He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1886 Invisible Rock, Spin Defense!

Daye's passionate performance made other people in the audience laugh for a while.

The fiery fire of this flaming monkey is obviously not a normal fiery characteristic.

As the basic characteristics of Yusanjia, fierce fire, lushness, and rapids are the main characteristics, which are not as good as the characteristics of Iron Fist.

"Incredible power."

Even Zhulan looked at the fiery flame monkey on the field with amazement in his eyes.

She remembered that the flaming monkey used to be Shinji's Pokémon.

Now that I am facing this force again, it is estimated that the latter is also full of thoughts.

On the field, with a gloomy face, Shinji took back the defeated Super Armor Kuangxi.

The flame monkey can freely display this dangerous power, which really disrupts his rhythm.

"Take a break for a while, Flame Monkey!"

But at the other end, Xiaozhi also took back the flame monkey, which made the whole venue make a sound of regret.

Then breathe fire, then burn!

However, Xiaozhi was very calm and did not show any enthusiasm.

Exercising such a terrifying power also has a very high consumption of the flame monkey's physical strength.

Due to the mutated fierce fire characteristics, this move can only be used as a trump card, and it is difficult to use it as a way to continue attacking.

And the two looked at each other, and threw their pokeballs at the same time.


Shinji's Pokémon is a crow with a head, which is larger than ordinary bird Pokémon.


It spread its black wings and rose up. The feathers on the top of its head looked like a black top hat. It let out a hoarse cry, and looked down condescendingly, giving people a good deterrent.


On the other side, Xiaozhi sent the Scorpio King.


As soon as he appeared on the stage, the Scorpio King spread his wings and stood up, holding up two large pincers, as if he was about to fly to the same height as the head of the crow.

Boom! !

It's just that it just took off when several sharp stone blades suddenly flew out from the surrounding area, hitting the Scorpion King's body together, making repeated explosions!

This is the invisible rock that was thrown at the last moment in the last super armor mad rhinoceros.

As long as there is a Pokémon on Xiaozhi's side, he will be hit by a sharp rock and explode at the beginning.


The Scorpio King received a hard blow, and couldn't help letting out a muffled groan.

However, the hard body still resisted, and it barely flew into the air, looking at the head of the crow.

"I also forgot about that."

Xiaozhi frowned. Because the flame monkey's offensive was too dazzling last time, he temporarily forgot the foreshadowing of this invisible rock.

This disgusting piton must be dealt with first.

"Scorpion King, use sharp rocks to attack!!"

It's just that he didn't think of any good strategy, Xiaozhi could only temporarily target the opponent first, and raising his hand was an extremely effective rock move!

The Scorpion King also raised his arms angrily, and began to spin countless sharp stone blades around his body to charge up, ready to take revenge.

"Head Crow, use Assault!!"

However, at the next moment, under the command of Shinji, the head and body of the crow turned into a black light and swooped down suddenly.

Snapped! !

The strong bird's claws trampled straight on the Scorpio King's chest. The physical attack of the crow's head was not low, not only interrupting the Scorpio King's moves, but the whole body almost fell from the air.

Assault moves, if the opponent is ready to attack, you can take the first step.


As soon as he appeared on the stage, he received two sap shots one after another. The Scorpio King was very ashamed and angry, and quickly took advantage of the wind again.

It's just that Shinji's command is extremely calm, and a new round of attack has already been launched:

"Use Blow Fly!"

The crow understood, and immediately flapped its wings vigorously in the air, blowing a violent whirlwind in an instant, and hit Scorpio King head-on.

However, this move does not do any actual damage.

call out.!

But the effect of blowing away was very strange, directly blowing the Scorpion King into a ball of red light, and forcibly bounced back into the elf ball.

Scorpion King's hard body is still not good enough for the crow to fight head to head

Two consecutive defeats made Shinji's battle very stable at this moment.


At the same moment, another Pokeball on Xiaozhi's waist forced out a new Pokémon.

"Yeah, yell!!"

The snorkeling ferret appeared on the stage, let out a low cry, and looked at the black crow in the sky with piercing eyes.

Clap clap! !

It's just that the pitons on the field have not been removed, and the Snorkeling Itachi just came out, and there was another intensive bombardment of stone blades, which caused good damage.

"Tsk, this guy."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help cursing in a low voice after being beaten by Shinji in a surprise attack.

Although he is in an advantage at the moment, he really can't relax for a moment!

But it just so happened that the previous Scorpio King couldn't deal with the invisible rock, but the snorkeling ferret had a way to solve it.

So Xiaozhi fixed his eyes and shouted:

"Snorkeling Itachi, use the water tail! Attack the entire arena!!"

Snorkeling Itachi understood, and immediately lowered his figure, propped up his palms, and danced a Thomas maneuver on the spot.

The two forked tails also lingered on the water flow, and with the help of the centrifugal force of the rotation, they formed long whips of the rotating water flow, constantly whipping and sweeping across the field.


With such a rotating defense, not only the crows in the air cannot get close, but also the irregular water flow and long whip make it dodge again and again.

The wanton whipping of the tail of the water seemed to step on countless landmines in succession, and explosions sounded one after another throughout the entire arena!

Snapped! Snapped! ! Snapped! !

Countless rocks burst open and turned into powder and fell.

"Two chant~!"

After completing this action, the snorkeling Itachi stretched out his palms and stood up again.

The invisible rocks that were originally hidden around the arena have also been cleaned up.

"Is there another way?"

Shinji's eyes froze, he didn't expect to clean it up so easily.

But during this period of time, he was not idle, and he already had a new strategy in mind.

"Crow head, use black eyes!!"

The snorkeling ferret had just completed the action, but suddenly his heart lit up for no reason, and the next moment, a black one-eyed phantom fell on top of its head.

Snorkeling ferret, can't leave!

"Come back, Chief Crow!"

Just after finishing this operation, Shinji pressed the poke ball with his left hand and took it back, while throwing a new poke ball with his right hand at the same time.

boom! !

The red light fell, and this time it was a golden Thunder Beast, with an upright and strong body, covered with exaggerated and bluffing black thunder patterns.

The constantly rotating arm, like a generator, makes the radar antenna above the head emit a "sizzling" current sound.

"Electric shock~!!"

The Electric Shock Beast appeared on the stage. It showed a fierce and fanatical expression, and its eyes were fixed on the water attribute prey in front of it!

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