He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1907 The Battle of the Old and New Pillar Giants!

"Electric God Pillar, use the electric shock wave!!"

The battle began, and the energy-like arm of the Dian Shenzhu was bent in front of him, and a current laser was shot out with a "boom".

boom! !

Before the Ice God Pillar could react, the violent electric shock exploded on its face, almost turning its solid ice figure over.

"very fast"

Dakdo's pupils shrank, it was obviously an electric shock wave, and the attack speed almost caught up with the effect of the preemptive move.

And the strength is also very exaggerated, the power of ordinary electrode waves has already caught up with one hundred thousand volts.

"Hey, this is the characteristic of my electric god pillar, the transistor, which can greatly improve the electric attribute moves~!"

Xiaozhi didn't hide anything, and introduced it openly.

Compared with the three giants like the Ice God Pillar, the characteristics of the Lightning God Pillar and the Dragon God Pillar are quite powerful.

According to Dr. Oki's numerical calculations in the backyard of Zhenxin Town, the transistor can probably increase the power of electric attribute moves by 50%.

A shot of 100,000 volts is so powerful that it surpasses the ultimate skill of thunder, and it is almost as powerful as destroying the dead light.

It can be said that under normal conditions, the Dian Shen Pillar has the power to mutate and blaze like a flaming monkey!


Although Dakdo knew the information about the Lightning God Pillar and the Dragon God Pillar, he didn't know much. This feature sounds very tricky.

"In that case, Regice, use the hailstone!"

So Dakdo stared at the sky, and as the Ice God Pillar raised the Icicle's arm, his face flickered and made an unknown and strange electronic sound.

Da da da.!

After a while, hail and snowflakes fell from the sky above the arena, falling on Dian Shenzhu's body, continuously reducing his physical strength by a small amount.

However, when these hailstones fell on the Ice God Pillar, they merged into the latter's body and turned into a faint healing green light.

Ice God Pillar feature, frozen body, can restore part of the physical value in hail weather.

"Do you want to fight a protracted war? In that case, Electric God Pillar, let's use the electric field!!"

Since you're staring up, I'm aiming down!

The electric current spread around the jumping Dian Shenzhu and fell on the ground. In an instant, the entire arena was dyed golden yellow.

Not only did hailstones fall in the air, there was also a weak electric current moving.

However, Dakdo seems to have been prepared for a long time, and said:

"Reggiece, use the ice spin!"

The Ice God Pillar raised its arms and spun at high speed like a top, with dangerously sharp ice cones still visible on the edge.

Sizzling! !

As the ice spinner rotated on the field for a while, the entire ground seemed to be twisted into fragments, and a sound like glass bursting could be heard faintly.

The next moment, all the currents flowing in the air disappeared, leaving only the hailstones that kept falling.

The electrical field was destroyed by the ice spin!

"What kind of move is this?!"

It was the first time for Xiaozhi to see this move of Bingxuan, and he exclaimed.

It was able to directly destroy the field, and he also wanted to use the bonus of the electric field to double the power of the electric field.

Whoosh! !

Bingxuan's offensive is not over yet, the Ice God Pillar looks like an ice spinning top ball, and it is rapidly attacking in the direction of the Electric God Pillar!


However, this speed is obviously not enough to hit the Lightning God Pillar. The latter jumps up with energy and easily dodges the attacking ice whirl trick.

"Electric God Pillar, use Discharge!!"

Electric God Pillar took advantage of the situation to launch an attack. Although there was no bonus from the electric field, the power of the electric current move was still considerable.


"Reggiece, use Instant Amnesia!"

Dakdo, on the other hand, completely chose defensive tactics, preparing to rely on durability to win.

The arms of the Ice God Pillar were folded in front of him, and a thin film of energy appeared on his ice-blue body, and his special defense ability was greatly improved.

Boom boom boom! !

One step after the violent electric shock, it exploded in front of him, and the electric current scattered in all directions, causing a burst of explosions.


However, with the addition of instant amnesia, the Ice God Pillar barely survived, and slowly recovered its physical strength in the hail.

"Reggiece, use Blizzard!"

Immediately afterwards, Dakoto launched an attack quickly.

As soon as the Bingshenzhu raised his arm, a white wind and snow raged out from in front of him in an instant, covering the entire arena.

Its move is not intended to cause damage, but more to cover up the field of vision and delay the battle time.

The Dian Shenzhu with high attack and high speed must be a big crispy skin, and the continuous hailstorm will always make it fall down first.

"It's a pity, I knew I would bring leftovers with me."

Darko secretly regretted in his heart.

I have already used divine beasts, and if I still bring props, it would be a bit shameless.

Who would have thought that they would meet such a dangerous opponent in the finals, and they would have arranged all the props together.

"Electric God Pillar, use Thunder!!"

However, facing Dakoto's deliberate delaying tactics, Xiaozhi chose to directly drop ten meetings with one force!

Gathering the arms of the Electric God Pillar in front of the body, a burst of violent thunder and electric shock poured out in an instant. With the blessing of the characteristics of the transistor, the power is close to the most dangerous big bang move!

Boom boom boom! !

The dazzling electric light completely penetrated the blizzard covering the arena in an instant, exposing a large vacuum.

Such momentum shocked even Dakoto and Icicle.

If this thunder strike hits, what's the delay? He fell to the ground immediately!


However, Thunder is a low-hit move after all, and with the cover of the blizzard, it didn't hit the Ice God Pillar, making the latter let out a low cry for the rest of its life.

"If you can't hit it, then try this trick, use the lightning cage!!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he attacked again.

The electric current around the Dian Shenzhu burst out again, and the attack was so fast that it was too late for people to dodge.

The trajectory of the current like a parabola fell around the ice god pillar, and it was supported instantly, forming a lightning cage and surrounding it in the middle.


This is not just a control move, it also has astonishing damage, and the powerful electric shock explodes on his body.

Xiaozhi's offensive was not over yet, he roared loudly:

"The last move, Dian Shenzhu, use the electromagnetic gun!!"

Now under the control of the lightning cage, the Ice God Pillar can't dodge at all, and the hit rate of this electromagnetic gun will be 100%!

"Damn it, there's even an exclusive move!"

The effect of the lightning cage made Dakoto couldn't help but curse.

It is also a powerful characteristic and an exclusive move, which makes the three pillar giants in the original version 1.0 directly reduced to clowns!

It's just that the lightning cage hasn't dissipated at this moment, and if you forcefully touch the electric cage, you may suffer more damage.

But the turquoise lightning beam has already condensed in front of Dian Shenzhu, ready to go, and it contains amazing destructive power visible to the naked eye

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