He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1885 Is there really a bond?


The flame monkey nodded, and as it raised its head and roared, its eyes instantly turned blood red, and the flame above its head exploded with a "pop", forming a flame beam nearly 2 meters high!

Flaming monkey, it has entered a state of fierce fire!

Shinji's complexion changed when he felt the heat wave rushing towards his face in an instant.

"How can it be?!"

Now the flame monkey's physical strength is less than 1/3, how could it be possible to use that strength?

You must know that he has specially calculated it to weaken the physical value of this flaming monkey to above 1/3 of the threshold.

Finally, release the big move and defeat it at once, you don't even want to use it with fierce fire!

Although he really wants to defeat Xiaozhi head-on, Shinji also realizes that the opponent's strength may be superior to his own, and he can only defeat this guy. He is willing to try any tactics.

But looking at the opponent's posture now, it seems that he can enter the state he once dreamed of at any time?

Why? !

Shinji's mentality was a little broken.

"Haha, this is the bond between us! Shinji!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help laughing loudly. If the super-armored wild rhinoceros is improved by meticulous props and tactics, then he and the flame monkey have no fancy fetters!

Seeing that the super-armored wild rhino has ejected the rock cannon, the powerful recoil made the super-armored wild rhino shake with its body.

"Flame Monkey, let him see your current power, use flame jet!!"

The flame monkey with red eyes showed no sign of weakness, took a big breath, and his chest swelled up.

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, a beam of golden-red flame roared out from the mouth!

The laser beam has a width of three or four meters, and its power is even more exaggerated than the destructive death light. It crushes the rocks on the ground along the way into a long road, and shoots it straight!

"This is flame jets.?!"

The flames sprayed by the flaming monkey mutated into a raging fire state not only silenced the audience, but also stunned Daye in the stands.

Sure enough, his Iron Fist characteristic, Flaming Monkey, seems to be retired, and the Fierce Ability is the correct answer? !

Jet flames collided head-on with the rock cannon, a mid-to-high power move, collided with a rock-type ultimate move, even a rock cannon with a weak point insurance bonus.

Boom boom boom! !

The two moves caused a violent explosion in the center of the arena!

All of a sudden, they were evenly matched, the gravel and the pillar of fire exploded in the center of the arena, splashing all over the arena, neither of them benefited from this blow!

"How can it be?!"

Zhenston felt that his throat was a little hoarse, and he couldn't speak.

This is already the strongest blow of the super-armored mad rhinoceros, but this blow is not the limit of the flame monkey in front of him.

Why is this fiery power so many times more exaggerated than what I saw before? !

No matter what kind of training it was, he arranged for the little flame monkey to do it, but it was useless

Why can this power be perfectly displayed once it is in the opponent's hands at this moment?

"Is there really such a thing as a bond?"

Even Shinji couldn't help but flash this thought in his mind.

"Hey, the flame monkey played well! Then there is the flame vortex!!"

Xiaozhi didn't pay attention to the face of his opponent, and immediately attacked again.

The flaming monkey opened its mouth wide, and once again spewed out a golden-red flame beam, this time forming a massive flame tornado, which rose into the sky and surrounded the super-armored mad rhinoceros.

"Super armor mad rhinoceros, use wide-area destruction!"

However, Shinji did not give up the game. At this moment, both the enemy and the enemy completely abandoned their defenses, and the extremely sharp spears

No matter whose attack hits the opponent first, the winner will be determined!

In the flame tornado, the tail of the meteor hammer of the super-armored mad rhinoceros was covered with purple light, turning into a bunch of powerful dragon tails.

With a blatant sweep of his figure, the wide-area destruction directly swept away all the flames around him, and his strength was not weak either.

It's just that as the flames dissipated, when they came into view, they saw that the flame monkey had completely turned into a huge blue fireball!

"Flame Monkey, use Flame Charge!!"

On this side, Xiaozhi seized the opportunity and directly activated the ultimate move of the flame monkey!


Amidst the high-pitched roar of the flame monkey, the blue fireball rushed out, and the flashing charge was unstoppable and charged straight!

"Super armor mad rhino, use rock cannon"

Shinji's pupils shrank, and he was just about to fight head-on, but when he saw the soaring blue flame, the heat wave and wind pressure were overwhelming, and his power was even stronger under the blessing of the mutated flame.

Super armor mad rhino, can't beat

When this idea appeared in his mind, Shinji could only grit his teeth and quickly change the command:

"Super Armored Rhinoceros, use Invisible Rock!"

"Copy the house.?"

Raising his arm, the Super Armored Crazy Rhinoceros, which was just about to unleash a full blow with all its strength, also had a puzzled expression after hearing the trainer's command.

But in the face of the Flaming Charge that was about to charge, this super-armored wild rhino finally chose to trust its trainer.

With a flick of the super-armored wild rhinoceros arm, countless sharp rock and stone blades flew out in an instant, scattered to the entire arena, and then completely assimilated with the surrounding environment as if invisible, and disappeared.

But after it finishes this action, it also means that the Super Armored Crazy Rhino has no spare power to fight back.

In the next moment, Flame Charge had already hit its face, and the scorching blue flame completely engulfed the Super Armored Crazy Rhinoceros!

Boom boom boom! !

Following another burst of explosions, the heavy body of the super-armored mad rhino flew out in an instant, and fell heavily to the ground.

Rao is dressed in hard rock and armor, and the surface of his body is also scorched black at this moment, looking tragic.

"Copy the house."

Falling to the ground, completely unconscious, the Super Armored Crazy Rhinoceros could only make an unconscious low hum.

On the other side, the flame monkey made a vertical leap and jumped back in front of Xiaozhi.


It's just that there was a burst of arc blue light on his body, and the flame monkey let out a muffled groan.

As if hitting a hard rock, this flash charge also hurt itself badly.

"Super Armored Rhino can't fight!"

Even the referee was taken aback by the terrifying Flame Charge, and it took a long time to announce the result loudly.

Not long ago, he served as a referee for the Champions League Challenge between Zhulan and Daye.

Such a flash charge, like the flaming monkey of Tianwang Daye, can't perform it, right?

"Indeed. Hiss, it really has stronger fire characteristics!"

Even Daye in the vip stands couldn't help standing up, scratching his afro head in distress.

At the beginning, he thought that his Iron Fist Flame Monkey was a special choice.

Sure enough, after this alliance meeting is over, I will find a little flame monkey and start breeding again!

If relying on such fierce fire characteristics, wouldn't he be able to kill Zhulan indiscriminately!

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