He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 192: Exchanging Fossils

"Is it so cruel...?"

"Ghost, this name is really backward..."

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang were amazed.

Toyosaka Hikawa scratched his head, completely unaware of what the other person was talking about.

There's nothing wrong with their clan's name, folks in the village think the name sounds good, like his father, it's called Ri Chuan Sha Zuo.

His cousin's father is called Hikawa Marusui.

They are all well-known figures in the local area.

"Hehe, anyway, I came to you because I have something important to discuss. If I'm not wrong, you should be carrying a real Pokémon fossil with you right now?"

Richuan dragged Xiaozhi and his party to a small corner where no one was paying attention, and quietly moved over.

"My nose is very good."

"Indeed." Xiaozhi nodded. In Yuejian Mountain, he did get a fossil from Cousin Richuan.

"I don't know if I may take the liberty to ask, which one is it?"

"A carapace fossil."

Xiaozhi truthfully replied that the carapace is the fossil of the fossil helmet, which he still understands, and besides, the one who gave him the fossil was Richuan Fan, so there is no need to worry about any crooked thoughts.

"Good life!"

Richuan's eyes brightened immediately, and he applauded again and again. He took out a huge leather and wooden box from his two-dimensional backpack, and placed it on the ground very carefully.

When I opened it, I found that there was a noble red silk and satin cloth inside the box, and there were earth-brown amber rocks of different shapes arranged neatly on it. Suddenly, a long and distant breath came over my face, faintly carrying some mysterious color.

"Ghost, are these all real fossils?"

"How about we cut it off...?"

Xiaozhi and his party were like bumpkins, their eyes flickered and their saliva was almost drooling.

Roughly count, there are a dozen of them!

"Hey, I've said that I'm a professional fossil collector. These are the Pokémon fossils I collected from various regions around the world. Each of them has a well-preserved genetic sequence. Priceless treasure!"

Richuan looked a little complacent, he was really different from his amateur cousin, he was a professional.

"It's just a pity that I have collected all the fossils from all over the world, but the last two of the three fossils in the Kanto region are missing. One is the mysterious amber fossil, and the other is the carapace fossil in your hand."

"How about it, do you want to exchange it with me? These fossils are extremely rare in the Kanto region..." Richuan leaned forward again, looking expectant.

Xiaozhi retreated tactically for a while, and only then did he realize that the latter was so courteous, and it turned out that this was his purpose.

But then his eyes lit up.

The rarity of Pokémon fossils lies not only in their collection value, but also in the ability to restore and reconstruct a real prehistoric Pokémon with black technology. He knew this a long time ago.

Carapace fossils can restore a fossil helmet. He is familiar with this Pokémon. His hxd Xiaogang now has one on his body. Sometimes he will throw a bone for the fossil helmet to pick up to play games.

"A new one is also a good choice..."

As a flamboyant person, Xiaozhi is more keen on being independent.

"I agree to exchange with you."

Xiaozhi didn't even look at it, just reached into his backpack and threw the carapace fossil to Richuan.

"It's really a carapace fossil!"

After a short look, Richuan sorted out the types, and then took out a magnifying glass to examine them carefully.

"Well...but this one is of average quality, but the basic genes are preserved, so it's not a big problem..."

That's what he said, but he still put it away carefully, knowing that for a collector, the last piece of the puzzle is often more difficult than the previous ones.

"Then it's my turn."

This time, Xiaozhi looked at the red leather box. He was a little dazzled by the messy fossils on it. He wished he could knock Richuan unconscious, then took his leather bag and ran away on the spot.

"Xiaozhi, pick this one, this one looks good."

Xiaoxia pointed to a feather fossil and a fin-shaped fossil, among which the beauty value was considered the highest.

"Choosing these two, I can feel the strong will of rock exuding from them."

Xiao Gang pointed to a dragon-shaped fossil and a fish-shaped fossil. He always felt that these two fossils should be pieced together, and it was estimated that they could hatch and restore a shocking beast.

But Xiaozhi made a choice early in the morning, and grabbed him without hesitation.

That's right, his only selection criterion.

Be big!

Which one is bigger, which one to choose!

Among the dozens of fossils, the one in the middle that looked like a carapace and half a gourd scoop caught his attention. There were some small spikes around it, which looked very imposing.

In terms of size, it is more than twice as large as other fossils.

He estimated that this should be a solid armor on a certain Pokémon. If it recovers in the future, it must be another Pokémon with a promising future!

Seeing this, Rikawa couldn't help reminding:

"This is a skull fossil..."

Xiaozhi: "?"

He weighed this piece of skull, his eyes froze for a moment, meaning that what he is holding in his hand is a brain?

"Hehe, this skull is also one of my treasures. The genetic data is well preserved, and it can hatch and restore a Pokémon named Brachiosaurus. This is a unique Pokémon in the Sinnoh region."

Hikawa introduced with a smile:

"And according to my research, the skull of this cranium is more than twice that of the same kind. It is a special big-headed Pokémon."

Strange to say, there should be no unscrupulous companies like the Three Horned Deer in the prehistoric world. It is impossible for ordinary Pokémon to eat their heads so big.

It can be said that this piece of fossil is the most special one on my side, and I didn't expect it to be taken away directly.

"Big head? That's a good thing."

Xiaozhi's eyes brightened immediately, it sounded like an extraordinary Pokémon, suitable to be his partner as a future Pokémon master!

So he hastily and carefully put the skull into his backpack, because it couldn't be hatched and recovered in secret, and it would be very easy to use it to smash the Rockets in the future.

"And this, I'll give it to you too."

Richuan suddenly thought of something, and handed over a small medicine bottle. After shaking it a little, he could still feel some pills inside.

"This is the secret black technology of our Hikawa family. You can use it as a catalyst. Remember to pour all the contents of this bottle into it when hatching and restoring fossil Pokémon. It can activate the fossil Pokémon to the maximum extent. prehistoric blood."

The hatched and restored fossil Pokémon is actually not particularly rare now. This technology has matured, and there are institutions in various regions that can realize it.

In the Kanto area, there are two places, one is the fossil museum in Nibi City.

Another coincidence is that it is in Honglian Town, where everyone is going, in a place called Mysterious Pokémon Research Institute.

(Well, it's a skull dragon. There's no other reason to choose this one, it's purely selfish.)

(It’s really not a temporary change. I said it in Chapter 12. I was puzzled by Brother Pingtou’s character. It’s so obvious. It should be easy to guess, right? And someone mentioned it in the chapter review of Chapter 12. It's at this point.)

(My, maybe the fire level is really not particularly high, hee hee.)

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