He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 189 Chi: Flowers in Mirror and Moon in Water!


The sound of dragon chant with a little anger sounded.

I saw a hurricane suddenly blowing up in the stream valley in the shape of a tornado, completely covering the Rockets trio.

Although it is the same wind, it is completely different from Bibi Bird's violent wind, with an irresistible and powerful majesty.

Described as skipping a rubber band, even the good-tempered Hackron became angry, and directly displayed his special skills.

"Hoo hoo!!"

The hurricane vortex brought the water in the creek, and instantly formed a massive waterspout. Following the gleam of the strange pearl under Hackron's head, the waterspout moved towards the bush hole consciously. .

"Ah Gulu Gulu..."

The Rockets trio were also involved in the waterspout, and they were caught off guard by a mouthful of water poured into their throats, making them speechless.

"Hoo hoo!!"

In the end, the waterspout exploded suddenly, turned into water splashes, and the aroused huge force rushed the trio into the sky, and within a few seconds, they turned into stars and disappeared into the sky...

"This is a great trick of the dragon attribute, tornado!"

"Tuigui, this is the first time I've seen it, so cool."

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia were beside me in amazement.

"Didi. Tornado, dragon attribute skill, the power is the same as impact, both are 40." The illustrated book suddenly reminded.

Harkron: "..."

The wild Harkron's favorability with Xiaozhi is -1.

Xiaozhi: "?"


Without the interference from outsiders, Xiaozhi stepped forward to pick up the 30th hunting ball, and secretly gave Dr. Oki an explanation, after all, the number was enough.

"I'll call you three hundred bulls."

He retracted the hunting ball, looked at the little blue snake in his hand, and then looked at Hackron, who was floating in mid-air and emitting a strange light.

Xiaozhi opened his mouth and asked:

"In order to make it the strongest... the strongest fast dragon, can I subdue the miniature dragon now?"

Hackron nodded. Although this person looked a little weird, he was energetic enough, and it would be a good thing to take him out to see the world.

Hearing that Xiaozhi was overjoyed, he was able to tame a Pokémon with great potential, and the matter of 30 Kentaro would be written off, and he was about to take out his poke ball.

"Okay, it's up to you! Poké Ball!"


The miniature dragon suddenly raised its head and shook its head at Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi was suffocated, and his expression changed suddenly: "Ah, don't you want me to subdue you?" "μμμ~~"

Mini Dragon nodded and agreed with Xiaozhi's words.

Tiny Dragons are naturally peaceful Pokémon, and would rather be with a calm Trainer than a muscular one.

Don't look at it's age, but its mind is not low. Just now, it has been paying attention to Xiaozhi's every move, and now it has a definition in its heart.

Reckless Lengtouqing.

Its dream is to evolve into an elegant Pokémon like its own mother, so it naturally has to follow an elegant trainer.

Xiaozhi, it doesn't like it.

Moreover, the dragon Pokémon has a natural and keen intuition. It always feels that once it follows Xiaozhi, it may embark on a sinful path, and its painting style will be very crooked...

Accept or not, this is a two-way choice, even Xiaozhi can't force it.

"Oh, then follow me, I'm the most elegant woman!" Seeing this, Xiaoxia who was next to her hurriedly cut off her beard, and her voice became delicate.

Xiao Gang did not show any weakness, and came forward:

"You can also follow me, I can turn you into a powerful muscular fast dragon in the future! Kill a Kentaro with one punch."

Mini Dragon: "..."

it gets tangled...


"Your cultivation is still not enough..."

In Xiaozhi's soul, Chi, who was swaying on the teacher's chair, suddenly initiated a private chat.

A strong trainer must be able to retract freely, and coexist with offensive and restrained momentum at the same time. Obviously, the current Xiaozhi is the pinnacle of high-spiritedness, and the offensive domineering intention in his body occupies the mainstream.

Introverted and calm?

Have to use a microscope to find it.

But Chi actually didn't think there was anything wrong with this point. The trainer should have to be reckless in the early stage, and slowly settle in the later stage. This is a process, and there is no rush.

"Oh, I forgot about you, brother Chi, let's change our bodies."

Xiaozhi suddenly had a brain change, and had a good idea, and instantly switched the right to use his body with Chi.

This time, it was Xiaozhi who sat on the grand master's chair in his soul, like an old man.

But in reality, Xiao Zhi's momentum suddenly changed when Chi occupied his body, becoming extremely cold, calm and introverted, like a proud and unmoving iceberg.

Introverted, but extremely powerful, even the suspended Hackron fell half a meter unknowingly.


Like a cat smelling a fishy smell, the mini dragon instantly pushed Xiaogang Xiaoxia away, and flew towards Chi.

Although I don't know what happened, the dragon Pokémon has a strong sixth sense, and it can feel that Xiaozhi is the most suitable trainer for him.

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia next to him also frowned, they didn't know what happened because of the change in breath, and secretly scolded Xiaozhi for playing dirty.

"Damn, the other me in the electronic world, can you give me some strength, and come to me tomorrow!!"

The two prayed secretly in their hearts, but what they hated more was their self-hate in the electronic world.

"Haha, I'm such a clever little ghost!"

Xiaozhi in his soul crazily rocked the Taishi chair like riding a wooden horse, with a proud expression on his face.

In terms of elegance, who is better than Duo Chi?

Among the people he knew, maybe the big guy who possessed that guy Xiaomao could compete with Brother Chi in terms of elegance.

Chi understood Xiaozhi's idea, smiled helplessly, and took out an empty elf ball without stopping.

The eyes of the miniature dragon flickered, and it jumped up and touched the button of the poke ball. It turned into a red light and entered it with a "swoosh", without even shaking, directly prompting to subdue it.


Xiaozhi in his soul couldn't help laughing, and then a successful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he switched back to the right to use his body with Chi again.

That's right, he regarded Chi as a tool man, a tool man for attacking miniature dragons.

It's just that during the switching process, the Pokémon illustrated book on Xiaozhi's waist also issued a subduing notification sound, accompanied by a festive bgm.

"Didi. Congratulations on subduing the miniature dragon, trainer: Chi."

Xiaozhi: "?"

His expression froze for a moment, and he suddenly had a bad premonition.

"When did you have the illusion that I didn't treat you as a tool...?"

The next second, a deep voice came from his soul, with a somewhat evil tone.

Chi, who sat back on the grand teacher's chair again, showed a villain's classic evil smile, and smiled coldly.

He named it,

Looking through the mirror!

Xiaozhi regards him as a tool man, but why doesn't Chi regard Xiaozhi as a tool man?

Playing tricks with him is too tender.

To be honest, his current Pokémon are basically in a retired state, and it is really not good to always pull them out to support the field. It is also time to take in a few new local Pokémon.

Although he in the electronic world has a full illustrated book, except for the main lineup, most of the Pokémon are only used to open the illustrated book to understand the characteristic skills, and he has not specially used it for training.

In this regard, he is completely different from Qinglu.

Qinglu is carefully cultivated by every Pokémon, and each one can carry the banner when it is pulled out.

So in terms of the peak, the red Pokémon is higher than the green one.

But in terms of average, Qinglu can push Chi to the ground for a while.

"Shooting brother, he gave me a miniature dragon for nothing, so I'll take it."

After talking about Chi, he didn't forget to add a knife.

"By the way, you can also command the miniature dragon as you like. As for whether you are obedient or not, that's not my problem, hehe."

Xiaozhi: "..."

Xiaogang Xiaoxia who was watching: "?"

Looking at Xiao Zhi whose expression changed for a while, they didn't know that at this moment, in this one body and two souls, there had been several rounds of collision in an instant in the intrigue.

In the end, Xiaozhi was completely defeated...

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