He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 191: The Fossil Collector

"Xiao Mao?!"

Xiaozhi was startled, because this arrogant young man was his rival, Xiaomao from Zhenxin Town.

"Hehe, isn't this Xiaozhi, who also came to dig fossils? Just wear this suit? Are you looking down on the profession of mountaineering men?!"

Xiaomao noticed Xiaozhi and his party, and immediately became interested, and walked directly in front of him, waving the golden pickaxe in his hand in front of him.

The pickaxe looked greedy at Xiaozhi for a while, and he just wanted to reach out to grab it, but Xiaomao carried it on his shoulder again, so he could only say with a dark face:

"Xiao Mao, since when did you become a mountain boy?"

"Subject three just tested last month."

Xiaomao smiled triumphantly, and took out a Shannan qualification certificate with the other hand, and the cover was also a three-star Shannan.

"Young and promising." Xiao Gang also took out his Sanxingshan male certificate, and when he saw this, Xiao Mao's eyes lit up immediately, and there was a spark.

"As expected of Mr. Xiaogang, you are amazing."

"You are polite, Mr. Xiaomao, you are worthy of being a man on the fifth floor, and you are also a three-star mountain man."

Tianxia Shannan is a family, which is the first purpose of the association.

When the two three-star mountain men shook hands, it seemed that there was an invisible bond.

Xiaozhi: "?"


"Then I'm leaving, you can slowly line up here, hee hee~"

The two mountain men did not continue to communicate in depth, only to see Xiaomao carrying the golden pickaxe on his shoulder again, swaggering towards the front of the team, inserting dozens of people, and directly entering the intersection.

"He cut the queue!?"

Xiaozhi was a little dazed, looking at the mountain men around him, he didn't intend to stop him, and was even more confused.

"Xiaozhi, he is really not talking nonsense. He holds a golden pickaxe and is the King of the Mountain Man. He can jump in line at will regardless of his position. This is the third rule of the Mountain Man Association..."

With deep eyes, Xiao Gang said slowly.

It seems that Xiao Mao is also a man of great luck, and he actually got the legendary golden pick.

Xiaozhi swallowed, looking at the golden legend gradually receding in front of him, he couldn't help asking:

"This golden pick...is there such a special place? Can it turn a stone into gold?"

"Well... it can jump in line..."

After holding back for a long time, Xiao Gang only mentioned one purpose.

Because the golden pickaxe really only has this purpose.

Xiaozhi: "..."

"By the way, what is the second rule of your Mountain Men's Association?" Xiaoxia who was next to him also asked curiously.

The first is that Shannan is convenient for each other, and the third is that Jin Haozi can jump in line at will.

"Well, the second one is that holding a diamond pickaxe is the emperor of Shannan, and his status is even higher than that of the five-star Shannan. However, this is already a legendary item, and the diamond pickaxe has long since disappeared..."

Xiao Gang sighed and explained.

Xiaozhi Xiaoxia: "..."

The Mountain Men's Association seems to be out of their minds.


Half an hour later, the three successfully entered the intersection.

This fossil-infested grand canyon was also fully presented in front of the three of them.

Surrounded by cliffs, but not very steep, there are constantly crossing slopes leading to the bottom of the canyon.

At the bottom of the canyon is a huge flat rocky bottom, which is as big as three or four football fields. At this moment, there is a mountain boy standing a few meters away, smashing the floor with an iron pickaxe.

Of course, one of the corners is the most eye-catching. Every time the iron pick is dropped, it can arouse a layer of bright golden light, which looks incomparably classy.

"Hey! That pickaxe is too cool!"

Xiaozhi was a little jealous, but he had no choice but to borrow a low-quality iron pick from a few mountain men, and found a place where no one was close but was kind, and rolled up his sleeves to dig.

Poorly equipped, but he has great strength.

And its luck has always been good, it will definitely dig out precious Pokémon fossils!



Xiaogang Xiaoxia on the side also started digging.



A blunt voice suddenly came from not far away, as if something unusual had been dug up, Xiaozhi looked intently, and it was exactly where the golden pick was.


"As expected of a golden pick, I thought it could only be used to jump in line, but it turns out that it can also increase luck."

Many mountain men came up one after another, and Xiaomao suddenly raised his head and couldn't help laughing with his hands on his hips.

"Hmph, even if my young master doesn't use this golden pickaxe, his luck has always been full! Ahaha!"

As he spoke, he pulled out a yellowish-brown stone that was obviously different from the surrounding reddish-brown soil layer. The periphery of this object seemed to be covered by a layer of translucent amber, which was very strange.

Pokémon fossils, unlike other rocks, are actually very hard and can be smashed directly with a pickaxe.

"It's really a fossil."

"As expected of a golden pick."

"Wait, I'll let you identify it."

Among the many mountain men, a young man who looked like a researcher in a white coat ran out. He looked about 17 or 18 years old, with a pair of thick square eyes, which looked a little different.

"Well, let me see, you are indeed a prehistoric fossil..."

Before Xiaomao could laugh, the young researcher continued:

"Hmm... This is the fecal fossil of a prehistoric Pokémon. According to the color and thickness... it should be constipated for three days..."

Xiaomao: "?"

"Ahahaha!! I actually dug up poop, this idiot really made me laugh!!"

Xiaozhi on the other end burst into laughter, the kind of unscrupulous laughter.

Because of the status of the golden pickaxe, other mountain men dare not laugh at it openly, but Xiaozhi doesn't care about it, and being able to mock Xiaomao is definitely the top three pleasure in his life.

Xiaomao: "..."

Its face was a little ugly under the light of the golden pick.


This time it was Xiaozhi's turn to dig something hard. He quickly used the pickaxe method, and within half a second picked up a similar yellow-brown amber rock.

The young researcher hurried to this side, and after analyzing it, he said in surprise:

"Let me see, hey, this is also a prehistoric fossil!"

Before Xiaozhi was happy, he said the second sentence again.

"Well... this one has been constipated for a whole week, and the concentration is much higher than the previous one..."

Xiaozhi: "?"

"Ahahaha!! You can even dig up poop fossils, you are the pistachio of the fire!!"

Two-stage inversion.

Here it was replaced by Xiao Mao's unscrupulous ridicule beside him, while Xiao Zhi's face darkened.

Everyone: "..."

Is this the toilet of prehistoric Pokémon? Why are there all fossilized stools?


"Let me introduce myself. I am a collector of prehistoric Pokémon fossils, and I am also the technical consultant for the team building activities of the Mountain Men's Association. I specialize in identifying the types of fossils for everyone."

The young man with square glasses greeted Xiaozhi and his party.

He has a keen sense of smell for fossils, as if he smelled fossils from Xiaozhi, so he came up to say hello.

"Hey, why do I think you look familiar."

"Did we meet at Yuejian Mountain?"

"Are you the one called Richuan Gangban?"

The three of Xiaozhi were taken aback for a moment, remembering the researcher who gave Xiaozhi a fossil in Yuejian Mountain that day.

"Yuejianshan? Oh, you should be talking about my cousin, he is just an amateur fossil lover."

The researcher smiled slightly, revealing a haughty expression.

"Hello, my name is Toyosaka Hikawa."

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