He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 190 Holding a golden pickaxe, he is the king of mountaineering!

"Damn it, illustrated book, tell me where there is a wild Kuailong that I can catch, I'm going to catch Kuailong directly!"

Xiaozhi, who failed in the fight, directly took out the illustration book, planning to do it in one step.

"Didi. Kuailong, the number is rare, and its habitat is unknown, but the witnesses of Kuailong appearing in a certain sea area in the south of the Kanto region prove that there are more than one of them, and there may be the habitat of Kuailong."

After a search in the illustrated book, the answer was given.

Kuailong is a kind Pokémon who likes to rescue those who fall into the water.

However, the Kanto sea area is so large, and Kuailong’s rescue of the travelers who fell into the water is only recorded in a fixed area. There are even many good people who have fabricated an island where only Kuailong lives, and named it Kuailong Island.

"Good job, when this trip to the Kanto region is over, we'll go to that Kuailong Island to catch a full-bodied Kuailong!"

Xiaozhi's eyes brightened immediately, and the previous unhappiness disappeared in an instant.

Originally, he didn't have any obsession with miniature dragons, but he just wanted a top-notch technician, just for brother Chi to train well and evolve as soon as possible, and then he would massage his bones for nothing.

Chi, who was swaying on the grand master's chair, suffocated. He always felt that Xiaozhi's painting style had been completely distorted since he met the rocket team's fast dragon.

Kuailong, strength is the most important thing!

It is worth mentioning that without the mini dragon, Hackron can still be with Caesar in an open and aboveboard manner, which can be regarded as a small and perfect twilight love.

"By the way, who is the father of the child?"

Before leaving, Xiaozhi helped Chi ask the last question.

It is impossible for this miniature dragon to reproduce asexually. Which Pokémon is the father? You have to ask carefully.

As a child, the miniature dragon may be able to inherit the skills, characteristics, habits, talents, etc. of the parent. Knowing the type of the parent has a certain effect on the direction of later training.

"Linglingling~" Hacklong replied with his eyes fixed.

As Caesar, who was partly bound to him, he could barely understand what Hackron meant, and after some communication, he opened his mouth to explain to Xiaozhi:

"Also a male Harkron..."

It is said that decades ago, when Hackron was still a cute girl, one day he suddenly met another male Pokémon, who also had a slender body, blue and white skin, and a noble look on his body. Breath of the dragon.

It just looks a little weird.

According to the male Hack dragon, the Hack dragon family is rare in number and has a large gender difference. Females look like this, but males are different. In order to attract females, there will be huge differences in appearance.

The horns and pearls on the head will disappear, and white feathers like cotton candy will grow on the slender blue body.

Hackron had no doubts about him. After all, the other party had the aura of a dragon on his body, and his appearance was somewhat similar to his own, so he was slapped on the spot by the other party.

Two Pokémon are not even reproductively isolated and can legally lay eggs.

Although the male hakron waved his wings and left the next day, telling him to stay where he was and to pick some oranges for him, he never came back.

Xiaozhi and his party: "..."

Are there gender differences in Hackron now?

How does this plot feel that Hackron was cheated by someone...?



After visiting both the Light Red Gym and the hunting area, there was nothing else worth staying in this city. Xiaozhi and his party regrouped, except for Light Red City, heading south, intending to go to the location of the seventh gym.

Honglian Town.

It is said that this is a volcanic town surrounded by the ocean, and the description alone made the group look forward to it.


after one day.

The three of them came to a small hill in a canyon landscape, surrounded by reddish-brown rock layers and potholes.

Over this hill, you can see the ocean.

"Go, go, don't fall behind."

"I've sold all my wealth, and I've made a fortune in just a few days!"

"I heard that there is really a baby this time."

At a fork in the road, the bustling sound attracted the attention of Xiaozhi and his group. They saw a large number of people walking towards the left fork in the fork.

They lined up in a long line, and one person entered every 3 seconds.

This group of people are basically in the same shape, carrying bags, wearing brown vests, hiking pants, hiking boots, and carrying an iron pick on their shoulders.

"A lot of mountaineering men..."

Xiaozhi was taken aback, the direction they were going to go was the right side of the fork in the road, but they heard the noisy voice on the left and heard the word "Baby", the three of them looked at each other and walked decisively to the left.

Xiao Gang took the lead to go forward, grabbed a kind-faced mountaineering man, and then took out his mountaineering qualification certificate from his bosom, which was justified and close.

"Yo, three-star mountaineering boy, my brother is young and has good strength."

The mountaineering man looked Xiaogang up and down and was quite impressed.

The male mountaineering qualification certificate is a certificate issued by the World Mountaineering Men Love Protection Association. Three stars represent elite mountaineering men, and four stars represent powerful mountaineering men at the king level.

Tianxia Shannan is a family, so it is necessary to provide convenience for communication.

This is the purpose of the Mountaineering Men's Love Protection Association, and the two quickly became acquainted.

It is worth mentioning that there are also female trainers in the Mountaineering Men Love Protection Association, but they are collectively called mountaineering men.

Xiao Gang nodded and asked the question:

"Brother, is there any money to pick it up?"

"Oh, there are precious fossils of prehistoric Pokémon in the Grand Canyon recently, and we are planning to dig them."

Shannan's face was excited, Pokémon fossils, which are much more valuable than gold mines.

You must know that several fossil mining sites in the Kanto region are firmly controlled by the Pokémon Alliance, and passers-by cannot enter at all, but this Grand Canyon is different, it has just been discovered, and the Pokémon Alliance has not had time to come to block the site.

Maybe the road will be closed three days ago. Taking advantage of this opportunity, news spread quietly from the Mountaineering Men's Love Protection Association, and a large group of mountaineering men came here to take advantage of it.

Xiao Gang nodded, he forgot to look at the mountaineering men's club these days.

Because every time he climbs in that group of mountain men, he can see some mountain men doing ghs, and he used to be at the top.

But now, with a calm heart, he directly moved the group to the infrequently used group chat, so he didn't pay much attention, and almost missed a big one unexpectedly.


Xiao Gang looked at the iron pickaxes carried by the shoulders of the mountain men around him, and secretly thought that he was going to use the iron pickaxes to dig fossils.

"Let's not talk about hxd, I'm going to go in and find a good place to dig."

Speaking of which, the mountaineering man was carrying an iron pick, and hurried into the fork on the left.

The three of Xiaozhi looked at each other, and hurriedly lined up at the back of the line tacitly. How could such a good thing be done without them when it comes to digging precious fossils?

It's just that the team's progress is a bit slow. The three of them lined up for 10 minutes, and they just reached the middle of the team.

At the end of the team, new mountain men are constantly being added...


"Hey, why are you jumping in line?"

"Queue biss!"

"But there's something about this pickaxe..."

Xiaozhi suddenly heard the noisy voices behind the team, and subconsciously looked back.

Unexpectedly, when it turned around, a bright golden light blinded its eyes.

When he concentrated again, he saw a boy with a hedgehog head standing at the end of the line, dressed in mountaineering men's clothing, but the fabric looked very high-end, shining under the sunlight.

The most eye-catching thing is the pickaxe on the shoulder of the hedgehog boy.

Other people's mountain men are all iron pickaxes and copper pickaxes, but his one is completely different.


The resplendent and domineering golden pickaxe!

"No way? I don't think there is no brother here, right? Holding a local tyrant's golden pickaxe in my hand means that I am the king of mountain men among mountain climbers! If you need to line up for hammers, let me get out of the way! Hahahaha !!"

The tone of the young man with the hedgehog head, and the posture of laughing with his hips on his hips, are three points more arrogant than the golden pick on his shoulder!

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