He knows Pokémon better than me

One hundred and eighty eighth chapter Musashi is also a picture


"Did this little ghost grow up on hormones, so powerful?!"

"Hey! I can't win directly in terms of strength!?"

Soon, the third love competition officially began. Xiaozhi pulled the tail of the miniature dragon, while Kojiro hugged the head of the miniature dragon, trying to pull it into his arms, gritting his teeth, the relationship between the two The strength was evenly matched.

Although Kojiro is only two heads taller than Xiaozhi, he is evenly matched in terms of strength, which makes Xiaogang and Xiaoxia on the side slightly taken aback.


And the miniature dragon in the center has fallen into a life of complete doubts. While suffering from physical pain, he doubts whether he is his own.

In other words, it seems that he has never met his father?


"be mine..."

The two are still working hard, their biceps are starting to tremble, and the body structure of the miniature dragon is also moving closer to the direction of Hackron...

It's about to crack.

"Could it be that this is Hackron's real purpose?"

A wise light suddenly appeared in the eyes of Xiao Gang who was watching, secretly thinking that this Hack dragon might be on the fifth floor?

Like Xiaozhi's 002, he was trying to bloom flowers in the stage of Bulgaria, and embarked on a peak and lonely road that has never been walked by a garlic bastard.

So this Hackron also wants his child to grow into his own appearance in the miniature dragon stage?

Harkron: "..."

It obviously didn't think too much about it. In its mind, there should be one party who couldn't stand the pain of the miniature dragon and chose to let go first.

Mistake, it doesn't take into account the fact that there is no love on both sides...

Or the situation where both sides are too obsessed...

But now he stepped forward to stop it, and it seemed a bit cheap. After hesitating for half a second, Hackron resolutely chose to sit on the tiger and watch the mountain fight, just taking this opportunity to give his child an artificially long height.

The pain of youth is something that every giant dragon will experience. How can it transform without experiencing these?

Not surprising.

Anyway, it's never been...



During the pulling, I only heard a high-pitched cry from the miniature dragon, and the body seemed to grow a few centimeters with a "squeak" sound.

Dragon Pokémon will shed their skin after a period of time before turning into a dragon, and each time they shed their skin, their body will grow a little bit.

This tweet also brought Xiaozhi back to his senses, secretly thinking that even for the sake of the strongest technician, he shouldn't do such a reckless thing to a Pokémon, and the strength in his hands subconsciously became a little weaker.

"Huh? There is still a woman's benevolence?"

Feeling the weakening of the strength, Kojiro at the other end gave a disdainful smile, and then he was secretly happy, reaching out to push the mini dragon closer to his chest muscles.


So Xiaozhi suddenly said.

Halfway through unloading the force, he exerted force again. This deep and shallow movement made Kojiro unsteady and fell forward in front of him. His face fell to the ground, and the head of the mini dragon Slippery and slipping away.

Xiaozhi stepped back quickly, holding the mini dragon tightly in his hands, keeping a distance from Team Rocket.

A long-term pain is worse than a short-term pain, and it was his plan to suddenly unleash his strength and use his strange methods to catch Kojiro by surprise!

"Idiot, Kojiro!!"

"Trash, trash, meow!!"

Musashi Miaomiao hurriedly accused her from behind.

This action also made Kojiro completely angry. He stood up suddenly, his face was covered with dust, and he was very embarrassed. With a fierce expression, he stretched out his hand towards his crotch.

Caesar shrank his eyes and quickly reminded:

"Be careful, this kid is trying to play tricks, he has a cannon in his crotch!"

He had seen Kojiro pull out an rpg rocket launcher from his crotch before.

Everyone: "?"

The eyes of everyone looking at Caesar suddenly became a little curious.

But to everyone's surprise, the cannon did not appear, but a small round object and a small jagged object.

A small round mirror for makeup and a comb.

Kojiro began to recover his demeanor...

Women need to be refined, and men need to be refined even more.

To tell the truth, Musashi just wanted to make fun of it. If you really want to compare his appearance, you have to look at him Kojiro!

Soon, Kojiro became handsome again, with greasy hair and a pink face, with a delicate thorny rose dangling from the corner of his mouth, and his expression was full of class.

"What are you doing, what's the use of being handsome, the miniature dragon is gone!"

"Don't think I won't hit you pretty boy!!"

Kojiro gave his little friend a look of calmness, how could the Rockets have a fair competition?

It can be said that if they win, they are honest people and accept the prize reasonably.

If you lose, it's another matter, turn your face on the spot!

Kojiro stretched out his crotch again, this time he took out his rpg rocket launcher, and aimed the black gun barrel directly at the people in front of him, with a gloomy expression.

Yes, he does have a cannon in his crotch.

"The child's trick is over, now hand over the miniature dragon."

"And that strange electric mouse!"

Miaomiao and Musashi also stood next to Kojiro with their hips akimbo. They are a team.


Hackron hovered in front of Xiaozhi and his party, with a layer of anger lingering in his noble eyes.

"Don't get in my way, I'm not interested in wives."

"If you don't evolve into a fast dragon, then it doesn't make any sense meow."

"But judging by the length, it can be used as my fitness skipping rope."

Hackron: "?"

"Leave it to me here, motherfucker..."

Xiaozhi stepped forward suddenly, and he made a close relationship first, and climbed up the relationship of relatives.

In one hand, he held the miniature dragon who had just undergone inferior height-enhancing surgery and suffered from sequelae, and with the other hand, he took out a poke ball from his arms.

"Little ghost, I'm afraid you don't know how powerful my bazooka is."

"One shot down, a week later it will be your first seven oh meow~"

Xiaozhi ignored the enemy's taunt, and threw the elf ball with a backhand. The strength and speed were not too great, and it fell lightly into Musashi's hands.

"That's it?"

Musashi curled his lips, and looked at the elf ball in his hand, full of disdain.

It's just that the poke ball is a little green, does it imply that I have been green?

"Well, maybe this is fate..."

After throwing the hunting ball, Xiaozhi lowered his head and slowly uttered a sentence, his tone was quite emotional, which made the three Rockets on the opposite side puzzled.

"Boom, boom!!"

In the next second, the entire valley began to shake, trembling crazily, like thunder rolling...

Then a large herd of sharp-horned cattle rushed in across the bushes at the entrance of the valley, and rushed directly to the Rockets, breaking up the formation of the three in an instant.

Team Rocket trio: "?"

Iron hoofs are in the air, they were trampled away by the scalpers crazily, their bones crumbled...

"Boom, boom!!"

Before they got up, the scalpers turned back again and trampled on the three of them again. After all, this valley is a dead end, and only the bush hole can get out.

Another sound of bones crumbling...

In less than three breaths, the scalpers came and went even faster, and they had completely disappeared, leaving only messy footprints all over the ground. The Rockets trio lay on the ground with a messy face, looking hopeless.

There is also an inflated hunting ball on the ground. Needless to say, this is Xiaozhi's thirtieth Kentaro, which is considered alive.

He has faintly discovered the malice of the world towards him. As long as he throws a hunting ball in the hunting area, he will surely attract a group of Kentaro before the ball hits the ground.

"Good life!"

Caesar took the opportunity to snatch Kojiro's cannon and threw his small pistol into the water on the spot.

Now he was a shotgun for a cannon, and he carried it on his shoulder, aiming the black cannon barrel at the messy-looking Rocket trio.

"Now let me show you the old man's cannon!"

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