He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1919 Two World Championships

The Lily of the Valley Conference officially ended, and Xiaozhi also put a golden championship trophy into his backpack and took it away.

Next, it was time to leave Lily of the Valley Island.

But before leaving, Zhulan found her.

The two of them had a tacit understanding, and neither of them mentioned the matter of releasing water in the exhibition match.

"Speaking of Xiaozhi, where are you going to travel next?"

Zhulan rolled up the blond hair on her forehead and asked with a smile.

If it's not on the field, Zhulan is a gentle big sister, with a peaceful and lazy temperament.

"Where are you going to travel? I haven't decided yet, but I should go back to Zhenxin Town first."

The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched, and he replied.

He is not someone who will stay in the same place all the time. After relaxing in Zhenxin Town for a while, he will naturally embark on a new journey.

"Oh, is that so, then I have two suggestions~"

Zhulan smiled slightly, and then took out two letters, which seemed to be postcards for invitations.

"This is."

Inserting it into his hand, Xiaozhi checked it curiously.

"This is a competition that other regions invited me to participate in, it's called the Pokémon World Championship~"

Zhulan slowed down her speech, letting Xiaozhi explain slowly while watching.

"The Pokémon World Championship? And there are two regions.?"

It sounded like an incredible match, and Xiaozhi immediately became interested.

However, these two invitation letters came from two places.

One is from Fanba City in the Hezhong region, and the other is from Gongmen City in the Galar region.

The rules for participating are also somewhat different from those of the Alliance Conference. There is no need for a badge, and anyone can participate.

Put all the masters on one stage at once for the grandest competition!

Hearing this introduction, Xiaozhi became even more excited, it sounds more challenging than the alliance meeting!

According to the description on the envelope, in the final stage of the tournament, being as strong as the king of the league may be just a stepping stone on the periphery.

"Hehe, it's actually not as powerful as described above."

Zhulan just covered her mouth and smiled lightly, introducing to Xiaozhi some cold knowledge that was not mentioned in the invitation letter.

"Although these two championships both use 'world' as the prefix, they are both events of recent interest, so they don't actually attract many participants."

As for what was described above, the top eight players are all league champion players, and the league kings can't even make it to the top ten.

This is just the ideal state.

After all, as a newly emerging event, why can it attract the kings and champions from other regions to join in?

So for these two games, the most important thing now is to spread the hero posts widely, so that as many strong players as possible can come to participate.

These two letters are the invitations sent by the other two regions to the Sinnoh Alliance.

Especially the invitation to her, the league champion.

"So Miss Zhulan, which competition are you going to participate in!? It will definitely be an incredible battle!"

Xiaozhi shouted excitedly, maybe there is the stage where he and Miss Zhulan will finally fight!

But unexpectedly, Zhulan shook her head.

"Uh, I probably won't go."

Although she is somewhat interested in the world championships in the Galar region, but after all, it is the S1 season, and there should not be many masters.

For the Sinnoh alliance, there is a high probability that they will send an alliance king or gym master to go there.

If the intensity of the competition is indeed as described in the letter, Zhulan doesn't mind participating in the second season's championship.

However, she has just experienced the Pillar of the Spear incident, and now Zhulan is more interested in studying the myths and legends of the three gods of Sinnoh.

There is also the Hezhong area next door. It seems that there have been some myths and secrets recently, which are also very attractive to Zhulan.

"I see."

After hearing the reason clearly, Xiaozhi gradually calmed down from the initial excitement.

Indeed, for any competition, the first session has no gold content.

However, there should at least be an alliance champion in the region, and the level is at least much higher than that of the alliance conference.

In the Galar area, it happens to be the place where Frozen Bird practiced. If you go to participate in this championship, you can visit Frozen Bird by the way.

But it's a little strange to go to visit just now.

If you go to the championship in the Hezhong area.

"Forget it, let's see."

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi simply closed his eyes, and asked Zhulan to randomly hold two invitation letters in front of him.

Both areas are good places to go. Since you can't choose, just choose one at random.

"Okay, you can choose~"

Zhulan also had a rare playfulness, the letters were already placed in her left and right hands, her eyes were bent, waiting for Xiaozhi's choice.


Soon, the latter pulled out a letter, and Zhulan's eyes drooped as she looked at the remaining envelope in her hand.

The pattern on it is a pink one with the logo of a huge palace gate building.

"Is it indeed Fanba City in the Hezhong area?"

After opening his eyes and seeing the letter in his hand clearly, Xiaozhi finally smiled wryly.

During this period of time, the guidance hints given to him by the Hezhong District seem to be a bit too much

"Hezhong District, don't you know what happened to Mr. Adek recently?"

Putting away another invitation letter from the Galar region, Zhulan murmured softly.

The veteran champion's ace Pokémon seems to have had some problems a few years ago, causing the former to seldom fight with all his strength in front of the public recently.

Most of them are wandering around the Hezhong area, looking for potential newcomer trainers who can take over their positions and train them.

Looking back at the Galar region, it seems that an incredible league champion has been born in recent years, and the momentum is at its highest moment.

That area has a very strong Pokémon battle atmosphere, especially good at publicity and promotion, that is, it is the kind of gymnasium challenge that usually fills up the auditorium.

At this time, the Hezhong region and the Galar region launched similar World Championship activities at the same time, and naturally they also have the intention of competing with each other.

But Zhulan could only mourn for the United Alliance.

If this method is compared, it is estimated that it will be completely compared to the Galar region.

After bidding farewell to Zhulan, several legendary Pokémon also bid farewell to Xiaozhi.


Rabi Shi beckoned, bid farewell to Xiaozhi and Kiraqi, flapped his wings and left.

It is now going to find a forest to retreat, and strive to master Dialga's exclusive time moves!

Kiraqi stayed and chose to travel with Xiaozhi.

"Xie Mi~!"

Xie Mi left with the young couple Nightmare God and Dream God, returned to the reverse world, and continued to lead the life of the group.

All of a sudden, the Pokémon on his body seemed to be much less, which made Xiaozhi quite melancholy.

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