Copy the house!!"

The super-armored wild rhino let out a burst of roar, and the rock fists collided with each other, looking at the flame monkey with high fighting spirit.

"The two sides restrain each other. No matter whose skill hits the other side, it will have a good effect."

In the auditorium, Xiao Gang spoke in earnest.

Although in Shinji's last battle, this super armored rhino overwhelmingly defeated a flaming monkey, but there is still a gap between the flaming monkeys.

Along the way, Xiaogang has a good understanding of Xiaozhi's Sinnoh team.

To say that the strongest among them are Lucario, who has a powerful waveguide, and the flame monkey in front of him.

"Really, this time the Super Armored Rhino is different~!"

However, Lei Si next to him had bright eyes and was very confident in his younger brother, which made Xiao Gang a little puzzled.

no the same?

Can anything different happen if the interval is less than 3 days?

And on the field, Xiaozhi naturally took the lead in attacking.

"Flame Monkey, use Sonic Punch!!"

The flame monkey understood, and rushed out with vigorous steps. The super-high speed made the bulky super-armored wild rhinoceros unable to react at all.


The next moment, a sonic iron fist slammed into the face of the super-armored mad rhinoceros.

The effect is outstanding!

The Flaming Monkey even aimed specifically at the Super Armored Crazy Rhinoceros, which could cause even higher damage to places not covered by armor.

"Then it's the Soaring Fist!!"

Xiaozhi shouted loudly, the quick attack of Sonic Fist and Soaring Fist, this is a combination skill that Flame Monkey is very familiar with.


This time the flame monkey leaped up, and hit the super-armored mad rhino's chin with an upward punch, making a dull and deep sound.

The effect is outstanding!

The two attacks directly knocked the super-armored mad rhino back again and again, with its eyes half pressed down, obviously causing extremely high damage.

"Use Stomp!"

However, the retreating Super Armored Rhino trampled on the ground, and the spreading vibration wave reached the flame monkey, causing a good damage.

It's just compared to the flame monkey's slow-down blue light that lights up due to stomping.

rub! rub!

At the same moment, two dazzling red lights lit up on the super-armored mad rhinoceros at the same time, making the latter's aura rise rapidly in an instant!

The attack and special attack of the super-armored wild rhinoceros have been greatly improved!

"Is it weak point insurance this time?!"

In the stands, Xiao Gang clicked his tongue, and immediately recognized the reason for the change of the super armor mad rhino.

Carrying weak point insurance, when the self suffers outstanding damage, physical attack and special attack will be greatly improved

Similar to the circled bear before, the super-armored mad rhino also entered a dangerous berserk mode in an instant!

Is this the difference Mr. Leisi said?

"That's right! Now Shinji's Super Armored Rhino is invincible!"

Lei Si vowed, this weak point insurance is a precious item that he found after searching for a long time.

attribute restraint, characteristics, props

In order to win today's victory, Shinji had no reservations and gave everything out.

"It's really merciless"

Xiaozhi was also taken aback by the opponent's sudden hidden weakness insurance. It seems that he also has one of this prop at home, and he got it from the Rockets back then.

But at the moment when it is taken out by the opponent, it has to be said that this prop is a bit fierce.

"Super Armored Rhinoceros, use Earthquake!!"

The attack power has been greatly increased, and Shinji's confidence has also increased, and it is his turn to attack loudly.

Just like the name of "Crazy Rhinoceros Copying Homes", once the weak point insurance is triggered, you can go all the way to search the house!

The super-armored wild rhino roared for a while, raised its lower limbs, and then trampled on the ground!

Rumble! !

In an instant, the entire arena began to tremble violently, the terrifying shock wave even spread all the way to the surrounding spectator seats, and the entire arena trembled violently.

"Flame monkey, use acrobatics!"

Xiaozhi didn't dare to block such a move, so he responded quickly.

The flame monkey immediately jumped up, then spread its arms and landed in a gliding posture.

The attitude of aerobatics makes the flame monkey seem to be flying in the air, and it does not land on the ground immediately to withstand the earthquake.

This is its strategy for dealing with ground-type moves.

Shinji frowned, unexpectedly there is such a coping strategy.

"Use rock crit!"

The super-armored wild rhino quickly put away the strength of the lower body, and then raised both arms, and the holes in the palms were aimed at the flame monkey gliding in the air.

Boom! Boom! !

The next moment, huge rocks roared out from the holes in the palm of his hand, and shot towards the flame monkey in unison.

This made Flame Monkey only use his aerobatics to the extreme, trying to dodge all the moves.

It's just that it is not a flying Pokémon after all. Facing continuous rock blasts, Flame Monkey was finally hit.

A huge rock burst open on the flame monkey's chest, even if it was only one, but under the blessing of the weak point insurance, the power is still very terrifying.

boom! !

The flame monkey's chest seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer, and several pieces of its sternum were broken, and it fell to the ground in some embarrassment.

"Now, use the rock cannon!!"

Seeing the target land on the ground, Shinji stared solemnly and said loudly.

The super-armored wild rhino stuck one arm straight into the ground, using the hole in the palm to continuously absorb the rocks on the ground.

The other arm was raised high, the hole in the palm continuously ejected gravel, and then continuously squeezed and concentrated, a terrifyingly powerful rock grenade quickly formed in the palm.

In a few seconds, the ground around the super-armored mad rhino was forcibly pulled out of a half-meter-deep pothole.

There are so many rocks, but only one rock shell less than half a meter wide is condensed. It shows the danger of this blow.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi didn't dare to hold back any more, and said quickly:

"Flame monkey, it's time, go straight into the raging state!"

The opponent is powerful at this moment, but the durability and defense of the whole body have not changed at all.

To defeat such a super-armored mad rhino, his strategy is also very simple.

Use more powerful power to defeat it at once!

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