He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1906 Off the court is also a beast! ?

"My dear, Xiaozhi's Emperor Yan is so powerful!"

In the audience seats, Ajin, who had the most say, couldn't help exclaiming.

The Suicune I brought with me should be stronger than the one with more Ducks, but it doesn't look like this Yandi's opponent!

However, I have to say that Ah Jin was very pleased with this battle of the gods, and it was not in vain that he deliberately stayed for so many days!

"Are these legendary Pokémon from other regions?"

"Ah, an incredible battle."

As newcomers in this small group, Xiao Guang and Xiao Wang have been stunned from the very beginning.

Xiaoguang's heart was agitated. Is this really the same lily of the valley conference she attended?

Near the position of several people, Ah Xun, who was not far away, kept patting the handrail, yelling and cursing:

"Damn it! Xiaozhi is so strong! He needs to be fined!! A divine beast needs to be fined heavily!"

It's just that between the brows, there is a huge sense of envy.

"By the way, since this is a battle of gods"

As the most playful person here, Ah Jin suddenly thought of a ghost idea, so he took out a poke ball with his backhand.


The red light fell on the aisle next to it, but it was a blue crystal beast with two ribbons fluttering in the wind, making the air in the vicinity extremely fresh as soon as it appeared.

Since the venue below is changing venues, it is a short intermission.

Xiaozhi also took Emperor Yan back, and the audience was worried that there would be no new targets to watch. The electric mouse at Xiaozhi's feet was worthless.

"Hey! Look at the position of B3, it's another Suicune!"

"Oh my god, are there any beast men in the audience!?"

Noticing the sudden addition of Suicune in the aisle beside them, many audience members made restless noises again.

Countless fiery gazes came, and Ah Jin seemed quite satisfied with the cards, and calmly explained to his friends:

"Since Xiaozhi is fighting a battle of gods, we, as friends, naturally have to cheer for him with gods and beasts!"

It's a battle of gods on the court, so naturally there must be gods and beasts on the court to join in!

Well, it's not to show off that I also have such a small thing as a mythical beast!

"So it makes sense!"

Hearing that Xiaogang's eyes were fixed, he had just conquered the legendary Pokémon, and he was worried that he had no place to show off his identity as a new beast man.

No, the main purpose is to cheer for Xiaozhi!

Thinking of this, Xiao Gang decisively dispatched Yu Kexi.


Yuksi hovered in the air for a circle, and finally landed lightly on Suicune's back.

Just to see the legendary Pokémon in other places and expand the knowledge base!

Even though it's separated by a poke ball, it can still watch the show.

"In that case."

Xiaoguang's eyes lit up, and he immediately took out a luxurious black and gold ball, and pressed the button lightly.


The local tyrant's golden light of the luxury ball fell, but an elegant and noble Dream God appeared in the sky above the aisle.

Different from the Dreamlord that appeared before, although the belly of this Dreamlord and the crescent moon on the top of its head are still yellow, its body is a deep purple.

The eyes and the arms on the chest are indigo blue, especially the dreamy wings in the form of energy halos around the body, which are soft and bright blue.


Even the moment Dream God appeared, there was a crisp sound from his body, and stars twinkled all over his body, showing off his shining body!

This is Platina's shining Dream God, Xiaoguang has only seen it once before, and it is still so dreamy and beautiful the second time.


Xiao Wang, who had never seen anything in the world, was directly stunned by the close-up beast.

Chrissy's expression is much better. As a capture master, she has a lot of rare and special Pokémon, and even a lot of flashy Pokémon. She is someone who has seen the world.

However, the legendary Pokémon did not deliberately subdue it, and it was not easy to force it into it.

"Damn it, hate it! A fine! Everything needs to be fined!!"

Not far away, Ah Xun patted the handrail until his hands were swollen, his eyes widened, he gasped heavily, and stared at the three beasts.

A series of three legendary Pokémon appeared in this aisle, making the whole venue boil again.

Even the shooting pictures on the big screen were transferred from the two players who were still waiting to change venues on the field to this aisle of the spectator seats.

"Hey! That is the god of the lake representing wisdom, Yuxi, right?!"

"Another Dreamlord with a special color, or a shining Dreamlord?!"

"My tortoise, so is the beast now a rotten street? Or where can I get it!?"

The abnormal restlessness in the spectator seats also caused Xiaozhi and Dakdo to cast suspicious eyes at the same time.

"Is it Xiaoguang and the others?"

Xiaozhi has excellent eyesight, and noticed that beside the three divine beasts, his little friends were waving to him from a distance, so he quickly waved as well.

"By the way, it's Missy's Shining Dream God, it's really beautiful."

It was the first time he saw it, and he dared not sigh in his heart.


Dakdo's complexion darkened again.

Every mythical beast man hopes that there is only one divine beast man in this world

Once the street is bad, I am no longer special.

"Talk about that shining Dream God."

Dakdo suddenly felt a move in his heart, let's go get in touch after the game and see if he can rub against his nightmare god

Soon, the ground of the arena was replaced, from the rocky arena in the first half to the ice arena.

On the mirror-like smooth arena, several protruding icicle columns stood randomly, emitting cold mist upwards.

"Is the ice arena just right!"

Dakoto has already prepared a new Poké Ball and threw it forward.


When the red light fell, it was another Pokémon that Xiaozhi was familiar with.

The whole body is in the shape of crystal icicles, with icicle-shaped arms and lower limbs attached to the sides and bottom. There is no face and facial features, and some strange dot patterns are engraved on the face.

Legendary Pokémon, Ice Pillar, and Regis!

"Oh, the Ice God Pillar is just right!"

Xiaozhi secretly said Dakdo's words, and the movement of his hands was not slow at all, and he threw a special insulating ball.


As soon as he appeared on the stage, there was a sound of electric current rushing from one end of the arena.

The Electric God Pillar, whose body is completely composed of electric ions, continues to extend outward from the metal rings on the sides and bottom, and gradually turns into arms and lower limbs in the form of electric current energy.

duang~! duang~!

The unstable energy of the lower limbs makes it bounce on the ice like a spring, which is very joyful.

"Electric God Pillar...?"

Dakdo's eyes drooped, obviously his insight was extremely broad, and he recognized the strange-looking Dian Shenzhu.


Xiaozhi stared at the target closely, with a harmless smile on his face.

In Mr. Jindai's place, he has fought against the three god pillars, but at that time the electric god pillar was facing the rock god pillar.

This time, I will replace it with the Ice God Pillar, and give it a good electrotherapy!

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